

発効日: 2016幎8月23日

Dialpadでは、お客様の䟿宜のために、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョンの条項を提䟛したすが、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞ ョンの条項は、Dialpadたたはお客様を法的に拘束するものではないこずにご留意ください。お客様ずDialpadずの間で法的に拘束力を有す るバヌゞョンは、本ペヌゞ䞋郚に蚘茉された英語バヌゞョンの条項であるものずしたす。

本曞をよくお読みいただき、圓瀟のりェブサむト、補品、サヌビス、およびアプリケヌション「サヌビス」の䜿甚を芏定する芏則および制 限に぀いおご確認ください。サヌビスおよびアプリケヌションにはDialpad MeetingsずDialpadが含たれたすが、これらに限定されたせん。 この芏玄たたはサヌビスに関するご質問、コメント、たたは懞念などがあれば、[email protected]から圓瀟ぞご連絡いただくか、 圓瀟の䜏所3001 Bishop Ranch, Suite 400A, San Ramon, CA 94583たで文曞でご連絡ください。

この利甚芏玄「利甚芏玄」は、お客様ずDialpad「Dialpad」、「圓瀟」ずの間の法的拘束力のある契玄です。お客様はすべおの利甚 芏玄に合意しお承認する必芁があり、そうでない堎合、サヌビスを䜿甚する暩利が䞎えられたせん。 お客様が䜕らかの方法でサヌビスを䜿甚す るこずにより、お客様はこの利甚芏玄のすべおに合意したこずを意味し、この利甚芏玄はお客様がサヌビスを䜿甚する限り有効に存続したす。 この利甚芏玄には、本曞の条項だけでなく、プラむバシヌポリシヌず著䜜暩ポリシヌも含たれたす。


圓瀟は垞にそのサヌビスの改善に努めおいるため、この利甚芏玄もサヌビスずずもに倉曎が必芁になる堎合がありたす。 圓瀟は利甚芏玄をい぀ でも倉曎する暩利を留保したすが、その堎合、Dialpadのりェブサむトに通知を掲茉する、お客様に電子メヌルを送信する、および、たたは䜕ら かの他の手段によっおお客様にお知らせしたす。新しい利甚芏玄に合意されない堎合、拒吊するこずは自由ですが、それは残念ながらお客様がサ ヌビスを䜿甚できなくなるこずを意味したす。 利甚芏玄ぞの倉曎が有効になった埌でお客様がサヌビスを䜿甚した堎合、すべおの倉曎に合意し たこずを意味したす。䞊蚘の圓瀟による倉曎を陀き、お客様ず圓瀟が眲名のある曞面により合意しおいない堎合、この利甚芏玄のその他の修正た たは倉曎は効力を持ちたせん。


䞀郚のサヌビスには、この利甚芏玄に加えおサヌビス独自の具䜓的な芏玄がありたす「远加芏玄」。 远加芏玄が芏定するサヌビスを䜿甚す るこずにより、お客様は远加芏玄に制玄されるこずに合意するこずずなりたす。利甚芏玄ず远加芏玄の間に矛盟がある堎合は、利甚芏玄が優先さ れたす。

Dialpadの远加芏玄は、dialpad.com/jp/legal の「Dialpad サヌビス利甚芏玄」です。


Dialpadは、圓瀟のナヌザヌのプラむバシヌを真摯に尊重しおいたす。珟圚のDialpadのプラむバシヌポリシヌに぀いおは、 dialpad.com/jp/legal の「プラむバシヌポリシヌ」をご確認 ください。

eTrust Certified Privacy Policy : Click to Verify

児童オンラむンプラむバシヌ保護法「COPPA」は、オンラむンサヌビスプロバむダヌが13歳未満の児童から個人を識別可胜な情報をオンラ むンで意図的に収集する前に、保護者から同意を埗るこずを矩務付けおいたす。 圓瀟はお客様が13歳未満であるこずを知りながら、そのお客様 の個人を識別可胜な情報を収集し、たたは求めるこずはありたせん。13歳未満のお子様は、圓瀟サヌビスに登録したり、個人情報を圓瀟ぞ送った りしないでください。13歳未満のお子様から個人情報を収集したこずが刀明した時は、できるだけ早急に圓該情報を削陀したす。13歳未満のお 子様から圓瀟ぞ個人情報が提䟛された可胜性があるず思われる時は、[email protected]たでご連絡ください。


お客様はアカりントぞの登録ず、パスワヌドずナヌザヌ名「ナヌザヌID」の遞択が求められたす。 お客様は圓瀟に、正確で完党な、曎新さ れた自分の登録情報を提䟛するこずを玄束したす。 お客様のナヌザヌIDに、お客様に䜿甚暩がない名前を遞択したり、他人になりすたすこずを 意図しお他人の名前を遞択したりするこずはできたせん。 圓瀟の事前の曞面による蚱可なく、お客様のアカりントを他人に譲枡するこずはでき たせん。

お客様は、お客様が拘束力のある契玄を結ぶこずができる法定幎霢であるこずたたは、そうでない堎合、お客様の芪たたは保護者によるサヌ ビスの䜿甚蚱可を受け、お客様の芪たたは保護者がこの利甚芏玄をお客様に代わっお合意しおいるこずを衚明し、保蚌するものずしたす。お客 様が組織たたは䌁業に代わっおこの利甚芏玄に合意する堎合、お客様はその組織たたは䌁業のためにこの利甚芏玄に合意し、それらをこの利甚芏 玄に拘束させる暩限があるこずを衚明し、保蚌するものずしたすこの堎合、この利甚芏玄における「お客様」たたは「お客様の」は、この文章 を陀き、圓該組織たたは䌁業を指すこずになりたす。

お客様は、自分自身の個人䜿甚たたは業務䜿甚のためにのみ、お客様に適甚されるすべおの法什に準拠するようにサヌビスを䜿甚したす。 適甚 法什でお客様によるサヌビスの䜿甚が犁止されおいる堎合、サヌビスを䜿甚するこずはできたせん。圓瀟は、法什に違反するようなサヌビスの䜿 甚に察しお責任を負うこずはありたせん。

お客様は、お客様のアカりントたたはパスワヌドを誰にも䌝えおはならず、お客様のアカりントずパスワヌドのセキュリティを保護する必芁が ありたす。お客様は、お客様のアカりントに関連するあらゆる掻動に察しお責任を負いたす。


お客様は、お客様が以䞋のような方法でコンテンツたたはナヌザヌ提出物それぞれの甚語は以䞋に定矩したすを投皿しないこず、たたは他 の方法でサヌビスを䜿甚しないこず、たたはサヌビスず亀流しないこずを衚明し、保蚌し、これに合意するものずしたす。

  1. 他人Dialpadを含むの知的財産暩たたはその他䞀切の暩利を䟵害たたは違反するこず
  2. 䜕らかの法什たたは芏制に違反するこず
  3. 有害、䞍正、欺眔、脅迫、嫌がらせ、䞭傷的、わいせ぀、たたはその他の奜たしくないこず
  4. お客様のDialpadアカりントたたは他の誰かのセキュリティを脅かすこず他人がお客様ずしおサヌビスにログむンできるようにするなど
  5. 他のナヌザヌからパスワヌド、アカりント、たたはその他のセキュリティ情報を取埗するように詊みるこず
  6. いずれかのコンピュヌタヌネットワヌクのセキュリティを䟵害する、たたはいずれかのパスワヌドたたはセキュリティ暗号化コヌドを解読す るこず
  7. Maillist、Listserv、いずれかの圢態の自動応答システムもしくは「スパム」をサヌビス䞊で実行するこず、たたはお客様がサヌビスに ログむンしおない間に実行されるか䜜動するプロセス、あるいは他の方法でサヌビスの適切な動䜜を劚害するプロセスを実行するこずサヌビ スのむンフラストラクチャに䞍合理な負荷をかけるこずを含む
  8. 適甚法什によっお保護され、サヌビスに含たれるかサヌビスを通じおアクセス可胜な知的財産暩を、競合する補品もしくはサヌビスを構築す る、たたはその機胜もしくはナヌザヌむンタヌフェむスを耇写するこずを目的ずしお䜿甚するこず
  9. Dialpadの事前の曞面による同意なしに、公開を意図した補品ベンチマヌクテストたたはその他の比范分析を目的ずしお、サヌビスを䜿甚 するこず、たたはサヌビスの䜿甚を蚱可するこず
  10. Dialpadの事前の曞面による同意なしに、䜕らかの゜フトりェア、゜フトりェアコヌド、たたは゜フトりェアの掟生品を開発するためにサ ヌビスを䜿甚するこず
  11. サヌビスたたはコンテンツの、たたはそれに関連するペヌゞ、デヌタ、たたはその䞀郚を手動たたは自動的手段を通じお「クロヌリング 」、「スクレむピング」、「スパむダリング」するこず
  12. コンテンツの重芁郚分を耇写たたは保管するこず
  13. サヌビスの、たたはサヌビスに関連する゜ヌスコヌド、たたは基盀ずなるアむデアたたは情報を取埗するため、デコンパむル、リバヌス゚ン ゞニアリング、たたはその他の詊みを行うこず



サヌビス䞊でたたはサヌビスを通じお衚瀺される、実行される、たたは利甚可胜な、テキスト、グラフィック、デヌタ、蚘事、写真、画像、む ラスト、ナヌザヌ提出物などこれらに限定されないの資料䞊蚘を「コンテンツ」ず総称は、著䜜暩および/たたはその他の知的財産法に よっお保護されおいたす。 お客様は、サヌビスを通じおお客様がアクセスするコンテンツに含たれるすべおの著䜜暩衚瀺、商暙芏則、情報、お よび制限を遵守し、お客様が所有しないコンテンツを、i圓該コンテンツの所有者による事前の同意なしに、たたはii他者Dialpadを 含むの暩利を䟵害するような方法で、䜿甚、耇写、耇補、倉曎、翻蚳、出版、攟送、送信、配垃、実挔、アップロヌド、衚瀺、ラむセンス䟛䞎 、販売、たたはあらゆる目的のために他の方法で利甚しないこずを玄束したす。

お客様はDialpadがサヌビスを所有するこずを理解するものずしたす。お客様は、サヌビスの倉曎、出版、送信、サヌビスの譲枡たたは販売ぞ の埓事、耇補本セクションで明瀺的に定めるものを陀く、サヌビスに基づく掟生補品の䜜成、たたは他の方法によるサヌビスの利甚を行わな いものずしたす。

サヌビスは、お客様に特定コンテンツの耇写たたはダりンロヌドを蚱可する堎合がありたすが、この機胜が存圚するだけで、䞊述のいずれかの 制限が適甚されないこずにはなりたせん。制限は適甚されるこずに泚意しおください。


デゞタルミレニアム著䜜暩法「DMCA」に぀いおご存知かもしれたせんが、この法埋は、著䜜暩䟵害が疑われる玠材の削陀を芁求される、 Dialpadのようなオンラむンサヌビスプロバむダヌに関連するものです。圓瀟は他者の知的財産暩を尊重したす。たた、䟵害が疑われるコンテン ツを削陀たたは無効化し、繰り返し䟵害が疑われるアカりントを終了する暩利を留保したす。圓瀟の著䜜暩ポリシヌ党文および䟵害の可胜性があ るコンテンツの報告方法は「著䜜暩に関するポリシヌ」を参照しおください。


サヌビスを通じお公に投皿たたはプラむベヌトに䌝送される情報たたはコンテンツは、かかるコンテンツの出所である人物の単独の責任であり、 お客様は、すべおのかかる情報およびコンテンツにお客様ご自身の責任でアクセスしたす。圓瀟は、圓該情報たたはコンテンツの誀りたたは脱萜 、たたはそれに関連しおお客様が受ける損害たたは損倱に察しお䞀切の責任を負いたせん。お客様がコンテンツをどのように解釈しお䜿甚するか 、たたはコンテンツに觊れた結果お客様がどのような行動を取るかを圓瀟が支配するこずはできず、それに関しお圓瀟が䜕らかの措眮を講じる矩 務はありたせん。たた、お客様はここに、お客様がサヌビスを通じおコンテンツを取埗したこず、たたは取埗しなかったこずに関する圓瀟の䞀切 の責任を免陀するものずしたす。圓瀟は、サヌビスの䜿甚時にお客様が亀流するナヌザヌの個人情報を保蚌するこずはできず、どのナヌザヌがサ ヌビスにアクセスするかに぀いお責任を負うこずはありたせん。

お客様は、お客様が䜕らかの方法でサヌビスに投皿したすべおのコンテンツの責任を負い、お客様は、そのような方法で投皿を行うために必芁 なすべおの暩利を有するこずを衚明し、これを保蚌するものずしたす。お客様は、お客様の登録情報をすべお正確か぀最新に保ちたす。お客様は 、サヌビスに関連するすべおのお客様の掻動に責任を負いたす。

サヌビスには、Dialpadが所有しないたたは支配しない第䞉者のりェブサむトたたはサヌビスぞのリンクや接続情報が含たれる堎合がありたす 。お客様が第䞉者のりェブサむトにアクセスするか、第䞉者のサヌビスを䜿甚する堎合、お客様はそれを行う䞊でリスクがあるこず、および Dialpadはかかるリスクに察する責任を負わないこずを承認するものずしたす。圓瀟は、お客様がサヌビスを離れる時は泚意を払い、お客様が蚪 問たたは䜿甚する第䞉者のそれぞれのりェブサむトたたはサヌビスの䜿甚条件およびプラむバシヌポリシヌをお読みになるこずを掚奚したす。

Dialpadは、あらゆる第䞉者のりェブサむト、たたはお客様がサヌビスを通じお亀流する第䞉者が衚明する内容、正確性、プラむバシヌポリシ ヌ、たたはそれらの慣習たたは意芋に察する支配力を持たず、これらに察しお䞀切の責任を負いたせん。さらにDialpadは、いかなる第䞉者のサ むトたたはサヌビスの内容も監芖、怜蚌、怜閲たたは線集するこずはなく、それを行うこずもできたせん。お客様はサヌビスを䜿甚するこずで、 お客様による第䞉者のりェブサむトたたはサヌビスの䜿甚によっお生じる䞀切の責任から圓瀟を保護し、免責したす。

補品たたはサヌビスの支払いず配信を含め、サヌビス䞊で芋出される、たたはサヌビスを通じお行われるお客様ず組織および/たたは個人ずの亀 流、ならびにかかるやり取りに関連するその他すべおの芏玄、条件、保蚌、たたは衚明は、お客様ずかかる組織および/たたは個人の間でのみ存 圚したす。これらの第䞉者ずオンラむンたたはオフラむンで亀流を続行する前に、必芁たたは適切だず思われるあらゆる調査を行っおください。 お客様は、Dialpadがかかるやり取りの結果生じたあらゆる皮類の損倱たたは損害に察しお䞀切の責任たたは法的矩務を負わないこずに同意する ものずしたす。このサむトの参加者間、たたはナヌザヌず第䞉者の間で玛争が発生した堎合、お客様は、Dialpadがかかる玛争に関䞎する矩務を 負わないこずに同意するものずしたす。

お客様が1人以䞊の他のナヌザヌず玛争になった堎合、お客様はDialpad、その圹員、埓業員、代理人、および承継人を、あらゆる皮類たたは 性質の、既知たたは未知、疑われおいるか疑われおいないか、開瀺たたは未開瀺を問わず、かかる玛争および/たたは圓瀟のサヌビスから生じる、 たたはそれにあらゆる方法で関連しおいる、申し立お、芁望、および損害から免責するものずしたす。お客様がカリフォルニアに居䜏しおいる堎 合、お客様はここに、カリフォルニア民法セクション1542の芏定「䞀般的な免責は、免責の実行時点で債暩者が知らなかったかたたは自己の有利 な芏定であるず考えおいなかったずいう䞻匵で、もし債暩者が知っおいた堎合は債務者ずの和解に重倧な圱響を䞎えるこずが確実である申し立お には及ばない」を攟棄するものずしたす。


圓瀟は垞にサヌビスの向䞊を図っおおりたすので、ゆくゆくは倉曎する堎合もありたす。圓瀟は、サヌビスの䞀郚を停止たたは廃止する、新機 胜を導入する、特定の機胜に制限をかける、たたはサヌビスの䞀郚たたはすべおに察するアクセスを制限するこずができたす。圓瀟は、お客様に 悪圱響を及がしかねないサヌビスぞの重倧な倉曎を実行する堎合はお客様に通知するように努めたすが、これが垞に実行可胜であるずは限りたせ ん。同様に、圓瀟は独自の裁量で、告知なしにサヌビスからい぀でも理由を問わず任意のコンテンツを削陀する暩利を留保したすお客様がこの 利甚芏玄に違反するコンテンツを投皿した疑いがあるず誰かが䞻匵した堎合を含みたすが、これに限定されたせん。


珟圚、Dialpadの䞀郚のサヌビスは無料で䜿甚できたすが、圓瀟は将来的に、特定たたはすべおのサヌビスに察しお課金する暩利を留保したす。 圓瀟は、お客様が珟圚䜿甚䞭のサヌビスに料金が適甚され始める前にお客様に通知したす。そしお、お客様がかかるサヌビスの䜿甚継続を垌望す る堎合は、かかるサヌビスに察しお適甚される料金をすべお支払う必芁がありたす。

料金が適甚されるサヌビス「有料サヌビス」ぞの登録を遞択する堎合、お客様にはかかる有料サヌビスの珟圚の料金が請求されたす。 Dialpadの有料サヌビスの最新料金に぀いおは、https://dialpad.com/pricing および https://www.dialpad.com/pricing/#meetings に蚘茉しおいたす。別途合意されおいる堎合を陀き、Dialpadに察しお支払われた料金は䞀切返金できたせん。


https://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/ から圓瀟にご連絡いただくこずで、い぀でも サヌビスを停止できたす。圓瀟サヌビスの利甚停止埌の、お客様から圓瀟にご提䟛いただいた情報の取り扱い方法に぀いおは、圓瀟のプラむバシ ヌポリシヌず䞊蚘のラむセンスを参照しおください。

Dialpadは、お客様によるこの利甚芏玄の違反を含む䜕らかの理由により、圓瀟の裁量でお客様のサヌビスの䜿甚たたはお客様のアカりントを 自由に終了たたはアクセスを停止させるこずもできたす。Dialpadは、この利甚芏玄で定められた制限に違反しおいるか吊かを刀断する唯䞀 の暩限を持ちたす。

アカりントを終了するず、お客様のアカりントに関連付けられおいるあらゆるコンテンツの砎壊に぀ながる堎合がありたすので、お客様がアカ りント終了を決定する前にこれを念頭に眮いおください。圓瀟は、圓瀟がお客様のアカりントを終了する前にあらかじめ通知し、お客様がアカり ントに保管しおいた重芁なナヌザヌ提出物を法什およびこの利甚芏玄で蚱可される範囲内で取り戻すこずができるように努めたすが、それが 非珟実的、違法、誰かの安党たたはセキュリティの利益にならない、あるいは他の理由でDialpadの暩利たたは資産に察しお有害ずなるず圓瀟が 刀断した堎合は、それを行わない堎合がありたす。

お客様がアカりントを誀っお削陀した堎合、https://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/ たでただちにご連絡ください。できる限り支揎したすが、残念ながら䜕らかの埩旧たたは埩元が可胜であるずお玄束するこずはできたせん。その 性質䞊、この利甚芏玄の終了埌も存続すべきである条項は、終了埌も存続するものずしたす。たずえば以䞋はすべお終了埌も存続したす。お客様 による圓瀟ぞの支払い矩務たたは圓瀟ぞの補償矩務、圓瀟の責任に察する制限、所有暩たたは知的財産暩に関する条項、圓瀟ずお客様の間の玛争 に関する芏玄。

AppleのApp Storeから入手できる埡瀟のアプリを䜿甚しおいたす。䜕か知っおおくべきこずはありたすか

この利甚芏玄は、Apple, Inc.「Apple」を通じお利甚可胜なiPhoneおよびiPadのアプリケヌション「アプリケヌション」を含め、 お客様によるすべおのサヌビスの䜿甚に適甚されたすが、これらのアプリケヌションには以䞋の远加芏玄も適甚されたす。

  1. お客様ずDialpadはどちらも、利甚芏玄がAppleずではなくお客様ずDialpadの間のみで締結され、Appleがアプリケヌションたたはコン テンツに察しお責任を負わないこずを承認するものずしたす。
  2. アプリケヌションは、限定的、非排他的、譲枡䞍胜、サブラむセンス䞍胜な圢で、お客様の私的で個人的な非商業甚途のためにサヌビスず 関連しお䜿甚するためにのみ、サヌビスに適甚のあるこの利甚芏玄のすべおの条件に埓っお、お客様にラむセンス䟛䞎されたす。
  3. お客様は、お客様が所有たたは管理するAppleデバむスずの関連でのみ、アプリケヌションを䜿甚したす。
  4. お客様は、Appleにはアプリケヌションに関するメンテナンスおよびサポヌトサヌビスを実装するいずれの矩務もないこずを承認し、これ に同意するものずしたす。
  5. 法什䞊の黙瀺的な保蚌を含め、アプリケヌションがいずれかの適甚される保蚌に準拠しなかった堎合、お客様はAppleにかかる䞍履行を通 知するこずができたす。通知を受けた堎合、Appleのお客様に察する唯䞀の保蚌矩務は、お客様にアプリケヌションの賌入䟡栌存圚する堎 合を返金するこずです。
  6. お客様は、お客様たたは第䞉者がアプリケヌションに関連しお行うあらゆる申し立おに察凊する責任を負うのはAppleではなくDialpadで あるこずを承認し、これに同意するものずしたす。
  7. お客様は、第䞉者がアプリケヌションたたはお客様によるアプリケヌションの所有たたは䜿甚が圓該第䞉者の知的財産暩の䟵害に圓たるず 申し立おた堎合、AppleではなくDialpadが、かかる䟵害の申し立おに察しお調査、防埡、和解および免責を行う責任を負うこずを承認し、 これに同意するものずしたす。
  8. お客様は、お客様が米囜政府の犁茞察象である、たたは米囜政府によっお「テロ支揎囜家」ずしお指定されおいる囜に居䜏しおいないこず、 ならびにお客様が米囜政府の犁止たたは制限団䜓リストに掲茉されおいないこずを衚明し、これを保蚌したす。
  9. お客様ずDialpadはどちらも、お客様によるアプリケヌションの䜿甚時に圱響を及がすかたたはかかる䜿甚によっお圱響を受ける堎合のあ る、適甚される第䞉者の契玄条件にお客様が準拠するこずを承認し、これに合意するものずしたす。
  10. お客様ずDialpadはどちらも、AppleおよびAppleの子䌚瀟がこの利甚芏玄の受益者であり、お客様がこの利甚芏玄を受け入れるず、 Appleはその受益者ずしおこの利甚芏玄䞊の芏定をお客様に察しお執行する暩利を持぀こずなりたすたた、Appleは圓該暩利を受け入れたず みなされたす。


保蚌の免責事項。 Dialpadは、サヌビスに含たれる、たたはサヌビスを通じおアクセスされるあらゆる内容に関しお䞀切の衚明た たは保蚌を行わず、サヌビスに含たれる、たたはサヌビスを通じおアクセスされる資料の正確性、著䜜暩準拠、合法性、たたは品䜍に察しお圓瀟 が責任たたは矩務を負うこずはありたせん。圓瀟は、サヌビスを通じお提䟛、賌入されたサヌビスたたは補品に関する提案、掚奚に察しお、衚明 たたは保蚌するこずはありたせん。サヌビスを通じお賌入たたは提䟛された補品およびサヌビスかかる掚奚および提案に続くものかどうかを問 わずは「珟状有姿」で提䟛され、Dialpadたたは他者からのいかなる皮類の保蚌も䌎いたせんかかる他者に関しおのみ、特定の補品に察しお 指名された第䞉者が明瀺的か぀明確に曞面で提瀺しおいる堎合を陀く。サヌビスおよびコンテンツは、明瀺的か黙瀺的かを問わず、商品性の黙 瀺的な保蚌、特定甚途に察する適合性、非䟵害、サヌビスの圓該䜿甚が劚害されないか誀りがないこずなどこれらを含みこれらに限定されない 、いかなる皮類の保蚌も䌎わない「珟状有姿」ベヌスで提䟛されたす。䞀郚の州では、黙瀺的な保蚌の存続期間に぀いお制限を蚭けるこずを蚱 可しおいないため、䞊述の制限が適甚されない堎合がありたす。

責任の制限。 適甚法什によっお蚱可される最倧限の範囲で、いかなる状況䞋および法理論においおも䞍法行為、契玄、厳栌責任 、たたはその他を含み、これらに限定されない、Dialpadはお客様たたは他者に察しお、a逞倱利益、営業暩の喪倱、業務停止、結果の正 確性、コンピュヌタヌの故障もしくは誀䜜動を含むあらゆる皮類の間接的、特別、偶発的、もしくは結果損害bi$100もしくはii圓 該申し立おに先立぀12カ月間でサヌビスに関連しおお客様がDialpadに支払った金額のいずれか倧きい方を超える金額の総蚈、たたiii圓瀟 の合理的な支配を超える事態に぀いおの責任を負うこずはありたせん。䞀郚の州では、特定の損害の陀倖たたは制限が蚱可されないので、䞊述の 制限および陀倖がお客様に適甚されない堎合もありたす。

免責。 適甚法什によっお蚱可される最倧限の範囲で、お客様はDialpad、その子䌚瀟、圹員、代理人、埓業員、パヌトナヌを免責 し、aお客様によるサヌビスの䜿甚お客様のアカりントを䜿甚しお第䞉者が行ったあらゆる掻動を含む、およびbお客様によるこの利 甚芏玄の違反に関連する、あらゆる第䞉者からの申し立おから発生する、たたはそれらに関連する䞀切の申し立お、責任、損害実損および間接 的損害、損倱および支出匁護士費甚を含むから保護するこずに合意するものずしたす。かかる申し立お、蚎蚟、たたは法的措眮「申し立 お」が行われた堎合、圓瀟が所有するお客様のアカりントの連絡先に通知するように努めたすただし、かかる通知を届けなかった堎合でも本 契玄のお客様の補償矩務が枛免されるこずはないものずしたす。

譲枡。 お客様は、この利甚芏玄たたは本契玄におけるお客様の暩利たたは矩務、たたはお客様のサヌビスアカりントを、Dialpad の事前の曞面による同意なしに、いかなる方法でも法埋の効果たたはその他の方法で譲枡、委譲、たたは移転するこずはできたせん。圓瀟は この利甚芏玄および圓瀟の暩利ず矩務を、同意なく移転、譲枡たたは委譲するこずができたす。

法の遞択、仲裁。 この利甚芏玄は、その抵觊法準拠法遞択芏則は適甚せずに、カリフォルニア州の法埋に準拠し、それにより 解釈されたす。この利甚芏玄の察象事項から生じる、たたはこれに関係するあらゆる玛争は、最終的にカリフォルニア州サンフランシスコにおい お、英語で、裁刀倖玛争解決機関であるJudicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc.「JAMS」の、その時に有効な簡易 手続仲裁芏則および手続きに埓い、かかる芏則に基づいおJAMSの仲裁人のリストから遞択される知的財産および商事契玄の玛争解決に豊富な経隓 のある商事仲裁人1名によっお解決されるものずしたす。かかる仲裁人によっお䞋された裁決の刀断は、管蜄暩を有する裁刀所にお互い執行する こずができたす。前述の玛争の仲裁矩務はあるものの、各圓事者は任意の管蜄暩を有する裁刀所から、い぀でも差し止めたたはその他の衡平法䞊 の救枈を求める暩利を有するものずしたす。本契玄においお圓事者は、それぞれカリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ郡、たたはカリフォルニア州 北地区にある州裁刀所たたは連邊裁刀所の専属管蜄暩および裁刀地に同意するものずしたす。

雑則。 Dialpadがその独自の裁量で、お客様の代理でたたはDialpad自䜓が適切ず考える堎合にはDialpad自䜓のために䞋蚘の いずれも行うこずができるこずを条件ずしお、お客様は、サヌビスに関係するお客様の行動に関連付けられおいるすべおの皎金、関皎、およびそ の他の政府からの割賊金の支払い、源泉城収、申告、および報告を行う責任を負いたす。お客様たたは圓瀟が、本曞で定めたいずれかの暩利を行 䜿しなかったずしおも、その他いかなる暩利を攟棄したものずは芋なされたせん。お客様たたは圓瀟が本曞で定めたあらゆる暩利を行䜿しなかっ たずしおも、埌述の远加の暩利を攟棄したものずは芋なされたせん。この利甚芏玄の条項のいずれかに法的匷制力がないこずが刀明した堎合、圓 該条項は、必芁最小限床たで制限たたは排陀され、この利甚芏玄のその他の郚分は完党な効力、有効性、法的匷制力を維持するものずしたす。お 客様ずDialpadは、この利甚芏玄が、お客様ずDialpadの間の盞互理解の合意の完党か぀排他的な宣蚀であり、この利甚芏玄の察象事項に関係す るすべおの以前の曞面および口頭での契玄、通信、およびその他の理解に察しお優先され、それらを取り消すこず、ならびに、この利甚芏玄のす べおの倉曎が䞡者の眲名入りの曞面でなされなければならないこずに同意するものずしたす本曞で別に芏定する堎合を陀く。この利甚芏玄の 結果ずしお、代理人、パヌトナヌシップ、ゞョむントベンチャヌ、たたは雇甚が生じるこずはないものずし、お客様は、Dialpadをいかなる意味 でも拘束する暩限を持ちたせん。Appleのアプリケヌションに関しお䞊述のセクションで明瀺的に芏定される堎合を陀き、お客様ずDialpadは、 この利甚芏玄の䞋で意図される第䞉者の受益者は存圚しないこずに合意するものずしたす。

Terms of Use

Effective date: May 15, 2015

Welcome to Dialpad. Please read on to learn the rules and restrictions that govern your use of our website(s), products, services and applications, which include, but are not limited to, Dialpad Meetings and Dialpad (the “Services”). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these terms or the Services, please contact us at [email protected] or write us at 100 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111.

These Terms of Use (the “Terms”) are a binding contract between you and Dialpad ("Dialpad," "we" and "us"). You must agree to and accept all of the Terms, or you don’t have the right to use the Services. Your use of the Services in any way means that you agree to all of these Terms, and these Terms will remain in effect while you use the Services. These Terms include the provisions in this document, as well as those in the Privacy Policy and Copyright Dispute Policy.

Will these Terms ever change?

We are constantly trying to improve our Services, so these Terms may need to change along with the Services. We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time, but if we do, we will bring it to your attention by placing a notice on the Dialpad website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.

If you don’t agree with the new Terms, you are free to reject them; unfortunately, that means you will no longer be able to use the Services. If you use the Services in any way after a change to the Terms is effective, that means you agree to all of the changes.

Except for changes by us as described here, no other amendment or modification of these Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and us.

Do any of the Services have additional applicable terms?

Some of the Services do have their own specific terms of use in addition to these Terms (“Additional Terms”). By using the Services governed by the Additional Terms, You agree to be bound by the Additional Terms. In the event there is a conflict between the Terms and the Additional Terms, the Terms shall control.

You can find the Additional Terms for Dialpad Meetings here.

You can find the Additional Terms for Dialpad here.

What about my privacy?

Dialpad takes the privacy of its users very seriously. For the current Dialpad Privacy Policy, please click here.

eTrust Certified Privacy Policy : Click to Verify

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) requires that online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect personally identifiable information online from children who are under 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from children under 13; if you are a child under 13, please do not attempt to register for the Services or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at [email protected]

What are the basics of using the Services?

You may be required to sign up for an account, and select a password and user name (“User ID”). You promise to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated registration information about yourself. For your User ID, you may not select a name that you do not have the right to use, or another person’s name with the intent to impersonate that person. You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission.

You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract (or if not, you’ve received your parent’s or guardian’s permission to use the Services and gotten your parent or guardian to agree to these Terms on your behalf). If you’re agreeing to these Terms on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to agree to these Terms on that organization or entity’s behalf and bind them to these Terms (in which case, the references to “you” and “your” in these Terms, except for in this sentence, refer to that organization or entity).

You will only use the Services for your own personal or business use and only in a manner that complies with all laws that apply to you. If applicable laws prohibit your use of the Services, then you aren’t authorized to use the Services. We can’t and won’t be responsible for your use of the Services in a way that breaks the law.

You will not share your account or password with anyone, and you must protect the security of your account and your password. You are responsible for any activity associated with your account.

Your use of the Services is subject to the following additional restrictions:

You represent, warrant, and agree that you will not contribute any Content or User Submission (each of those terms is defined below) or otherwise use the Services or interact with the Services in a manner that:

  1. Infringes or violates the intellectual property rights or any other rights of anyone else (including Dialpad);
  2. Violates any law or regulation;
  3. Is harmful, fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable;
  4. Jeopardizes the security of your Dialpad account or anyone else’s (such as allowing someone else to log in to the Services as you);
  5. Attempts, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, or other security information from any other user;
  6. Violates the security of any computer network, or cracks any passwords or security encryption codes;
  7. Runs Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged into the Services, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of the Services (including by placing an unreasonable load on the Services’ infrastructure);
  8. Uses any intellectual property rights protected by applicable laws and contained in or accessible through the Services for the purpose of building a competitive product or service or copying its features or user interface;
  9. Uses the Services, or permits it to be used, for purposes of product benchmarking or other comparative analysis intended for publication without Dialpad's prior written consent;
  10. Uses the Services to develop or enhance any software, software code, or any derivative works of any software without Dialpad's prior written consent;
  11. "Crawls," "scrapes," or "spiders" any page, data, or portion of or relating to the Services or Content (through use of manual or automated means);
  12. Copies or stores any significant portion of the Content;
  13. Decompiles, reverse engineers, or otherwise attempts to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Services.

A violation of any of the foregoing is grounds for termination of your right to use or access the Services.

What are my rights in the Services?

The materials displayed or performed or available on or through the Services, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, data, articles, photos, images, illustrations, User Submissions, and so forth (all of the foregoing, the “Content”) are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. You promise to abide by all copyright notices, trademark rules, information, and restrictions contained in any Content you access through the Services, and you won’t use, copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, upload, display, license, sell or otherwise exploit for any purpose any Content not owned by you, (i) without the prior consent of the owner of that Content or (ii) in a way that violates someone else’s (including Dialpad’s) rights.

You understand that Dialpad owns the Services. You won’t modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as expressly provided in this Section), creative derivative works based on, or otherwise exploit any of the Services.

The Services may allow you to copy or download certain Content; please remember that just because this functionality exists, doesn’t mean that all the restrictions above don’t apply – they do!

What if I see something on the Services that infringes my copyright?

You may have heard of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), as it relates to online service providers, like Dialpad, being asked to remove material that allegedly violates someone’s copyright. We respect others’ intellectual property rights, and we reserve the right to delete or disable Content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate the accounts of repeat alleged infringers; to review our complete Copyright Dispute Policy and learn how to report potentially infringing content, click here. To learn more about the DMCA, click here.

Who is responsible for what I see and do on the Services?

Any information or content publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Services is the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originated, and you access all such information and content at your own risk, and we aren’t liable for any errors or omissions in that information or content or for any damages or loss you might suffer in connection with it. We cannot control and have no duty to take any action regarding how you may interpret and use the Content or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content, and you hereby release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Services. We can’t guarantee the identity of any users with whom you interact in using the Services and are not responsible for which users gain access to the Services.

You are responsible for all Content you contribute, in any manner, to the Services, and you represent and warrant you have all rights necessary to do so, in the manner in which you contribute it. You will keep all your registration information accurate and current. You are responsible for all your activity in connection with the Services.

The Services may contain links or connections to third party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by Dialpad. When you access third party websites or use third party services, you accept that there are risks in doing so, and that Dialpad is not responsible for such risks. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Services and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each third party website or service that you visit or utilize. Dialpad has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third party websites or by any third party that you interact with through the Services. In addition, Dialpad will not and cannot monitor, verify, censor or edit the content of any third party site or service. By using the Services, you release and hold us harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of any third party website or service.

Your interactions with organizations and/or individuals found on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that Dialpad shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.

If there is a dispute between participants on this site, or between users and any third party, you agree that Dialpad is under no obligation to become involved. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users, you release Dialpad, its officers, employees, agents, and successors from claims, demands, and damages of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or our Services. If you are a California resident, you shall and hereby do waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

Will Dialpad ever change the Services?

We’re always trying to improve the Services, so they may change over time. We may suspend or discontinue any part of the Services, or we may introduce new features or impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of the Services. We’ll try to give you notice when we make a material change to the Services that would adversely affect you, but this isn’t always practical. Similarly, we reserve the right to remove any Content from the Services at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, if someone alleges you contributed that Content in violation of these Terms), in our sole discretion, and without notice.

Do the Services cost anything?

Some of the Dialpad Services are currently free, but we reserve the right to charge for certain or all Services in the future. We will notify you before any Services you are currently using begin carrying a fee, and if you wish to continue using such Services, you must pay all applicable fees for such Services.

If you choose to sign up for any Services that carry a fee (the “Paid Services”) you will be charged the then current fees for such Paid Services. Dialpad's current fees for the Paid Services can be found at https://dialpad.com/pricing and https://www.dialpad.com/pricing/#meetings. Unless otherwise agreed, all fees paid to Dialpad are non-refundable.

What if I want to stop using the Services?

You’re free to do that at any time, by contacting us at [email protected]; please refer to our Privacy Policy, as well as the licenses above, to understand how we treat information you provide to us after you have stopped using our Services.

Dialpad is also free to terminate (or suspend access to) your use of the Services or your account, for any reason in our discretion, including your breach of these Terms. Dialpad has the sole right to decide whether you are in violation of any of the restrictions set forth in these Terms.

Account termination may result in destruction of any Content associated with your account, so keep that in mind before you decide to terminate your account. We will try to provide advance notice to you prior to our terminating your account so that you are able to retrieve any important User Submissions you may have stored in your account (to the extent allowed by law and these Terms), but we may not do so if we determine it would be impractical, illegal, not in the interest of someone’s safety or security, or otherwise harmful to the rights or property of Dialpad.

If you have deleted your account by mistake, contact us immediately at [email protected] – we will try to help, but unfortunately, we can’t promise that we can recover or restore anything.

Provisions that, by their nature, should survive termination of these Terms shall survive termination. By way of example, all of the following will survive termination: any obligation you have to pay us or indemnify us, any limitations on our liability, any terms regarding ownership or intellectual property rights, and terms regarding disputes between us.

I use your App(s) available via the Apple App Store – should I know anything about that?

These Terms apply to your use of all the Services, including the iPhone and iPad applications available via the Apple, Inc. (“Apple”) App Store (the “Application”), but the following additional terms also apply to the Application:

  1. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge that the Terms are concluded between you and Dialpad only, and not with Apple, and that Apple is not responsible for the Application or the Content;
  2. The Application is licensed to you on a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non-sublicensable basis, solely to be used in connection with the Services for your private, personal, non-commercial use, subject to all the terms and conditions of these Terms as they are applicable to the Services;
  3. You will only use the Application in connection with an Apple device that you own or control;
  4. You acknowledge and agree that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Application;
  5. In the event of any failure of the Application to conform to any applicable warranty, including those implied by law, you may notify Apple of such failure; upon notification, Apple’s sole warranty obligation to you will be to refund to you the purchase price, if any, of the Application;
  6. You acknowledge and agree that Dialpad, and not Apple, is responsible for addressing any claims you or any third party may have in relation to the Application;
  7. You acknowledge and agree that, in the event of any third party claim that the Application or your possession and use of the Application infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, Dialpad, and not Apple, will be responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such infringement claim;
  8. You represent and warrant that you are not located in a country subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country, and that you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties;
  9. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge and agree that, in your use of the Application, you will comply with any applicable third party terms of agreement which may affect or be affected by such use; and
  10. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge and agree that Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of these Terms, and that upon your acceptance of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as the third party beneficiary hereof.

What else do I need to know?

Warranty Disclaimer. Dialpad does not make any representations or warranties concerning any content contained in or accessed through the Services, and we will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Services. We make no representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of services or products offered or purchased through the Services. Products and services purchased or offered (whether or not following such recommendations and suggestions) through the Services are provided “AS IS” and without any warranty of any kind from Dialpad or others (unless, with respect to such others only, provided expressly and unambiguously in writing by a designated third party for a specific product). THE SERVICES AND CONTENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS-IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR THAT USE OF THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.


Indemnity. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, You agree to indemnify and hold Dialpad, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of the Services (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (b) your violation of these Terms. In the event of such a claim, suit, or action (“Claim”), we will attempt to provide notice of the Claim to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder.

Assignment. You may not assign, delegate or transfer these Terms or your rights or obligations hereunder, or your Services account, in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without Dialpad’s prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, or delegate these Terms and our rights and obligations without consent.

Choice of Law; Arbitration. These Terms are governed by and will be construed under the laws of the State of California, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms shall be finally settled in San Francisco County, California, in English, in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. ("JAMS") then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with such Rules. Judgment upon the award rendered by such arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing obligation to arbitrate disputes, each party shall have the right to pursue injunctive or other equitable relief at any time, from any court of competent jurisdiction. For all purposes of this Agreement, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, San Francisco County, California, or the Northern District of California.

Miscellaneous. You will be responsible for paying, withholding, filing, and reporting all taxes, duties, and other governmental assessments associated with your activity in connection with the Services, provided that Dialpad may, in its sole discretion, do any of the foregoing on your behalf or for itself as it sees fit. The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. You and Dialpad agree that these Terms are the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and Dialpad, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of these Terms, and that all modifications to these Terms must be in a writing signed by both parties (except as otherwise provided herein). No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of these Terms and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind Dialpad in any respect whatsoever. Except as expressly set forth in the section above regarding the Apple Application, you and Dialpad agree there are no third party beneficiaries intended under these Terms.

change the Terms at any time, but if we do, we will bring it to your attention by placing
a notice on the Dialpad website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.

If you don’t agree with the new Terms, you are free to reject them; unfortunately, that means you will no longer be able to use the Services. If you use the Services in any way after a change to the Terms is effective, that means you agree to all of the changes.

Except for changes by us as described here, no other amendment or modification of these Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and us.

Do any of the Services have additional applicable terms?

Some of the Services do have their own specific terms of use in addition to these Terms (“Additional Terms”). By using the Services governed by the Additional Terms, You agree to be bound by the Additional Terms. In the event there is a conflict between the Terms and the Additional Terms, the Terms shall control.

You can find the Additional Terms for Dialpad Meetings here.

You can find the Additional Terms for Dialpad here.

What about my privacy?

Dialpad takes the privacy of its users very seriously. For the current Dialpad Privacy Policy, please click here.

PrivacyTrust Privacy Shield Certification: Click to Verify

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) requires that online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect personally identifiable information online from children who are under 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from children under 13; if you are a child under 13, please do not attempt to register for the Services or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at [email protected]

What are the basics of using the Services?

You may be required to sign up for an account, and select a password and user name (“User ID”). You promise to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated registration information about yourself. For your User ID, you may not select a name that you do not have the right to use, or another person’s name with the intent to impersonate that person. You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission.

You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract (or if not, you’ve received your parent’s or guardian’s permission to use the Services and gotten your parent or guardian to agree to these Terms on your behalf). If you’re agreeing to these Terms on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to agree to these Terms on that organization or entity’s behalf and bind them to these Terms (in which case, the references to “you” and “your” in these Terms, except for in this sentence, refer to that organization or entity).

You will only use the Services for your own personal or business use and only in a manner that complies with all laws that apply to you. If applicable laws prohibit your use of the Services, then you aren’t authorized to use the Services. We can’t and won’t be responsible for your use of the Services in a way that breaks the law.

You will not share your account or password with anyone, and you must protect the security of your account and your password. You are responsible for any activity associated with your account.

Your use of the Services is subject to the following additional restrictions:

You represent, warrant, and agree that you will not contribute any Content or User Submission (each of those terms is defined below) or otherwise use the Services or interact with the Services in a manner that:

  1. Infringes or violates the intellectual property rights or any other rights of anyone else (including Dialpad);
  2. Violates any law or regulation;
  3. Is harmful, fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable;
  4. Jeopardizes the security of your Dialpad account or anyone else’s (such as allowing someone else to log in to the Services as you);
  5. Attempts, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, or other security information from any other user;
  6. Violates the security of any computer network, or cracks any passwords or security encryption codes;
  7. Runs Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged into the Services, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of the Services (including by placing an unreasonable load on the Services’ infrastructure);
  8. Uses any intellectual property rights protected by applicable laws and contained in or accessible through the Services for the purpose of building a competitive product or service or copying its features or user interface;
  9. Uses the Services, or permits it to be used, for purposes of product benchmarking or other comparative analysis intended for publication without Dialpad's prior written consent;
  10. Uses the Services to develop or enhance any software, software code, or any derivative works of any software without Dialpad's prior written consent;
  11. "Crawls," "scrapes," or "spiders" any page, data, or portion of or relating to the Services or Content (through use of manual or automated means);
  12. Copies or stores any significant portion of the Content;
  13. Decompiles, reverse engineers, or otherwise attempts to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Services.

A violation of any of the foregoing is grounds for termination of your right to use or access the Services.

What are my rights in the Services?

The materials displayed or performed or available on or through the Services, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, data, articles, photos, images, illustrations, User Submissions, and so forth (all of the foregoing, the “Content”) are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property laws. You promise to abide by all copyright notices, trademark rules, information, and restrictions contained in any Content you access through the Services, and you won’t use, copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, upload, display, license, sell or otherwise exploit for any purpose any Content not owned by you, (i) without the prior consent of the owner of that Content or (ii) in a way that violates someone else’s (including Dialpad’s) rights.

You understand that Dialpad owns the Services. You won’t modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as expressly provided in this Section), creative derivative works based on, or otherwise exploit any of the Services.

The Services may allow you to copy or download certain Content; please remember that just because this functionality exists, doesn’t mean that all the restrictions above don’t apply – they do!

What if I see something on the Services that infringes my copyright?

You may have heard of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), as it relates to online service providers, like Dialpad, being asked to remove material that allegedly violates someone’s copyright. We respect others’ intellectual property rights, and we reserve the right to delete or disable Content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate the accounts of repeat alleged infringers; to review our complete Copyright Dispute Policy and learn how to report potentially infringing content, click here. To learn more about the DMCA, click here.

Who is responsible for what I see and do on the Services?

Any information or content publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Services is the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originated, and you access all such information and content at your own risk, and we aren’t liable for any errors or omissions in that information or content or for any damages or loss you might suffer in connection with it. We cannot control and have no duty to take any action regarding how you may interpret and use the Content or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content, and you hereby release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Services. We can’t guarantee the identity of any users with whom you interact in using the Services and are not responsible for which users gain access to the Services.

You are responsible for all Content you contribute, in any manner, to the Services, and you represent and warrant you have all rights necessary to do so, in the manner in which you contribute it. You will keep all your registration information accurate and current. You are responsible for all your activity in connection with the Services.

The Services may contain links or connections to third party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by Dialpad. When you access third party websites or use third party services, you accept that there are risks in doing so, and that Dialpad is not responsible for such risks. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Services and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each third party website or service that you visit or utilize. Dialpad has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third party websites or by any third party that you interact with through the Services. In addition, Dialpad will not and cannot monitor, verify, censor or edit the content of any third party site or service. By using the Services, you release and hold us harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of any third party website or service.

Your interactions with organizations and/or individuals found on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that Dialpad shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.

If there is a dispute between participants on this site, or between users and any third party, you agree that Dialpad is under no obligation to become involved. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users, you release Dialpad, its officers, employees, agents, and successors from claims, demands, and damages of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or our Services. If you are a California resident, you shall and hereby do waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

Will Dialpad ever change the Services?

We’re always trying to improve the Services, so they may change over time. We may suspend or discontinue any part of the Services, or we may introduce new features or impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of the Services. We’ll try to give you notice when we make a material change to the Services that would adversely affect you, but this isn’t always practical. Similarly, we reserve the right to remove any Content from the Services at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, if someone alleges you contributed that Content in violation of these Terms), in our sole discretion, and without notice.

Do the Services cost anything?

Some of the Dialpad Services are currently free, but we reserve the right to charge for certain or all Services in the future. We will notify you before any Services you are currently using begin carrying a fee, and if you wish to continue using such Services, you must pay all applicable fees for such Services.

If you choose to sign up for any Services that carry a fee (the “Paid Services”) you will be charged the then current fees for such Paid Services. Dialpad's current fees for the Paid Services can be found at https://dialpad.com/pricing and https://www.dialpad.com/pricing/#meetings. Unless otherwise agreed, all fees paid to Dialpad are non-refundable.

What if I want to stop using the Services?

You’re free to do that at any time, by contacting us at [email protected]; please refer to our Privacy Policy, as well as the licenses above, to understand how we treat information you provide to us after you have stopped using our Services.

Dialpad is also free to terminate (or suspend access to) your use of the Services or your account, for any reason in our discretion, including your breach of these Terms. Dialpad has the sole right to decide whether you are in violation of any of the restrictions set forth in these Terms.

Account termination may result in destruction of any Content associated with your account, so keep that in mind before you decide to terminate your account. We will try to provide advance notice to you prior to our terminating your account so that you are able to retrieve any important User Submissions you may have stored in your account (to the extent allowed by law and these Terms), but we may not do so if we determine it would be impractical, illegal, not in the interest of someone’s safety or security, or otherwise harmful to the rights or property of Dialpad.

If you have deleted your account by mistake, contact us immediately at [email protected] – we will try to help, but unfortunately, we can’t promise that we can recover or restore anything.

Provisions that, by their nature, should survive termination of these Terms shall survive termination. By way of example, all of the following will survive termination: any obligation you have to pay us or indemnify us, any limitations on our liability, any terms regarding ownership or intellectual property rights, and terms regarding disputes between us.

I use your App(s) available via the Apple App Store – should I know anything about that?

These Terms apply to your use of all the Services, including the iPhone and iPad applications available via the Apple, Inc. (“Apple”) App Store (the “Application”), but the following additional terms also apply to the Application:

  1. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge that the Terms are concluded between you and Dialpad only, and not with Apple, and that Apple is not responsible for the Application or the Content;
  2. The Application is licensed to you on a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non-sublicensable basis, solely to be used in connection with the Services for your private, personal, non-commercial use, subject to all the terms and conditions of these Terms as they are applicable to the Services;
  3. You will only use the Application in connection with an Apple device that you own or control;
  4. You acknowledge and agree that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Application;
  5. In the event of any failure of the Application to conform to any applicable warranty, including those implied by law, you may notify Apple of such failure; upon notification, Apple’s sole warranty obligation to you will be to refund to you the purchase price, if any, of the Application;
  6. You acknowledge and agree that Dialpad, and not Apple, is responsible for addressing any claims you or any third party may have in relation to the Application;
  7. You acknowledge and agree that, in the event of any third party claim that the Application or your possession and use of the Application infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, Dialpad, and not Apple, will be responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such infringement claim;
  8. You represent and warrant that you are not located in a country subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country, and that you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties;
  9. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge and agree that, in your use of the Application, you will comply with any applicable third party terms of agreement which may affect or be affected by such use; and
  10. Both you and Dialpad acknowledge and agree that Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of these Terms, and that upon your acceptance of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as the third party beneficiary hereof.

What else do I need to know?

Warranty Disclaimer. Dialpad does not make any representations or warranties concerning any content contained in or accessed through the Services, and we will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Services. We make no representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of services or products offered or purchased through the Services. Products and services purchased or offered (whether or not following such recommendations and suggestions) through the Services are provided “AS IS” and without any warranty of any kind from Dialpad or others (unless, with respect to such others only, provided expressly and unambiguously in writing by a designated third party for a specific product). THE SERVICES AND CONTENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS-IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR THAT USE OF THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.


Indemnity. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, You agree to indemnify and hold Dialpad, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of the Services (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (b) your violation of these Terms. In the event of such a claim, suit, or action (“Claim”), we will attempt to provide notice of the Claim to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder.

Assignment. You may not assign, delegate or transfer these Terms or your rights or obligations hereunder, or your Services account, in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without Dialpad’s prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, or delegate these Terms and our rights and obligations without consent.

Choice of Law; Arbitration. These Terms are governed by and will be construed under the laws of the State of California, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms shall be finally settled in San Francisco County, California, in English, in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. ("JAMS") then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with such Rules. Judgment upon the award rendered by such arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing obligation to arbitrate disputes, each party shall have the right to pursue injunctive or other equitable relief at any time, from any court of competent jurisdiction. For all purposes of this Agreement, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, San Francisco County, California, or the Northern District of California.

Miscellaneous. You will be responsible for paying, withholding, filing, and reporting all taxes, duties, and other governmental assessments associated with your activity in connection with the Services, provided that Dialpad may, in its sole discretion, do any of the foregoing on your behalf or for itself as it sees fit. The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. You and Dialpad agree that these Terms are the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and Dialpad, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of these Terms, and that all modifications to these Terms must be in a writing signed by both parties (except as otherwise provided herein). No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of these Terms and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind Dialpad in any respect whatsoever. Except as expressly set forth in the section above regarding the Apple Application, you and Dialpad agree there are no third party beneficiaries intended under these Terms.



Dialpadでは、お客様の䟿宜のために、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョンの条項を提䟛したすが、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョ ンの条項は、Dialpadたたはお客様を法的に拘束するものではないこずにご留意ください。お客様ずDialpadずの間で法的に拘束力を有するバ ヌゞョンは、本ペヌゞ䞋郚に蚘茉された英語バヌゞョンの条項であるものずしたす。

本契玄は、Dialpadおよびその関連䌚瀟以䞋「Dialpad」ずいいたす。ず、お客様が代衚する法人以䞋「お客様」ずいいたす。ずの間 で、各サヌビスぞの登録、サヌビスの䜿甚たたはアプリケヌションのダりンロヌド、むンストヌルもしくは䜿甚をするこずによっお締結されたす 。本契玄は、Dialpadのサヌビス以䞋「サヌビス」、DialpadのりェブサむトおよびDialpadの゜フトりェアアプリケヌション以䞋「ア プリケヌション」のお客様による䜿甚に぀いお芏定したす。お客様がお客様の䌚瀟を代理しお本契玄を結ぶ個人である堎合、お客様は、代理人 ずしお契玄を締結する暩限ず資栌があるこずを衚明し、これを保蚌するものずしたす。


Dialpadはお客様に察しお、限定的、個人的、取り消し可胜、非排他的、再蚱諟䞍可、譲枡䞍可、移転䞍可、再販䞍可のラむセンスず、 Dialpadのサヌビスおよびアプリケヌションを本契玄に厳密に埓っお䜿甚する暩利を付䞎したす。本契玄においお明瀺的に付䞎されない暩利はす べおDialpadが留保したす。知的財産暩は付䞎されたせん。お客様は、アプリケヌションおよびサヌビスにおける特蚱暩、著䜜暩、商暙暩、サヌ ビスマヌク、営業秘密その他のすべおの知的財産暩以䞋「知的財産暩」は、Dialpadおよびそのラむセンス蚱諟者の独占的か぀排他的な資産 であるこずを確認し、これに同意するものずしたす。お客様は、知的財産暩を脅かし、制限し、たたは劚害するいかなる行為もしないものずした す。お客様は、知的財産暩のあらゆる䞍正䜿甚は本契玄の違反行為であるほか、適甚される知的財産法の違反行為ずなるこずを確認し、これに合 意するものずしたす。Dialpadが提䟛する補品たたはサヌビスの販売に関心がおありの堎合は、Dialpad[email protected]にお問 い合わせください。

Dialpadは、その独自の裁量で、特城もしくは機胜を远加、削陀、倉曎し、たたはアプリケヌションもし くはサヌビスを修正、曎新およびアップグレヌドする暩利を留保したす。お客様は、Dialpadがアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスの䞀切の埌続バ ヌゞョンをお客様に提䟛する矩務を負わないこずを確認し、これに同意するものずしたす。たた、お客様は、お客様が新しいバヌゞョンの゜フト りェアのダりンロヌド、むンストヌルたたは䜿甚を垌望する堎合、本契玄の曎新が必芁ずなる堎合があるこずに同意するものずしたす。さらに、 お客様ずDialpadは、いかなる第䞉者もアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスに関するメンテナンスたたはサポヌトサヌビスを提䟛する矩務を䞀切負 わないこず、たた、メンテナンスずサポヌトの提䟛に぀いおは、本契玄に芏定するずころに埓い、か぀かかるメンテナンスずサポヌトが適甚法什 により芁求される範囲においおのみDialpadが単独で責任を負うこずを確認するものずしたす。


サヌビスぞの登録時および登録埌にDialpadにより芁求された堎合、お客様はDialpadに察しお、お客様の真実、正確、最新か぀完党な氏名た たは商号、管理者名、請求先䜏所、配送先䜏所、サヌビスを䞻に䜿甚する堎所の䜏所、該圓するデバむスごずの緊急通報登録䜏所、電子メヌルア ドレス、連絡先電話番号その他のお客様のDialpadアカりント以䞋「アカりント」ずいいたす。を管理するために必芁なデヌタ以䞋、総称 しお「登録デヌタ」ずいいたす。を提䟛するこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様は、お客様が提䟛する情報が正確か぀最新で、䞍備がないこ ずを衚明および保蚌し、かかる情報に倉曎があった堎合、圓該情報をただちに曎新するこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様が、誀り、䞍正確、 最新でない、䞍備のある、欺眔その他違法な登録デヌタ、たたはDialpadによっおそのように疑われる登録デヌタを提䟛した堎合、Dialpadは独 自の裁量で、サヌビスを停止たたは終了し、お客様、お客様の䌚瀟、関連䌚瀟およびお客様のアカりントのすべおのナヌザヌによる珟圚および将 来の䞀切のサヌビスの䜿甚を拒吊する暩利を有したす。お客様は垞に登録デヌタを維持し、ただちに曎新するものずしたす。すべおの登録デヌタ の提䟛の完了および本契玄の受理に䌎い、Dialpadは、お客様に、パスワヌド、ナヌザヌID、PIN、電話番号などのアカりント情報を適宜提䟛し たす。お客様は、お客様のアカりント䞊で生じるお客様たたはお客様以倖の者による取匕たたは行為に察しお単独で責任を負いたす。お客様は、 お客様のアカりントに䜕らかの䞍正䜿甚、たたはその他セキュリティ䟵害が発生した堎合、Dialpadにただちに通知するものずしたす。いかなる 堎合であっおも、Dialpadがお客様のアカりントの䞍正䜿甚等に察しお責任を負うこずはありたせん。サヌビスの登録、実斜、メンテナンス、た たは点怜に関連しお、お客様は、デヌタ、情報その他の資料以䞋「お客様デヌタ」ずいいたす。の提䟛を芁求されたす。お客様はここに、 Dialpadに察しお、サヌビスを提䟛たたは改善するために必芁な範囲においお、お客様デヌタを耇写、保管、蚘録、転送、衚瀺、閲芧、印刷およ び䜿甚するための、氞続的か぀地理的範囲の制限なし、ロむダリティ無料、党額支払い枈みか぀非排他的なラむセンスを付䞎したす。Dialpadは 、本契玄に組み蟌たれるDialpadのプラむバシヌポリシヌに埓っお蚱可されるずおりに、お客様デヌタを共有するこずもできたす。


お客様は、お客様が本契玄を締結するための法的暩利、資栌および胜力を保有するこずを衚明し、これを保蚌したす。お客様は、お客様が緊急 通報その他の該圓する緊急サヌビス番号に発信するこずが可胜な無線たたは埓来の有線電話サヌビスに加入し、それを垞に維持するこずを衚明し 、これを保蚌したす。お客様は、フェヌルセヌフパフォヌマンスを必芁ずする環境たたはアプリケヌションもしくはサヌビスの障害が盎接的に死 亡、怪我、深刻な物的損傷、たたは環境ぞの損害に぀ながるおそれのある環境ではアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスを䜿甚しないこずを衚明し、 これを保蚌したす。お客様は、登録デヌタ、ナヌザヌ名、連絡先情報、登録した所圚地、およびその他のお客様のDialpadアカりントに関連しお 提䟛したすべおの情報が垞に真実であり、正しいこずを衚明し、これを保蚌したす。お客様は、お客様が本曞に蚘茉された䜿甚芏玄に違反するよ うな方法でアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスを䜿甚しないこずを衚明し、これを保蚌したす。お客様は、お客様のアカりントの正匏な䜿甚たたは 䞍正䜿甚を含めお、お客様のアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスの䜿甚に察しお経枈的な責任を負うこずに同意するものずしたす。アプリケヌショ ンたたはサヌビスを䜿甚するため、お客様は、適切に構成されお機胜するむンタヌネットサヌビスたたは公衆亀換電話網以䞋「PSTN」ずいいた す。サヌビスすなわち、携垯電話たたは固定電話サヌビスに加入し、お客様の自己負担により以䞋を行うこずをここに同意するものずした す。1Dialpad以倖の第䞉者のプロバむダヌを介しお、お客様自身のむンタヌネットたたはPSTNサヌビスにアクセスするこず。2アプリ ケヌションたたはサヌビスの䜿甚に必芁なむンタヌネットたたはPSTN接続の支払い、たたはかかるむンタヌネットもしくはPSTNサヌビスぞの接 続の確立に必芁なサヌビス料およびすべおの機噚の支払いに責任を負うこず。3お客様がアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスを䜿甚するために 必芁な远加の電話サヌビスたたは機胜のために第䞉者のプロバむダヌを手配し、支払いをするこず。4アプリケヌションたたはサヌビスの代 金をDialpadに支払うこず。


Dialpadは、アプリケヌション、サヌビスたたはその他䞀切の補品以䞋「補品」の広告、提䟛たたは販売に関しお、その補品をできる限り 正確に説明するように努めたす。しかしながら、Dialpadは、そのりェブサむト、マヌケティング資料、販促甚チラシ、広告その他の印刷資料た たは電子資料以䞋「補品資料」ずいいたす。に蚘茉された、補品の広告、提䟛たたは販売に関連するすべおの説明、䟡栌、可甚性その他の情 報以䞋「補品情報」ずいいたす。が正確で、䞍備がなく、信頌性があり、最新で、か぀誀りがないこずを保蚌するものではありたせん。圓瀟 の取り組みにかかわらず、補品情報に䟡栌の誀りや、䞍正確な説明があるこず、たたは補品が提䟛できないこずがありたす。補品の䟡栌に誀りが あり、説明が䞍正確であり、たたは補品が提䟛できないずDialpadが刀断した堎合、Dialpadは、その誀りを修正するために合理的か぀必芁ず思 われる措眮お客様のアカりントたたはサヌビスぞの登録の解玄を含みたすが、これらに限定されたせん。を講じる暩利を留保したす。お客様 は、お客様が補品資料を通じお泚文した補品に぀いお、䟡栌たたは説明の誀り、あるいは䞍䞀臎に気が぀いた堎合、ただちにDialpadに通知し、 Dialpadが講じるあらゆる是正措眮に埓うこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様は、サヌビスが必ずしも垞時提䟛可胜ではないこずを確認し、こ れに同意するものずしたす。Dialpad独自の裁量で個別のケヌスに基づいお提䟛されるクレゞット䟛䞎のみがあらゆるサヌビスの䞭断その他のサ ヌビスに関する問題に察するお客様の唯䞀の救枈措眮ずしたす。


お客様は、䜕らかの違法、欺眔、䞍適切たたは濫甚的な目的のためにサヌビスを䜿甚するこずはできたせん。たたは、Dialpadが高品質なサヌ ビスを他のお客様に提䟛する胜力を劚害し、他のお客様によるサヌビスの䜿甚を劚げもしくは制限し、たたはDialpadもしくは他のお客様の䜕ら かの資産に損害を䞎えるような方法でサヌビスを䜿甚するこずもできたせん。䞇䞀、お客様が本契玄で蚱可された甚途以倖のために、たたは本契 玄で犁じられおいる甚途のためにサヌビスを䜿甚しおいるこずをDialpadが発芋した堎合、Dialpadはその独自の裁量で、お客様のサヌビスを終 了し、䜿甚されたサヌビスに盞圓する料金に加えお、お客様の䞍適切な䜿甚によっお生じた損害の賠償をお客様に請求するこずができたす。犁止 される甚途には以䞋が含たれたすが、これらに限定されたせん。違法、わいせ぀、脅迫、嫌がらせ、䞭傷、誹謗、欺瞞、欺眔、悪質、䟵害、䞍法、 たたは他者のプラむバシヌを䟵害する行為。電子メヌル、ボむスメヌル、SMSたたはファクス商甚たたはそれ以倖を含む未承諟メッセヌゞや 広告を送信するこず以䞋「スパム」、たたはその他の方法で䞀斉送信メヌル、ゞャンクメヌル、ボむスメヌル、SMSたたはファクスを送信す るこず。電子メヌルアドレスなどの他人の情報を本人の同意なしに取埗その他の方法で収集するこず。りむルス、時限爆匟、トロむの朚銬、ワヌ ム、マルりェア、スパむりェアその他の有害もしくは危険なプログラムが含たれる資料を、過倱、䞍泚意、故意により送信するこず。停の発信者 ID識別情報の䜜成「IDのスプヌフィング」、停造電子メヌルアドレスたたはヘッダヌの䜜成、たたはその他の方法で、サヌビスを䜿甚しお行 われる通信の送信者たたは発信元の識別情報に関しお他人を欺こうず詊みるこず。適甚法什によっお保護され、サヌビスに含たれるかサヌビスを 通じおアクセス可胜な知的財産暩を、競合する補品もしくはサヌビスを構築する、たたはその機胜もしくはナヌザヌむンタヌフェむスを耇補する こずを目的ずしお䜿甚するこず。Dialpadの事前の曞面による同意なしに、公開を意図した補品ベンチマヌクテストたたはその他の比范分析を目 的ずしおサヌビスを䜿甚するこず、たたはサヌビスの䜿甚を蚱可するこず。Dialpadの事前の曞面による同意なしに、䜕らかの゜フトりェア、゜ フトりェアコヌド、たたは゜フトりェアの掟生補品を開発するために、サヌビスを䜿甚するこず。サヌビスを通じお茞出された技術デヌタたたは ゜フトりェアの送信に関しお、米囜法たたは倖囜法に違反するこず。Dialpadが独自の裁量で想定する通垞の業務甚途以䞊にサヌビスを䜿甚する こず。これには、耇数のナヌザヌが単䞀VoIP回線を䜿甚できるようにするこず、たたは単䞀VoIP回線を単䞀ナヌザヌに想定される以䞊に䜿甚す るこずが含たれたすが、これらに限定されたせん。他のお客様および第䞉者のサヌビスの䜿甚および享受を劚害するような方法でサヌビスを䜿甚 するこず、たたは他のお客様によるサヌビスの䜿甚を䞭断させ、劚げ、たたは制限するような方法でサヌビスを䜿甚するこず。お客様はさらに以 䞋を理解し、これに合意するものずしたす。

お客様のサヌビスの䜿甚は、適甚されるすべおの地域、州、囜の法什および囜際法什および芏制アカりントの収集、茞出管理、消費者保護、 䞍正競争、差別犁止、蚌刞取匕法、虚停広告を芏埋するものを含みたすが、これらに限定されたせんの察象ずなりたす。サヌビスは、すべお のサヌビスに該圓するその他の犁止甚途に加えお以䞋の各犁止甚途のいずれにも䜿甚するこずができたせん。お客様のDialpad番号を、 Dialpadのサヌビス以倖の方法で耇数の同時通話を凊理できる他の電話番号に、たたは構内亀換機PBXもしくはキヌシステムに䞭継もしくは 転送するこず。スパミングたたはブラスト100以䞊のバルクたたはゞャンクボむスメヌルを同時に送信するなど。さらに、サヌビスの䜿甚量 が異垞に倚い堎合たたはDialpadが高品質のサヌビスを他者に提䟛する胜力が損なわれ、もしくはサヌビスの䞍正䜿甚ず考えられる堎合、 Dialpadは、事前に通知した䞊でお客様のアカりントを停止たたは終了するこずができたす。Dialpadは独自の裁量により、い぀でも理由の劂䜕 を問わずこの䜿甚芏玄に察しお远加、倉曎たたは修正を行う暩利を留保したす。


未承諟通話の䌝送、攟送のためのサヌビスの䜿甚および、たたは、未承諟ファクス広告の䌝送は、1991幎電話消費者保護法 http://www.fcc.gov/document/telephone-consumer-protection-act-1991を含む連邊法および耇数の同様の州法により違法ず されたす。サヌビスを通じた未承諟のボむスメヌル、攟送およびファクス広告の配信は犁止されおいたす。お客様は、未承諟の通信たたは広告を 送信たたは䌝送するためにサヌビスを䜿甚するこずができたせん。圓該行為を行った堎合、お客様は、Dialpadが䞀切の責任を負うこずなくお客 様のサヌビス䜿甚暩をただちに終了できるこずを了承するものずしたす。

Dialpadは、Dialpad独自の遞択で、か぀远加の通知をするこずなく、かかる未承諟広告を配信させるこずなく終了できるフィルタヌなどの技 術および手順を䜿甚するこずができたす。お客様はここに、お客様がサヌビスを䜿甚しお送信たたは受信可胜なあらゆるボむスメヌル、攟送たた はファクススパムもしくは勧誘に関連するあらゆる皮類の損害賠償たたは責任に぀いおDialpadを免責し、か぀これらに぀いおDialpadを党面的 、最終的か぀氞久に免責し、これらから損害を受けないようにし、か぀これらに぀いお党面的に補償するこずに同意するものずしたす。

お客様がサヌビスを䜿甚しお、音声、ファクス、電子メヌルその他の未承諟のマヌケティングメッセヌゞを䌝送するか、たたは他の方法でその 䌝送に関䞎した堎合、お客様は、かかる行為に察する損害額が合理的に算出できる堎合には、Dialpadに察しおその実損を賠償するこずに同意す るものずしたす。実損額を合理的に算出できない堎合、お客様は、Dialpadに察しお、サヌビスを通じお䌝送された未承諟のマヌケティングメッ セヌゞ1通に぀き10米ドル$10.00の玄定損害賠償額を支払うこずに同意するものずしたす。実損額を合理的に算出できない堎合、お客様は、 圓該玄定損害賠償額はかかる損害の合理的な芋積もりであり、眰則金ではないこずを確認するものずしたす。


広告たたはその他の方法でりェブサむトに掲茉されるサヌビスの手数料のすべおに぀いお、連邊州たたは地方の売䞊皎、囜際物品皎、付加䟡倀 皎および同様の皎金たたは手数料および管理たたは費甚回収にかかる手数料たたは料金以䞋総称しお「皎金および手数料」ずいいたす。は含 たれたせん。お客様は、珟圚たたは今埌サヌビスに課され埗るすべおの皎金および手数料たたはそれらに盞圓する金銭債務を、その通貚の劂䜕を 問わず支払うこずに同意したす。これには、連邊、州、地方たたは囜際的な法埋たたは芏制によっおお客様に課され、たたはお客様から回収でき る金銭債務、ならびにDialpadによっおサヌビスに課される、管理および費甚回収にかかるあらゆる手数料および料金が該圓し、法什によっお矩 務付けられおいるかどうかを問いたせん。Dialpadがかかる金銭債務支払期限が到来しおいるが未請求のもの、たたは埓前に回収されおいなか った皎金および手数料を含みたす。を支払う堎合たたは支払いを求められる堎合、お客様は、請求曞の受領およびDialpadに察する金銭債務額 の提瀺を受け次第、Dialpadが届出枈みの方法で支払いを請求できるこずに同意するものずしたす。

お客様は、お客様のアカりントに察するすべおの料金、トヌルフリヌ通話、垂内通話、長距離通話、囜際通話、远加機胜に関する料金、オペレ ヌタヌ通話、電話番号案内料金およびオペレヌタヌ察応料金、ディレクトリヌサヌビス料金ならびにお客様によるサヌビスの䜿甚の結果お客様た たは圓瀟に課せられるすべおの皎金、割増金および手数料を含みたすが、これらに限定されたせん。を支払う責任を負うものずしたす。


お客様のアカりントにおいお欺眔行為たたは誀請求が疑われる堎合、お客様は、できる限り早急にDialpadたたは認定販売代理店に連絡するこ ずに同意するものずしたす。 早急に連絡を受ければ、倚くの堎合、Dialpadたたは認定販売代理店は欺眔行為たたは誀請求に察する緩和策たた は是正策を講じるこずができたす。お客様のDialpadアカりントにおいお欺眔行為たたは誀請求が疑われる堎合には、Dialpadカスタマヌサポヌ トhttps://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/にご連絡ください。
お客様がカスタマヌサポヌトに連絡する際、参照できる堎合は、以䞋の情報をご甚意ください。aお客様の氏名、連絡先、問題になっおいる Dialpadアカりントの電話番号、セキュリティ怜蚌情報 bアカりントに関連するクレゞットカヌドのアカりント番号cアカりントに請求 された問題になっおいる金額の合蚈。欺眔行為たたは誀請求の疑いがお客様のアカりント䞊で明らかになっおから30日以内にDialpadにご連絡い ただかない堎合、お客様は、かかる行為たたは請求に異議を申し立おる暩利を攟棄したこずになりたす。さらに、お客様が最初にDialpadたたは 認定販売代理店に連絡せずにお客様の銀行その他の支払機関にチャヌゞバックをするように求め、その埌Dialpadが問題の請求が誀りではなかっ たず刀断した堎合、Dialpadはお客様のアカりントをただちに終了し、利甚可胜な法的措眮を講じる暩利を留保したす。䞊蚘の芏定にかかわらず 、お客様は、お客様のアカりント䞊で生じるお客様たたは他者による取匕たたは行為に぀いお単独で責任を負うものずし、いかなる堎合も Dialpadがお客様のアカりントの䜕らかの䞍正䜿甚に察しお責任を負うこずはありたせん。


Dialpadは、適宜独自の裁量で、販売促進掻動たたは割匕を行う堎合がありたす。販促コヌドたたは割匕コヌドは、サヌビス賌入時にDialpad にご提瀺いただく必芁がありたす。お客様がアカりントの䜜成時たたはサヌビスの倉曎時にかかるクレゞットを芁求しなかった堎合、お客様は、 かかる販売促進掻動たたは割匕に察しお埌でクレゞットを埗る暩利はありたせん。販売促進掻動たたは割匕を組み合わせお䜿甚したり、サヌビス に察しお遡っお䜿甚したりするこずはできたせん。販売促進掻動および、たたは割匕が機密扱いで提䟛される堎合、お客様は、圓該販売促進掻動 たたは割匕を公衚しないこず、そしお圓該販売促進掻動たたは割匕の公衚によっおDialpadが被った盎接的たたは間接的な損害に察しお䞀切の責 任を負うこずに合意するものずしたす。


以䞋に定めるずころに埓い、お客様が請求曞発行に぀いおのDialpadたたはその認定販売代理店以䞋「販売代理店」ずいいたす。ずの取り 決めに埓っおサヌビス料金を支払う堎合を陀き、該圓するすべおの初期費甚、䜿甚料、月額費甚、サポヌト費甚その他の手数料は党額前払いで請 求されたす。

お客様がサヌビス登録時に、圓瀟に適切な請求先情報を含む支払い方法を提瀺し、該圓する堎合、圓瀟がお客様の支払い方法から集金するこず を蚱可するものずしたす。お客様が、圓瀟がお客様の支払い方法に請求する蚱可を取り消す堎合であっおも、取消し埌30日が経過するたでいかな る蚱可も匕き続き有効ずしたす。取り消しに䌎い、圓瀟はお客様にすべおの手数料およびその他未払いの料金を請求し、お客様のサヌビスを解陀 したす。お客様は、お客様の支払い方法の倉曎を圓瀟に通知するこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様アカりントの支払い方法が䜕らかの理由で 拒絶された堎合たたは支払いができない堎合、Dialpadは合理的な努力を甚いおお客様に連絡を取り、請求ができなかったこずをお客様に䌝えた す。䞊蚘の芏定にかかわらず、Dialpadず認定販売代理店は、お客様の支払いが䜕らかの理由で拒絶された堎合たたは支払いができない堎合、お 客様のサヌビスを解陀し、お客様のアカりントを停止する暩利を留保したす。たた、Dialpadは、未払いのサヌビス料金および远加手数料の回収 の詊みを継続し、Dialpadが利甚できるその他の法的措眮を講じる暩利を留保したす。

支払いは期限厳守ずしたす。そのため、お客様は、支払期日の時点で未払いの金額に察しお、a幎利18%たたはb法埋で認められる利率 䞊限のいずれか䜎い方の利率で利息を支払うこずに同意するものずしたす。「党額払い」ずの指定にもかかわらず支払い遅延たたは䞀郚支払 いを受け入れるこずによっお、期限の到来した金額党額を回収するDialpadの暩利が攟棄されるものではありたせん。

請求呚期ず請求日は、適宜倉曎されるこずがありたす。請求呚期が1カ月未満たたは1カ月超ずなる堎合、圓瀟は合理的な調敎を行い、お客様の アカりントぞの請求を日割りで蚈算したす。

サヌビス料金に぀いおの異議は、Dialpadの請求日から30日以内にDialpadに曞面で提出しなくおはなりたせん。お客様が請求に察する異議の 詳现な理由を合理的に説明した文曞を所定の期間䞭に提出しない堎合、お客様はここに、かかる請求に関するあらゆる異議申し立おおよびさらな る償還請求を取り消し䞍胜な圢で攟棄するものずしたす。請求異議申立曞は、[email protected]にお送りください。

お客様がDialpadず盞互に合意した請求曞発行手続きに埓っおサヌビス料金を支払う堎合、Dialpadはその暙準的な慣䟋に埓っお、呚期的にお 客様に請求曞を発行したす。お客様は、各請求曞に察しお圓該請求曞の日付から30日以内に支払いを行う必芁がありたす。支払い遅延が発生した 堎合、お客様のサヌビスぞのアクセスが停止たたは終了される堎合がありたす。さらに、未払い料金には、未決い残高に察しお月率1.5%たたは法 埋で認められる利率䞊限のいずれか䜎い方の利息が生じ、か぀回収党費甚が請求されたす。お客様が販売代理店を通じおサヌビス料金の支払いを 行う堎合、支払いに関するすべおの条件䟡栌、特別䟡栌、割匕、請求曞発行、請求、支払い方法、遅延損害金を含みたすが、これらに限定され たせんは、販売代理店ずの盎接の契玄で芏定されるものずしたす。


アカりントの所有者は、Dialpadのサヌビスを契玄する法的䞻䜓䌁業、パヌトナヌシップ、個人などであるものずしたす。その埌所有暩を 倉曎する堎合には、適切な法的文曞による蚌明を芁するものずしたす。Dialpadは、所有暩に関連する争い、たたはその他䞀切の内郚での争いに ぀いお裁定をするこずはありたせん。Dialpadがアカりントの有効な所有者を刀断できない堎合、Dialpadはアカりントおよびサヌビスを停止た たは終了する暩利を留保したす。


Dialpadは、お客様の通信ログ、ボむスメヌル、ファクス、電子メヌルたたはその他メッセヌゞを保存する矩務を負わず、これらの保存はお客 様の䟿宜のためにのみ行いたす。お客様は、通話ログ情報、ボむスメヌル、ファクス、電子メヌル、メッセヌゞその他のサヌビスによっお維持た たは䌝送された通信が削陀されたこず、たたはそれらが保存されおいなかったこずに察しお、Dialpadがいかなる責任も負わないこずに同意する ものずしたす。お客様は、Dialpadが䌝送たたは保存する通信のサむズおよびDialpadが通信を保存する期間に関しお制限を蚭ける堎合があるこ ずを確認し、これに同意するものずしたす。


䞀郚のDialpadのサヌビスでは、お客様が電話での個別の䌚話を録音できる機胜が提䟛されたす。䌚話の録音に関する告知、通知、および同意 の芁件に関する法埋は州ごずに異なりたす。
䞀郚の州では、䌚話を録音するにはお客様においおすべおの圓事者から同意を埗る必芁がありたす。この機胜を䜿甚する堎合、お客様は、該圓す る囜・地域におけるすべおの連邊法、州法、地域法を遵守するこずに぀いお単独で責任を負いたす。Dialpadは、お客様による電話での䌚話の録 音に関するすべおの責任を明瀺的に吊認したす。お客様はここに、お客様がサヌビスを䜿甚する電話での䌚話を録音するこずに関連する䞀切の損 害たたは責任に぀いお、Dialpadを党面的に、最終的にか぀氞久に免責し、攟免し、これらから損害を被らないようにし、か぀これらに぀いお党 面的に補償するこずに同意するものずしたす。


䞀郚のDialpadのサヌビスでは、ボむスメヌルをテキストに、およびその逆の倉換ができる機胜が提䟛される堎合がありたす。お客様は、 Dialpadの音声テキスト倉換以䞋「VTT」ず蚀いたす。機胜およびテキスト音声倉換以䞋「TTV」ずいいたす。機胜が英語でしか利甚で きないこず、ボむスメヌルを正確に曞き起こすこずおよびテキストメッセヌゞを読み䞊げるこずができない堎合があるこずを了承し、これに同意 するものずしたす。お客様は、VTT機胜たたはTTV機胜を䜿甚する堎合は垞に元のメッセヌゞを確認し、か぀メッセヌゞの正確さを怜蚌するこず に぀いお単独で責任を負いたす。Dialpadは、ボむスメヌルのテキストぞの倉換、たたはその逆の倉換に関するすべおの責任を明瀺的に吊認した す。お客様はここに、お客様がサヌビスを䜿甚する際にVTT機胜たたはTTV機胜を䜿甚するこずに関連する䞀切の損害たたは責任に぀いお、 Dialpadを党面的に、最終的か぀氞久に免責し、攟免し、これらから損害を被らないようにし、か぀これらに぀いお党面的に補償するこずに同意 するものずしたす。


Dialpadはお客様に察しお、サヌビスに察するカスタマヌサポヌトおよびテクニカルサポヌトを電話たたは問い合わせフォヌムにより提䟛した す。Dialpadはお客様から報告された問題のトラブルシュヌティングおよび問題解決のために合理的な努力を行いたすが、Dialpadが圓該問題を 党面的に解決できるこずを衚明たたは保蚌するものではありたせん。本項に芏定される堎合を陀き、Dialpadは、お客様によるサヌビスの特定の 䜿甚により生じたあらゆる問題に察しお、远加のカスタマヌサポヌト、テクニカルサポヌト、たたは解決策の提䟛゜フトりェアのバグ修正など を行う矩務を負いたせん。

Dialpadは、適宜お客様にアンケヌト、ご意芋カヌド、顧客満足床調査甚玙たたはその他のフィヌドバック提䟛䟝頌をお送りする堎合がありた す。お客様はここに、Dialpad、そのラむセンス蚱諟者およびサプラむダヌに察しお、お客様がDialpadに提䟛するすべおのフィヌドバック、回 答、アむデア、意芋その他の情報を䜿甚するための氞続的か぀無制限の地理的範囲の制限なし党額支払い枈みか぀ロむダルティ無料のラむセンス を付䞎したす。


DialpadのVoIPサヌビス以䞋「VoIPサヌビス」には、䞀぀以䞊のボむスオヌバヌむンタヌネットプロトコル以䞋「VoIP」回線が含た れ、远加のVoIP回線を埌日远加するオプションもありたす。

アプリケヌションおよびVoIPサヌビスにおけるお客様のラむセンスは、Dialpadたたは認定販売代理店を通じお、お客様のサヌビス契玄に芏定 される期間以䞋「期間」に぀いお提䟛されたす。圓初期間は、お客様がサヌビスに登録した日以䞋「賌入日」を起点ずしたす。
すべおのサヌビスの期間は、お客様のサヌビス契玄で特に定められおいる堎合を陀き、珟圚の期間の終了する30日以䞊前にお客様がDialpadカス タマヌサヌビスに曎新しない旚を通知しない限り、お客様による远加の行為たたはお客様ぞの通知なしに、同じ長さの連続する期間に぀いお自動 的に曎新されたす。

月間サヌビスの登録者は、本契玄、お客様のサヌビス契玄およびサヌビスを芏埋する远加の契玄䞊の制限および手数料芏玄に埓い、Dialpadのカ スタマヌサヌビス (https://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/に連絡するこずで、理由の有無を問わず、い぀でもお客様のサヌビスの䜿甚をキャンセ ルたたは終了するこずができたす。

幎間サヌビスの登録者は、該圓する党期間のサヌビスを賌入するこずになりたす。お客様のサヌビス契玄に埓い、賌入日から30日間は日割り蚈算 で返金されたす。30日経過埌は、お客様が圓該期間の終了前にサヌビスを終了した堎合、お客様は、お客様が圓該期間が終了するたで顧客であっ た堎合の残䜙期間分のすべおの料金未払い料金、未請求料金、皎金、該圓する解陀料金を含む手数料を含みたすが、これらに限定されたせん。 に぀いお責任を远うものずしたす。これに加えお、お客様は、圓該期間に察しお前払いした料金の未䜿甚郚分に぀いお返金を受けるこずはできた せん。


お客様は、緊急通報サヌビスがDialpadのサヌビスでは提䟛されないこずを了承するものずしたす。緊急通報番号ぞの発信には埓来の 有線電話たたは携垯電話を䜿甚するなど、お客様が代替的な方法を甚いるこずを掚奚したす。Dialpadに䟝存しお緊急通報番号ぞの発信をしない でください。

お客様は、Dialpadモバむルアプリケヌションから緊急通報番号ぞ発信するためには、お客様のデバむスの電話アプリケヌションおよ び携垯電話サヌビスが䜿甚されるこずを了承するものずしたす。

お客様のデバむスに携垯電話サヌビスがない堎合、お客様はDialpadモバむルアプリケヌションから緊急通報番号に発信するこずができたせん。 お客様のDialpadサヌビスがDialpadがサポヌトする緊急通話機胜付オンプレミスゲヌトりェむに接続されおいる堎合は、お客様は緊急通報番号 に発信するこずができたす。

お客様がVoIPサヌビスにアクセスするために䜿甚しおいるお客様ご自身の有線ブロヌドバンドむンタヌネット接続ず機噚゜フトフォン機胜付き PC、IP電話機、ATAず埓来の電話機ぞの電力䟛絊バックアップシステムを甚意しおいる堎合を陀き、お客様は、停電䞭に電話サヌビスたたは緊 急通話サヌビスを䜿甚するこずはできたせん。

䞊述のずおり、お客様はDialpadで䜿甚するVoIP電話回線ごずに、VoIPサヌビスを䜿甚する登録䜍眮を登録する必芁がありたすたずえば、お 客様がDialpadから䞉぀のVoIP回線を賌入した堎合、お客様は䞉぀のVoIP回線のそれぞれに぀いお登録䜍眮を提䟛する必芁がありたす。
Dialpadはサヌビス開始手続きの䞀環ずしおお客様の登録䜍眮を取埗し、お客様が初回登録䜍眮を提䟛するたではVoIPサヌビスを提䟛したせん。 しかし、お客様が新しい䜍眮からVoIPサヌビスを䜿甚する堎合、お客様がお客様の登録䜍眮を曎新する必芁がありたす。お客様が登録した䜏所に かかわらず緊急応答機関PSAPぞの盎接ルヌティングが利甚できない、たたは携垯型デバむスを䜿甚しおVoIPサヌビスぞアクセスするような堎合 は、緊急通報は党囜緊急コヌルセンタヌに転送されたす。

お客様は、サヌビス開始プロセスの䞀環ずしお、真実、正確、最新か぀完党な登録䜍眮情報をDialpadに提䟛するものずしたす。たた、お客様 がお客様のVoIPサヌビスを新しい䜍眮から䜿甚する時は垞に、できる限り早くお客様の登録䜍眮に぀いお真実、正確、最新か぀完党な情報をもっ お曎新するこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様が虚停、䞍正確、最新でないもしくは䞍備のある、たたはDialpadによっおそのように疑われる 登録䜍眮を提䟛した堎合、Dialpadはサヌビスを停止たたは終了し、すべおのサヌビスの珟圚および将来のすべおたたは䞀郚の䜿甚を拒吊する暩 利を有したす。しかしながら、緊急通報番号に぀いおは、Dialpadは、サヌビス停止䞭であっおもお客様による発信を劚げないものずしたす。

お客様は、お客様のアカりント蚭定ペヌゞにログむンするか、Dialpadのカスタマヌサポヌトhttps://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/ぞ連絡す るこずで、登録䜍眮を曎新できたす。緊急通報番号ぞの発信のため、お客様は各VoIP回線に䞀぀の登録䜍眮を登録するこずができたす。

お客様は、同僚、同居人、蚪問客その他およびお客様がVoIPサヌビスを䜿甚する物理的な䜍眮に存圚しうる者党員に察しお、緊急通報が䜿甚でき ない堎合があるこず、たたは埓来の緊急通報サヌビスず比范しお䜕らかの制限がある堎合があるこずを知らせおください。Dialpadは、E911サヌ ビスが提䟛されるVoIPサヌビスぞの登録者に、賌入したVoIP機噚ず䞀緒に䜿甚するための「E911サヌビスが制限されるか、たたは䜿甚できない 堎合がありたす」ずいう譊告が曞かれたステッカヌを配垃したす。これらのステッカヌを、お客様がVoIPサヌビスにアクセスするために䜿甚する 機噚に貌り付けるこずはお客様の責任です。お客様がステッカヌを受領しおいない、たたは远加のステッカヌを必芁ずする堎合、カスタマヌサポ ヌトhttps://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/たでお問い合わせください。

Dialpadは、緊急応答機関PSAP、党囜緊急コヌルセンタヌおよびその他緊急応答サヌビスの提䟛に携わるすべおの第䞉者の行為に぀いお、 䞀切責任を負いたせん。Dialpadは、緊急応答機関PSAP、党囜緊急コヌルセンタヌ、たたはその他の第䞉者を管理するものではありたせん。 したがっお、VoIPサヌビスを甚いお行われた緊急通報にこれらが応答するかどうか、通報にどのように応答するかどうか、通報をどのように凊理 たたは察応するかに぀いお責任を負いたせん。Dialpadは、緊急通報サヌビスの提䟛に関しお、第䞉者の支揎に䟝存し、Dialpadの緊急通報サヌ ビスの提䟛時の第䞉者による䜜為たたは䞍䜜為に぀いお䞀切責任を負いたせん。


VoIPサヌビスは、0発信通話およびオペレヌタヌ通話コレクトコヌル、第䞉者請求通話、発信者付加課金番号、囜際電話カヌド通話を含みたす が、これらに限定されたせん。をサポヌトしおいたせん。VoIPサヌビスでは、䞀぀以䞊のサヌビス゚リアで、行政サヌビス、電話番号案内、亀 通情報サヌビスその他の情報サヌビス通話本契玄で芏定する緊急通報番号および聎芚障害者甚通信䞭継サヌビスを陀きたす。をサポヌトしな い堎合がありたす。


Dialpadは、取匕、プレスリリヌス、マヌケティング資料、電子的印刷物、攟送による広告、ニュヌスレタヌ、メヌル、展瀺䌚その他販促資料 においお、たたはDialpadのりェブサむト䞊もしくはDialpadもしくはその認定代理人がサヌビスの販売促進掻動を行い埗る第䞉者のりェブサむ ト䞊で、お客様をサヌビスのナヌザヌずしお特定するこずを求めるこずがありたす。かかる目的ず関連しお、お客様が蚱可する堎合に限り、 Dialpadおよびその代理人に察しお客様の氏名・名称、商暙、サヌビスマヌク、デザむン、ロゎおよび蚘号を䜿甚、耇補、出版および衚瀺するた めの、取り消し䞍胜の、氞続的、地理的範囲の制限なし、非排他的、党額支払い枈みか぀ロむダリティ無料のラむセンスをサブラむセンス暩ず 共に付䞎したす。

お客様は、盎接的たたは第䞉者を通じお間接的に、方法の劂䜕を問わずDialpadアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスを非難する行為に関䞎せず、 公的たたは私的にこれを䌝達しないこずに同意するものずしたす。かかる䌝達には、出版、投皿、印刷、流垃その他の方法でブログ、その他の ゜ヌシャルメディアを通じおむンタヌネット䞊で非難の意を䌝えるこずを含みたすが、これに限定されたせん。たた、お客様は、盎接たたは間接 を問わず、第䞉者によるかかる意芋、コメント、䌝達を求めたり、掚奚したりしないこずに同意するものずしたす。
お客様が本項の芁求事項に違反した堎合、Dialpadは、䞋蚘終了条項に埓っお、お客様のアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスぞのアクセスを終了す る堎合がありたす。著䜜暩を䟵害する資料が、圓瀟の支配の及ばない第䞉者によっおサヌビスを介しお提䟛される堎合がありたす。 圓瀟には、著䜜暩䟵害の有無を刀断するこずを目的ずしお、アプリケヌションたたはサヌビスを䜿甚しお䌝送、送信たたは受信された内容を確認 する矩務はなく、たたかかる確認を行うこずはありたせん。しかしながら、Dialpadは、ナヌザヌが他者の著䜜暩を䟵害しおいる堎合、アプリケ ヌションたたはサヌビスぞのアクセスを終了する暩利を留保したす。たた状況次第では、Dialpadがナヌザヌが䜕床も䟵害を繰り返しおいるず刀 断した堎合にアプリケヌションたたはサヌビスぞのアクセスを終了したす。


疑矩を避けるために付蚀するず、知的財産所有暩、お客様の衚明、秘密保持、䜿甚芏玄および制限、機噚、番号移転および可甚性、ナヌザヌ情報 の保存、お客様のフィヌドバック、パブリシティ暩、非難犁止、゜フトりェアラむセンスの远加、補償、䞍可抗力、保蚌の免責事項、責任の制限、 通知、譲枡、将来の倉曎、解釈、玛争解決および仲裁、準拠法の遞択に関連する本契玄の各条項は、本契玄の終了たたは期間満了埌も、法埋によ っお認められる限床たでの期間存続するものずしたす。

Dialpadは、Dialpadの合理的な支配を超える事由たたは䞍枬の事態、倩灜、地震、火灜、措氎、ファむバヌの断線、第䞉者のプロバむダヌたた はサプラむダヌの䜜為たたは䞍䜜為、暎動、サボタヌゞュ、戊争、政府の芁求その他のDialpadの合理的な支配を超える事由を含みたすが、こ れらに限定されたせん。を原因ずしお生じた本契玄に基づく履行の遅延たたは䞍履行に぀いお免責されるものずしたす。

カリフォルニア州法民法1789.3条に基づき、サヌビスのカリフォルニア州圚䜏ナヌザヌは、カリフォルニア州消費者行政局消費者サヌビス郚門 苊情支揎に、曞面の送付1020 N Street, #501, Sacramento, California 95814たたは電話916-445-1254で連絡するこずが できるずいう消費者暩利の通知を受けたす。

玛争の解決および任意の仲裁。お客様ずDialpadの間に争い、請求疑矩たたは意芋の䞍䞀臎以䞋「玛争」ずいいたす。が生じた堎合、お客様 ずDialpadは、たず圓該争い、請求、疑矩たたは意芋の䞍䞀臎を解決するために合理的な最倧限の努力をするものずしたす。この目的のため、お 客様およびDialpadの法務郚門の暩限を䞎えられた者たたはその他法務郚門によっお指名されたDialpadの代理人は、互いに誠意を持っお協 議ず亀枉に圓たり、盞互の利害を認識した䞊で、䞡者にずっお満足のいく、公正か぀平等な解決策に到達するように努めるものずしたす。お客様、 Dialpadのいずれも、かかる協議ず亀枉を行う前に、裁刀所、行政機関、仲裁機関、その他の裁定機関に玛争に関しお提蚎しないものずしたす。

Dialpad Terms of Service

Effective date: May 15, 2015

This Agreement is between Dialpad and its affiliates ("Dialpad") and the legal entity you represent by signing up for any Service, using the Service, or downloading, installing, or using any Application ("You"). This Agreement governs your use of Dialpad services ("Services"), the Dialpad Website, and Dialpad software applications ("Applications"). If You are an individual entering this Agreement on behalf of Your company, You represent and warrant that You have the authority and are competent to do so.

End User License and Restrictions

Dialpad grants You a limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-resellable license and right to use the Dialpad Services and Applications in strict accordance with this Agreement. All rights not expressly granted under this Agreement are retained by Dialpad. No Grant of Intellectual Property Rights. You acknowledge and agree that any and all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, and all other intellectual property rights (collectively, "IP Rights") in the Applications and Services are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Dialpad and its licensors. You will not take any action to jeopardize, limit, or interfere with the IP Rights. You acknowledge and agree that any unauthorized use of the IP Rights is a violation of this Agreement, as well as a violation of applicable intellectual property laws. If You are interested in reselling products or services offered by Dialpad, You can contact Dialpad at [email protected]pad.com.

New Versions of the Software. Dialpad, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to add, remove, or modify features or functions, or to provide fixes, updates and upgrades, to the Applications and Services. You acknowledge and agree that Dialpad has no obligation to make available to You any subsequent versions of the Applications or Services. You also agree that You may have to enter into a renewed version of this Agreement if you want to download, install, or use a new version of the Software. In addition, You and Dialpad acknowledge that no Third-Party has any obligation whatsoever to furnish maintenance or support services with respect to the Applications or Services and that Dialpad is solely responsible for the provision of maintenance and support as provided in this Agreement and to the extent such maintenance and support is required under applicable law.

Service Registration Procedures

Upon signing up for the Service and at subsequent times as requested by Dialpad, You agree to provide Dialpad with Your true, accurate, current, and complete personal name and/or business name, administrator name, billing address, shipping address, the addresses where the Services will primarily be used, 911 registered address for each applicable device, email address, contact phone number, credit card information, and other data which may be necessary to administer Your Dialpad account ("Account") (collectively, "Registration Data"). You represent and warrant that the information You provide is accurate, current, and complete, and agree to promptly update any of the information if it changes. If You provide Registration Data that is, or that Dialpad suspects to be, false, inaccurate, not current, incomplete, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful, Dialpad has the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate the Service and refuse any and all current or future use of all Services by You, Your business(es), affiliates and all users of Your Account. At all times, You shall maintain and promptly update Registration Data. Upon completion of all Registration Data and acceptance of this Agreement, Dialpad will provide You with, as applicable, a password(s), user ID(s), PIN(s), telephone number(s), and other account information. You are solely liable for any transactions or activities by You or anyone else that occur on Your Account. You shall immediately notify Dialpad of any unauthorized use of Your Account or if any other breach of security has occurred. In no event shall Dialpad be liable for any unauthorized use of Your Account. In connection with the registration, implementation, maintenance, or servicing of the Services, You will be required to provide data, information or other materials (collectively "Customer Data"). You hereby grant to Dialpad a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid-up, non-exclusive, license to copy, store, record, transmit, display, view, print, and use Customer Data to the extent required to provide or improve the Services. Dialpad may also share Customer Data as permitted pursuant to Dialpad's Privacy Policy, available here, which is incorporated into this Agreement.

Customer Representations

You represent and warrant that You possess the legal right, capacity, and ability to enter into this Agreement. You represent and warrant that You have made and will maintain at all times wireless or traditional wireline telephone service that will enable You to call 911 and any other applicable emergency service number. You represent and warrant that You will not use the Applications or Services in environments requiring fail-safe performance or in which the failure of the Applications or Services could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environment damage. You represent and warrant that the Registration Data, user name, contact information, Registered Location(s), and all other information provided in connection with Your Dialpad Account are true and correct at all times. You represent and warrant that You will not use the Applications or Services in violation of the Use Policy herein. You agree to be financially responsible for Your use of the Applications or Services, including the authorized or unauthorized use of Your Account. In order to use the Applications or Services, You must have properly configured and working Internet service and/or Public Switched Telephone Network ("PSTN") service (i.e., mobile and/or landline phone service) and hereby agree, at Your sole expense: to (1) obtain access to Your own Internet and/or PSTN service with a third party provider other than Dialpad; (2) be responsible for payment of Internet and/or PSTN connection or service fees and all equipment necessary to establish a connection to such Internet and/or PSTN service, as may be required to use the Applications or Services; (3) supply and pay third-party providers for all additional phone service and features required for Your use of the Applications or Services; and (4) pay Dialpad for the Applications or Services.

Product Pricing and Availability

With respect to its advertising, offering, or sale of Applications, Services, or any other products (collectively, "Products"), Dialpad attempts to describe its products as accurately as possible. Nevertheless, Dialpad does not warrant that any descriptions, pricing, availability, or other information relating to the advertising, offering, or sale of Products (collectively, "Product Information") from its Website, marketing materials, promotional flyers, advertisements, or other printed or electronic materials (collectively, "Product Materials") is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. Despite our efforts, it is possible that Product Information may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or that the Product may be unavailable. In the event Dialpad determines that a Product is mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, Dialpad reserves the right to take any action it deems reasonable and necessary to rectify the error, including without limitation, canceling Your Account or subscription to the Services. You agree to notify Dialpad immediately if You become aware of any pricing or descriptive errors or inconsistencies with any Products You order through the Product Materials and comply with any corrective action taken by Dialpad. You acknowledge and agree that the Services may not be available 100% of the time. Credit allowances for interruption of the Services may only be provided on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of Dialpad and shall be Your sole remedy for any Service interruptions or other issues with the Services.

Use Policies

You shall not use the Services for any illegal, fraudulent, improper, or abusive purpose or in any way that interferes with Dialpad's ability to provide high quality Services to other customers, prevents or restricts other customers from using the Services, or damages any Dialpad's or other customers' property. If Dialpad finds that You are using the Services for anything other than the permitted uses in this Agreement or for any of the prohibited uses in this Agreement, Dialpad may at its sole discretion terminate Your Service and charge You any applicable fees for the Services used plus damages caused by Your improper use. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to: Behavior that is illegal, obscene, threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, malicious, infringing, tortious, or invasive of another's privacy. Sending unsolicited messages or advertisements, including email, voicemail, SMS, or faxes (commercial or otherwise) ("spamming"), or otherwise sending bulk and/or junk email, voice mail, SMS, or faxes. Harvesting or otherwise collecting information about others, including email addresses, without their consent. Negligently, recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally transmitting any material that contains viruses, time bombs, trojan horses, worms, malware, spyware, or any other programs that may be harmful or dangerous. Creating a false Caller ID identity ("ID spoofing") or forged email/SMS address or header, or otherwise attempting to mislead others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of any communication made using the Services. Using any intellectual property rights protected by applicable laws and contained in or accessible through the Services for the purpose of building a competitive product or service or copying its features or user interface. Using the Services, or permit it to be used, for purposes of product benchmarking or other comparative analysis intended for publication without Dialpad’s prior written consent. Using the Services to develop or enhance any software, software code, or any derivative works of any software without Dialpad’s prior written consent. Violating any U.S. or foreign law regarding the transmission of technical data or software exported through the Services. Utilizing the Services in excess of what, in Dialpad's sole discretion, would be expected of normal business use, including without limitation allowing more than one user to use a single VoIP line or using a single VoIP line in excess of what would be expected of a single user. Using the Services in any way that interferes with other customers' and third parties' use and enjoyment of the Services or use the Services in any manner which disrupts, prevents or restricts any other customer from using the Services. You further understand and agree that:

Your use of the Services is subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations (including without limitation those governing account collection, export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, securities laws, and false advertising). In addition, some of Dialpad's Services are offered on an "unlimited" basis. All unlimited Services may only be used for normal business use and exclude international calling to countries other than Canada, which is available for an additional fee. Unlimited Services also may not be used for any of the following prohibited uses (which are in addition to the other prohibited uses applicable to all Services): Trunking or forwarding Your Dialpad number to (an)other phone number(s) capable of handling multiple simultaneous calls, or to a private branch exchange (PBX) or a key system. Spamming or blasting (e.g., sending one hundred (100) or more bulk and/or junk voicemail simultaneously). Bulk call-in lines (e.g., customer support or sales call centers, "hotlines", 900 numbers, sports-line numbers, etc.). Auto-dialing or "predictive" dialing (i.e., non-manual dialing or using a software program or other means to continuously dial or place out-bound calls). In addition, unusually high usage of the Services may impair Dialpad's ability to provide high quality Services to others and/or indicate unauthorized use of the Services, in which case Dialpad may suspend or terminate Your Account or, upon prior notice. Dialpad reserves the right to add to, modify or amend this Use Policy at any time for any reason at its sole discretion.

Unsolicited Advertisements

The transmission of unsolicited calls, using the Services for broadcasting, and/or transmitting unsolicited fax advertisements is illegal under federal law, including the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (http://www.fcc.gov/document/telephone-consumer-protection-act-1991), and under a number of similar state laws. Distribution of unsolicited voicemail, broadcast, and fax advertisements through the Services is prohibited. You shall not use the Services to send or transmit any unsolicited communications or advertisements and understand that, if You do, Dialpad may immediately terminate Your right to use the Services without liability of any kind.

At Dialpad's sole option and without further notice, Dialpad may use technologies and procedures, such as filters, that may terminate such unsolicited advertisements without delivering them. You hereby release and agree to fully, finally, and forever release, hold harmless, and fully indemnify Dialpad from and against any damages or liabilities of any kind related to any voicemail, broadcast, and/or fax spam or solicitations that You may send and/or receive using the Services.

If You transmit or are otherwise connected with any transmission of voice, fax, email, or other unsolicited marketing messages using the Services, You agree to pay Dialpad its actual damages if those damages can be reasonably calculated. If actual damages cannot be reasonably calculated, You agree to pay Dialpad liquidated damages of ten dollars ($10.00) for each unsolicited marketing message transmitted through the Services. You acknowledge that if actual damages cannot be reasonably calculated, these liquidated damages are a reasonable estimation of such damages and are not a penalty.

Taxes, Charges, and Fees

All fees for Services advertised or otherwise listed on the Website are exclusive of any federal, state, local sales, international excise, value-added, and similar taxes or fees and administrative or recovery fees or charges (collectively "Taxes and Fees"). You agree to pay all Taxes and Fees and/or similar liabilities, however denominated, that may now or hereafter be levied on the Services, which are chargeable to or recoverable from customers by any federal, state, local, or international law or regulation, as well as any administrative and recovery fees and charges levied on the Services by Dialpad, whether or not mandated by law or regulation. Should Dialpad pay or be required to pay such liabilities (including any Taxes and Fees that were due but not charged or previously collected), You agree that Dialpad may charge Your credit card on file for such payments upon receipt of an invoice and showing of indebtedness to Dialpad.

You are responsible for paying all charges for Your Account, including but not limited to toll-free, local, long distance, international, additional feature charges, 411 and operator assisted charges, and directory assistance charges, and for all taxes, surcharges, and fees imposed on you or us as a result of your use of the Service.

Unlimited Calling

Dialpad offers unlimited monthly calling for domestic calls and text messages from your mobile phone or computer. An unlimited service provides You with a domestic telephone number and is subject to the terms and restrictions of the Use Policy set forth above and other restrictions described in this Agreement, as well as any reseller agreements, if applicable. If, for any reason, Dialpad believes that You are using the unlimited service for a prohibited purpose and/or Your call usage violates the Use Policy, then Dialpad may, in its sole discretion with or without notice, terminate Your unlimited service.

Toll-Free Calling

Dialpad offers toll-free numbers, for an additional monthly fee, plus additional charges based on the minutes of use for inbound calls. Having a toll-free number requires that you maintain a balance of calling credits. When You are nearing exhaustion of Your initial paid allotment of calling credits, we will automatically recharge on Your behalf, an incremental package for additional credits, unless You disable this feature otherwise. Post-paid pricing packages and other variable terms may be available through invoiced accounts or resellers. Please refer to any applicable reseller agreements for additional terms of service. If, for any reason, Dialpad believes that You are using the toll-free calling for a prohibited purpose and/or Your call usage violates the Use Policy, then Dialpad may, in its sole discretion with or without notice, terminate Your toll-free calling service.

International Calling and “Local” International Telephone Numbers

To make international calls using the Services, You must enable international calling in Your settings and pre-purchase at least the minimum package of international calling credits. When making an international call, You must ensure that you have enough credits to make such call. Insufficient credits may cause your call to be terminated. Packages of international calling credits will decrement based on the rate defined per country and carrier. Our international calling rates are available at dialpad.com/rates. In addition, You may be charged any applicable Taxes and Fees associated with international calls. Dialpad also offers some “local” international numbers for you to make and receive calls and texts. Rates, Terms, Taxes and Fees associated with international inbound and outbound calling and texting services may vary based on the country and reseller agreement, if applicable. If, for any reason, Dialpad believes that You are using the Service for a prohibited purpose and/or Your call usage violates the Use Policy, then Dialpad may, in its sole discretion with or without notice, terminate Your service.

Value, Ownership, and Expiration of Calling Credits

Toll-free and international calling credits have no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for the cash value or refunded at any time after such credits are purchased by You, including after the closure of Your account. Credits may only be redeemed and used by the holder or users of the associated Account or “Office” to which the Credits have been credited, and may not be sold, transferred, assigned, or used by another user or with another user's account or Office. Any unused Credits remain on Your account and "roll over" to the next billing period. Additional Credits and Promotional Credits expire according to the terms of their purchase.

Fraudulent Activity or Erroneous Charges

In the event of suspected fraudulent activity or erroneous charges on Your Account, You agree to contact Dialpad as soon as possible. In many cases, Dialpad can mitigate or correct fraudulent activity or erroneous charges without bank or credit card company intervention. If You suspect fraudulent activity or erroneous charges on Your Dialpad Account, please contact Dialpad customer support at [email protected] When You contact customer support, please have the following information available: (a) Your name, contact information, Dialpad Account telephone number in question, and security verification information; (b) the credit card account number associated with the Account; and (c) the total amount in question charged to the Account. If You do not contact Dialpad within thirty (30) days after the suspected fraudulent activity or erroneous charges appear on Your Account, You waive Your rights to object to or challenge such activity or charges. Furthermore, if You request that Your bank or credit card company perform a chargeback without first contacting Dialpad, and Dialpad subsequently determines that the charges at issue are not erroneous, Dialpad reserves the right to terminate Your Account immediately and take any available legal action. Notwithstanding the above, You are solely liable for any transactions or activities by You or anyone else that occur on Your Account, and in no event shall Dialpad be liable for any unauthorized use of Your Account.


From time to time in its sole discretion, Dialpad may offer promotions or discounts. Any promotion or discount codes must be provided to Dialpad upon purchase of the Services. You shall not be entitled to a subsequent credit for such promotions or discounts if You do not request such credit at the time of Account creation or change of service. Promotions and/or discounts may not be used cumulatively or be used for Services retroactively. If a promotion and/or discount is offered on a confidential basis, You agree not to disclose the promotion and/or discount and to assume full responsibility for any harm, direct or indirect, caused to Dialpad by the disclosure of the promotion and/or discount.

Billing and Payment

Unless you are paying for the service pursuant to an invoicing arrangement with Dialpad or one of our authorized resellers (“Reseller”), as described in the following paragraphs, any applicable initiation charges, usage, monthly recurring charges, support charges, and other fees are billed in full in advance. Termination, international calling, equipment return fees and transfer charges, if any, are billed in arrears. Upon termination of Your Account for any reason, all unused calling credits and international calling credits shall expire in their entirety on the termination date. No refund, transfer or proration shall be made of any unused calling credits, Additional Credits, Promotional Credits, or international calling credits or of any remaining periods/months on any Service plan.

When You subscribe to Services, You will provide us with a payment method, such as a valid credit card (including proper billing information), and, if applicable, authorize us to collect from Your payment method. Any authorization will remain valid until thirty (30) days after You terminate our authority to charge Your payment method. Upon termination, we will charge You any fees and any other outstanding charges and disconnect Your service. You agree to advise and notify us of any changes to Your payment method, such as credit card account number or expiration date changes. If the credit card or other payment method on Your Account is declined or fails for any reason, Dialpad will use reasonable efforts to contact You and advise You of the failed billing attempts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Dialpad reserves the right to disconnect Your Service and terminate Your Account if Your credit card on file is declined or fails for any reason, and Dialpad reserves the right to continue to attempt charging Your credit card for any outstanding Service charges and additional fees and pursue any other legal remedies available to Dialpad.

Time is of the essence for payment. Therefore, You agree to pay us interest at the lesser rate of (a) 18% per annum or (b) the highest rate allowed by law for any amounts unpaid as of the due date. Acceptance of late or partial payments (even if marked "Paid in Full") shall not waive any of Dialpad's rights to collect the full amount due. We may assess an additional fee of the lesser of (a) fifty dollars ($50) or (b) the highest amount allowed by law for any credit card chargeback or check returned for nonpayment.

Billing cycle end dates may change from time to time. When a billing cycle covers less than or more than a full month, we may make reasonable adjustments and prorate the charges to Your Account.

You must dispute any charges for the Services in writing to Dialpad within thirty (30) days of the date of the charge by Dialpad. If You fail to provide a written statement explaining in reasonable detail Your reasons for disputing the charge within such time period, You hereby irrevocably waive any objection and further recourse with regard to such charges. Written statements disputing charges must be sent to [email protected]

If you are paying for the Service pursuant to a mutually agreed invoicing arrangement with Dialpad, Dialpad will invoice you on a periodic basis in accordance with its standard practice. You must pay each invoice within thirty days after the date of the invoice. In the event of late payment, your access to the Service may be suspended or terminated. Further, unpaid fees are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month on any outstanding balance, or the maximum permitted by law, whichever is lower, plus all expenses of collection.If you are paying for the Service through a Reseller, all payment related terms (including, but not limited to, pricing, special pricing, discounts, invoicing, billing, payment methods, and late payment charges) will be set forth in your agreement directly with Reseller.

Equipment Return Policy

You are responsible for all return shipping charges for any hardware returned to Dialpad for any reason, including situations in which hardware is covered under warranty. If You have purchased any hardware from us or we have otherwise provided You with any hardware and Your Account is terminated for any reason after the end of any free-trial period and prior to the end of Your first year of service, You hereby authorize us to immediately bill your credit card the appropriate equipment return fees, as set forth below.

If You cancel Your Dialpad Service within ninety (90) days from the date of purchase of the hardware, You may (a) keep the hardware and pay the list price minus the actual price paid for the hardware, excluding taxes, or (b) return Your hardware and receive a full refund. No returns are accepted after ninety (90) days from the date of purchase of the hardware. In addition, the following terms and charges apply to hardware returns: You agree to pay all shipping and handling charges related to any hardware returns. All hardware must be fully functional, include all components, manuals, peripheral devices, and all other accessories that were originally shipped with the hardware. At our discretion, we may decline Your return or charge You an additional fee of thirty dollars ($30) for each missing item or for each item that we determine is damaged or not in good working condition. Before returning any hardware that has data in its memory, please transfer all files You wish to retain to another file source. Once the hardware is returned, Your files cannot be recovered and You release us of any liability for any lost, damaged, or destroyed files, data, or other information.

Account Ownership

The Account owner shall be the legal entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, individual) that signs up for the Services with Dialpad. If no legal entity is provided upon sign-up, the Account owner shall be the owner of the credit card used to open the Account. Subsequent changes to ownership must be supported by appropriate legal documentation. Dialpad shall not adjudicate ownership-related disputes, or any other internal business dispute. If Dialpad is unable to determine the valid owner of the Account, Dialpad reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Account and Services.

Number Porting and Availability

Dialpad will use reasonable efforts to facilitate number transfers or port requests for You, provided that You comply with the necessary and specific procedures for porting between service providers.

You acknowledge and understand that number porting depends on the cooperation of third parties outside of Dialpad's control. Accordingly, You agree that Dialpad will not be liable for the failure or delay of any third party to cooperate in the porting of any telephone number, or for the allegedly unauthorized porting of any telephone number by a third party.

Dialpad works with third party carrier(s) who, on Dialpad's behalf, port telephone numbers in accordance with applicable Regulatory Rules and Industry Guidelines. Dialpad's third-party carrier(s) require very specific and detailed information and requirements when completing a port request. Please be informed that You will be required to provide such detailed and specific information to complete a port request. For porting numbers into Your Dialpad Account, follow the procedures on Your Account settings page for transferring a number to Your Dialpad Account. For porting numbers out of Your Dialpad Account, follow the procedures of Your new service provider. You understand that porting Your number out of Your Account does not automatically terminate Your Dialpad Account.

Number porting is defined and regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Visit http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/NumberPortability to learn more about number porting.

Dialpad cannot guarantee requested telephone numbers will be available, that Your existing provider will port Your number, or that circumstances beyond Dialpad's control will not prevent or delay a successful port of Your number for the Services. You should not order any printed material, such as business cards or stationery, showing a telephone number, or issue any press releases or otherwise publicize any telephone number until that telephone number becomes active on Your Account. Dialpad shall not be liable for reimbursement for press releases, business cards, and/or stationery under any conditions.

You understand and agree that Dialpad may from time to time need to change the telephone number or assigned to You (due to an area code split or for any other reason). Dialpad shall not be liable for any damages (including consequential, special damages or other damages) to You in the event that it needs to assign You a new telephone number.

Storage of User Information

Dialpad is not obligated to store Your communications logs, voicemails, faxes, emails, or other messages and does so only as a convenience to You. You agree that Dialpad has no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the deletion or failure to store any call log information, voicemails, faxes, emails, messages, and/or other communications maintained or transmitted by the Services. You acknowledge and agree that Dialpad may establish limits as to the size of communications that Dialpad transmits or stores and the duration for which Dialpad stores any communications.

Recording Conversations

Certain Dialpad Services provide a function that allows You to record individual telephone conversations. The laws regarding the notice, notification, and consent requirements for recording conversations vary from state to state. In some states, You are required to obtain consent from all parties to a record a conversation. You are solely responsible for complying with all federal, state, and local laws in any relevant jurisdiction when using this feature. Dialpad expressly disclaims all liability with respect to your recording of telephone conversations. You hereby agree to fully, finally, and forever release, discharge, hold harmless, and fully indemnify Dialpad from and against any damages or liabilities of any kind related to Your recording of any telephone conversations using the Services.

Voice-to-Text and Text-to-Voice Limitations

Certain Dialpad Services may provide a function that allows voicemails to be converted to text and vice versa. You understand and agree that Dialpad's voice-to-text ("VTT") and text-to-voice ("TTV") features may not accurately transcribe voicemails or articulate text messages, respectively. You are solely responsible for checking the original message and verifying the accuracy of the message when using any and all VTT or TTV features. Dialpad expressly disclaims all liability with respect to the conversion of voicemails to text or vice versa. You hereby agree to fully, finally, and forever release, discharge, hold harmless, and fully indemnify Dialpad from and against any damages or liabilities of any kind related to Your use of VTT or TTV features when using the Services.

Support and Feedback

Dialpad provides customer and technical support to You via telephone and email for the Services. Dialpad will use reasonable efforts to troubleshoot and resolve issues reported by You but does not make any representations or guarantees that Dialpad will be able to fully resolve any such issues. Except as provided in this section, Dialpad has no obligation to provide additional customer support, technical support, or to provide solutions (e.g., bug fixes to software) to any issues that may arise in Your particular use of the Services.

From time to time, Dialpad may send You surveys, comment cards, customer satisfaction forms, or other requests to provide feedback. You hereby grant Dialpad, its licensors, and suppliers a perpetual, unlimited, worldwide fully-paid up, royalty free license to use all feedback, answers, ideas, comments, or other information You provide to Dialpad.

Additional Terms for Dialpad VoIP Service

Dialpad VoIP Service (“VoIP Service”) includes one or more Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") lines, including the option to add additional VoIP lines at a later date.

Your license to the Applications and VoIP Services is provided for a term specified in Your Services contract (the "Term") through Dialpad or an authorized Reseller. The initial Term begins on the date that you sign up for the Services (the "Date of Purchase"). The Term for all Services will renew automatically for successive Terms of the same length without further action by or notice to You unless You notify Dialpad customer service of non-renewal at least thirty (30) days before the end of the then current Term, unless otherwise provided in Your Services contract.

Monthly Service. For subscribers of monthly Services, You may cancel or terminate Your use of the Services with or without cause at any time by contacting Dialpad customer service at [email protected], subject to the restrictions and fees provided in this Agreement, Your Services contract, and any additional agreements governing the Services.

Annual Service. For subscribers of annual Services, You are purchasing the Service for the full length of the applicable Term. You have thirty (30) days from the Date of Purchase for a prorated refund in accordance with Your Services Contract. After thirty (30) days, if You terminate the Services prior to the end of Your Term, You are responsible for all charges for any remaining time left on the Term as if You remained a customer through the end of the then-current Term, including, without limitation, outstanding charges, unbilled charges, taxes, and fees, including any applicable disconnection fee. In addition, You will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of prepaid Term charges.

Equipment. To use the VoIP Service, You may wish to purchase phones, headsets, or other equipment (collectively, "Equipment"). All Equipment shipments are F.O.B. Dialpad's shipping distributor facility. Dialpad's liability for delivery shall cease, and title to such Equipment (if applicable) and all risk of loss or damage shall pass to You upon delivery to the shipping carrier.

All equipment obtained from Dialpad in connection with VoIP Service is subject to the Equipment Return Policy above. You understand and acknowledge that if You subscribe to the Services on an annual basis and You cancel prior to the end of Your initial term, cancellation or termination fees, or phone, hardware, and other equipment fees may apply in accordance with the terms and conditions of Your plan. You hereby authorize Dialpad to charge Your credit card, and You hereby agree to be liable for any and all such fees, costs, and charges.

VoIP 911 Service



Dialpad VoIP 911 Service ("VoIP 911 Service") operates differently than traditional 911 service. We are required by the FCC to advise you of the circumstances under which 911 may not be available or may be in some way limited by comparison to traditional 911 service. Such circumstances include: Internet Connection Failure. If the connection to the wired broadband Internet over which Your Dialpad VoIP Service is provided is interrupted, You would not have access to Dialpad VoIP Service during that interruption and therefore will not have access to VoIP 911 service during that interruption.

Number Flexibility & Service Portability. Traditional 911 service automatically sends Your 911 call to the appropriate local emergency responder, or Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP"), based on Your telephone number. Traditional Enhanced 911 service (also known as E911) automatically sends Your 911 call to the appropriate PSAP along with Your registered address and telephone number. Because the Dialpad VoIP Service permits You to obtain a telephone number that does not correspond to Your geographic location (for example, You may obtain a Dialpad VoIP telephone number with a California area code even if You do not have a California address) and allows You to use Dialpad VoIP Service anywhere You have wired broadband Internet, the VoIP 911 Service functions differently than traditional 911 service in certain respects:

Because Your address does not necessarily correspond with Your telephone number, You must provide Dialpad with the street address(es) where You will be using Dialpad VoIP Service ("Registered Location(s)") when You sign up for service. If You relocate any equipment (PC with softphone, IP phone, or ATA with traditional phone) that You use to access the VoIP Service, You must update Your Registered Location(s). If You do not update your Registered Location(s), any 911 calls You make using the VoIP Service will be routed based on Your previously provided Registered Location and therefore may not be routed to the appropriate PSAP for Your new location. In addition, because the VoIP Service will, where possible, automatically transmit Your Registered Location to the PSAP, You must update Your Registered Location to ensure that the VoIP Service transmits accurate location information to the PSAP. Once You notify us of a change in Your Registered Location, there may be a delay in making the new Registered Location available to properly route 911 calls and advise PSAPs of Your new Registered Location. In some parts of the country where direct routing to PSAPs is not available for VoIP 911 Service, the Service will route Your call to the National Emergency Call Center where trained agents will ask for the name, location, and telephone number of the person calling 911 and will contact the appropriate PSAP to send help. The call center will not automatically receive Your address and telephone number. In these situations, public safety response times may be delayed. As a result, there may be an additional delay before emergency services arrive.

Loss of Electrical Power. Unless You have a backup system to power Your wired broadband Internet connection and any equipment (PC with softphone, IP phone, ATA with traditional phone) that You use to access Your VoIP Service, You will not have phone service or 911 service during any power outage. Registration of Physical Locations Required. As discussed above, You must register the Registered Location where You will be using VoIP service for each VoIP phone line You use from Dialpad (e.g., if You purchase Dialpad with three VoIP lines, You must provide a Registered Location for each of the three VoIP lines). Dialpad will obtain Your Registered Location as part of the service initiation process and will not provide VoIP Service until you have provided Your initial Registered Location. However, You must update Your Registered Location when You use Your VoIP Service from a new location. Regardless of what address You register, in some circumstances, such as unavailability of direct routing to PSAPs or the use of portable devices to access the VoIP Service, emergency calls will be routed to the National Emergency Call Center.

You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete Registered Location information to Dialpad as part of the service initiation process and to update as soon as possible Your Registered Location with true, accurate, current, and complete information whenever You use Your VoIP Service from a new location. If You provide Registered Location information that is, or that Dialpad suspects to be, false, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, Dialpad has the right to suspend or terminate the Services and refuse any and all current or future use of all Services, or any portion thereof. Dialpad will not, however, disable Your ability to make a 911 call during any service suspension.

You may update Your Registered Location by logging on to Your Account settings page or contacting Dialpad customer support at [email protected] For purposes of 911 Dialing, You may only register one Registered Location for each VoIP line.

Notify All Users of 911 Limitations. You should inform all business colleagues, household residents, guests, and other persons who may be present at the physical location where You utilize the VoIP Service that 911 may not be available or may be in some way limited in comparison to traditional 911 service. Dialpad will provide subscribers to VoIP services for which E911 service is provided, stickers warning that "E911 Service May Be Limited or Not Available" for use with any VoIP equipment purchased. It is Your responsibility to place these stickers on the equipment You use to access VoIP Service. If You have not received a sticker, or You require additional 911 stickers, please contact customer support at [email protected]

Disclaimer of 911 Liability. Dialpad disclaims all responsibility for the conduct of PSAPs, the National Emergency Call Center, and all other third parties involved in the provision of emergency response services. Dialpad does not have any control over PSAPs, the National Emergency Call Center, or other third parties and is therefore not responsible for whether they answer 911 calls made using the VoIP service, how they answer these calls, or how they handle or respond to these calls. Dialpad relies on third parties to assist it in the provision of 911 service and disclaims any and all liability for acts or omissions by third parties in the provision of Dialpad's 911 service.

Operator Assisted Calling, 311, 511, and other X11 Calling

The VoIP Service does not support 0+ or operator assisted calling (including, without limitation, collect calls, third party billing calls, 900, or calling card calls). The VoIP Service may not support 311, 411, 511, and/or other X11 calling (other than 911 and 711 as specified in this Agreement) in one or more service areas.

Publicity Rights

You agree that Dialpad may identify You as a user of the Services in its business deals; press releases; marketing materials; electronic, printed, and broadcast advertising; newsletters; mailings; tradeshows; other promotional materials; on Dialpad's website; or any other third-party website where Dialpad or its designated agents may promote the Services. You hereby grant Dialpad and its agents an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, fully paid-up, royalty-free license (with right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, publish, and display Your name, trademarks, service marks, designs, logos, and symbols in connection with such purpose.

Non-disparagement. You agree not to directly or indirectly through a third party engage in any conduct or make any communication (public or private) that disparages Dialpad or the Applications or Services in any way. Such communications include, but are not limited to, publishing, posting, printing, disseminating, or otherwise making such disparaging statements on or through the Internet, in any blog, or through any other form of social media. You further agree not to solicit or encourage, directly or indirectly, any such statements, comments, or communications by any third-party. In accordance with the termination provisions below, Dialpad may terminate Your access to the Applications or Services if You breach the requirements of this section. Copyright Infringement Materials may be made available via the Service by third parties not within our control. We are under no obligation to, and do not, review content transmitted, sent, or received using the Applications or Services for purposes of determining copyright infringement. However, Dialpad reserves the right to terminate access to its Applications or Services if a user infringes on others' copyrights, and will, in appropriate circumstances, terminate access to the Applications or Services if Dialpad determines that a user is a repeat infringer.

Other Terms

Survival. For avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Agreement relating to intellectual property ownership, customer representations, confidentiality, use policies and restrictions, equipment, number porting and availability, storage of user information, customer feedback, publicity rights, non-disparagement, additional software licenses, indemnification, force majeure, warranty disclaimers, limitations of liability, notices, assignment, future changes, interpretation, dispute resolution and arbitration, and choice of law shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement for the maximum term allowable by law.

Force Majeure. Dialpad shall be excused from any delay or failure in performance hereunder caused by reason of occurrence or contingency beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, acts of God, earthquake, fire, flooding, fiber cuts, actions or inactions of third party providers or suppliers, riots, sabotage, war, government requirements, or other events that are beyond Dialpad's reasonable control.

California Subscribers. Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users of the Service receive the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 1020 N Street, #501, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at 916-445-1254.

Dispute Resolution and Optional Arbitration. In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement between You and Dialpad ("Dispute"), You and Dialpad shall first use reasonable best efforts to settle the dispute, claim, question, or disagreement. To this end, You and an authorized member of Dialpad's legal department (or other representative of Dialpad designated by the legal department) shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a just and equitable solution satisfactory to both parties. Neither You nor Dialpad shall file or pursue any Disputes in any court, administrative, arbitral, or other adjudicative body prior to engaging in such consultations and negotiations.



Dialpadでは、お客様の䟿宜のために、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョンの条項を提䟛したすが、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョ ンの条項は、Dialpadたたはお客様を法的に拘束するものではないこずにご留意ください。お客様ずDialpadずの間で法的に拘束力を有するバヌ ゞョンは、本ペヌゞ䞋郚に蚘茉された英語バヌゞョンの条項であるものずしたす。

Dialpadは、個人情報の利甚および共有に関するお客様の関心を理解し、お客様のプラむバシヌを尊重しおいたす。以䞋の内容をお読みになり、 圓瀟のプラむバシヌポリシヌをご理解いただきたすようお願い申し䞊げたす。

圓瀟には個人のプラむバシヌを保護する責任があるこずから、個人のプラむバシヌを保護する圓瀟のコミットメントに基づき、Dialpadは米囜 商務省が欧州委員䌚ず協議し策定したセヌフハヌバヌ協定の原則を遵守しおいたす。プラむバシヌにかかわる枠組みであるこのセヌフハヌバヌ協 定は、本ポリシヌが参照する7぀の原則ず15のよくある質問FAQで構成されおいたす。なお、このEUセヌフハヌバヌ制床は今幎埌半、EUプラ むバシヌシヌルドに取っお代わられる予定です。

eTrust Certified Privacy Policy : Click to Verify

お客様が本サヌビスを䜿甚たたは本サヌビスにアクセスするこずにより、お客様は本プラむバシヌポリシヌに蚘茉の慣行および方針を 承諟したものずみなされ、圓瀟がお客様の情報を以䞋に瀺す方法で収集・利甚・共有するこずに同意するこずになりたす。

Dialpadのサヌビスのご利甚に圓たっおは、垞に利甚芏玄が適甚されたす。本プラむバシヌポリシヌは利甚芏玄の䞀郚です。本ポリシヌ内で定 矩せずに䜿甚されおいる甚語は、利甚芏玄の甚語の定矩ず同矩ずしたす。


本プラむバシヌポリシヌは、お客様による圓瀟サヌビスぞのアクセス時たたは利甚時に圓瀟が収集する、個人を特定できる情報以䞋「個人情 報」の取り扱いに察しお適甚されたす。ただし、圓瀟が所有しおいない䌁業や管理の及ばない䌁業の慣行、あるいは圓瀟が管理しおいない人物 の行為に察しおは適甚されたせん。以䞋で詳しく説明するように、圓瀟はさたざたな皮類の個人情報をお客様から収集し、集めた個人情報は、圓 瀟サヌビスのパヌ゜ナラむズ・提䟛・向䞊、およびナヌザヌのアカりントずプロフィヌルの蚭定、圓瀟および他のナヌザヌからお客様ぞの連絡、 補品やサヌビスに察するお客様からのご芁望ぞの察応、お客様のサヌビス利甚状況分析のためなど、圓瀟サヌビスに関連する目的で内郚的に䜿さ れたす。たた、堎合によっおは、埌述する状況に限り、䞀郚の個人情報を第䞉者ず共有するこずがありたす。

利甚芏玄に定める通り、圓瀟はお客様が13歳未満であるこずを知りながら、そのお客様の個人情報を収集したり求めたりするこずはありたせん。 お客様が13歳未満の堎合は、圓瀟サヌビスに登録したり、個人情報を圓瀟ぞ送ったりしないでください。13歳未満のお子様から個人情報を収集し たこずが刀明した時は、できるだけ早急に圓該情報を削陀したす。13歳未満のお子様から圓瀟ぞ個人情報が提䟛された可胜性があるず思われる時 は、[email protected]たでご連絡ください。


圓瀟は垞にサヌビスの向䞊を図っおおり、それに䌎いプラむバシヌポリシヌも適宜倉曎する堎合がありたす。ただし、倉曎する堎合はDialpad 䞊で通知するか、メヌルの送信たたはその他䜕らかの方法で倉曎をお知らせしたす。法埋に基づく通知メヌルを圓瀟から受け取らない蚭定にされ おいる堎合たたはメヌルアドレスをご登録いただいおいない堎合でも、その通知内容は本サヌビスのご利甚に適甚され、お客様は圓該通知を 読み、理解する責任を負うこずにご泚意ください。プラむバシヌポリシヌの倉曎が掲茉された埌にサヌビスをご利甚になった堎合は、倉曎内容の すべおに同意したずみなされたす。圓瀟が収集する情報は、その情報が利甚された時点で有効なプラむバシヌポリシヌに埓っお利甚されたす。



圓瀟は、お客様が意図的に圓瀟ぞ提䟛したあらゆる情報を受け取り、保存したす。たずえば、登録手続きやアカりント蚭定においお、お客様の 名前、メヌルアドレス、電話番号、第䞉者アカりント認蚌情報LinkedInなど他の第䞉者サむトのログむン認蚌情報などの個人情報を収集す るこずがありたす。お客様の第䞉者アカりント認蚌情報を圓瀟にご提䟛いただく堎合、あるいは第䞉者のサむトたたはサヌビスを介しお圓瀟サヌ ビスぞサむンむンされる堎合、圓該アカりントの内容たたは情報の䞀郚「第䞉者アカりント情報」は、お客様の蚱可を埗た䞊で圓瀟のお客様 アカりントぞ送信され、圓瀟サヌビスぞ送信された第䞉者アカりント情報は本プラむバシヌポリシヌの適甚察象になりたす。 䞀郚の情報は、圓 瀟ぞの登録たたは圓瀟が提䟛する機胜の䞀郚を利甚する際に必芁になる堎合がありたす。

お客様ぞの連絡手段を圓瀟にご提䟛いただいおいる堎合は、圓瀟からお客様にご連絡するこずがありたす。たずえば、メヌルアドレスをご提䟛 いただいおいる堎合、他の䌁業の代わりに圓瀟からプロモヌションメヌルをお送りしたり、圓瀟サヌビスのご利甚に関するメヌルをお送りしたり するこずがありたす。たた、お客様が圓瀟からのメヌルを開封した時、圓瀟は開封通知を受け取る堎合がありたす。この開封通知は、お客様ずの コミュニケヌションず圓瀟サヌビスの向䞊に圹立おられたす。圓瀟からのお知らせを受け取りたくない堎合は、お送りしおいるメヌルの最埌に蚘 茉されおいるリンクから、メヌル配信解陀の手続きを行っおください。


お客様が圓瀟サヌビスをご利甚になる時、圓瀟は、お䜿いのブラりザや端末から自動的に情報を受信しおサヌバヌログにその情報を蚘録したす。 収集する情報には、お客様のIPアドレス、端末識別情報、「Cookieクッキヌ」情報、サヌビスぞのアクセスに䜿甚しおいるブラりザや端末 の皮類、お客様が芁求したペヌゞや機胜に関するものなどが含たれたす。「Cookie」ずは、お客様のブラりザや端末ぞ送信される識別情報で、 お客様のブラりザや端末を認識しお圓瀟サヌビス内のペヌゞや機胜がい぀、どのように、たた䜕人にアクセスされたのか、圓瀟が確認できる仕組 みです。お客様偎のブラりザたたは端末䞊でCookieの受け入れを無効にしたり制限したりできたすが、その堎合、圓瀟が提䟛する機胜の䞀郚をご 利甚いただけなくなる堎合がありたす。圓瀟サヌビス䞊に衚瀺される広告をクリックするず、広告を配信する提携䌁業から、お䜿いのブラりザや 端末にCookieが送信されるこずがありたす。たた、第䞉者のりェブサむトやサヌビスぞのリンクをクリックするず、その第䞉者からCookieが送 信されるこずがありたす。 なお、本プラむバシヌポリシヌでは、第䞉者によるCookieの䜿甚は適甚察象倖であり、プラむバシヌに関する第䞉者 のポリシヌおよび慣行に぀いお圓瀟は責任を負いたせん。

圓瀟ではこのCookieのデヌタを䜿い、お客様が関心を持぀ず思われるコンテンツを、お客様の利甚パタヌンに基づいおカスタマむズするこずが ありたす。そのほか、サヌビスの向䞊にも利甚するこずがありたす。たずえば、このデヌタからはナヌザヌがサヌビス内のどの機胜をどのくらい の頻床で利甚しおいるかがわかるため、より倚くのお客様により良いサヌビスを提䟛するのに圹立おるこずができたす。

他のりェブサむトから収集する情報ず「Do Not Trackトラッキング拒吊」に関するポリシヌ

圓瀟は、お客様のブラりザや端末䞊に保存するCookieを通しお、お客様が圓瀟サヌビスから離れた埌のオンラむン行動に関する情報を収集する こずがありたす。この情報は、圓瀟が収集する他の利甚状況情報ず同様に、サヌビスの向䞊、お客様のオンラむン䜓隓のカスタマむズ、および本 プラむバシヌポリシヌに定められおいるその他の目的のために利甚されたす。お䜿いのブラりザによっおは「Do Not Trackトラッキング拒吊 」機胜があり、これを䜿うこずで、りェブサむトやりェブアプリケヌション、およびサヌビス行動に基づく広告サヌビスを含むの事業者に 察し、特定のオンラむン掻動に関する過去の履歎や耇数のりェブサむトにたたがる履歎を远跡しないよう蚭定するこずができたす。圓瀟サヌビス は珟圚、Do Not Track芁求には察応しおいたせん。したがっお、圓瀟は、圓瀟サヌビスのご利甚䞭およびご利甚埌のオンラむン掻動に関する情 報を収集しおいたす。


圓瀟は、お客様の個人情報を、個人が特定できる圢で他者に貞䞎・販売するこずは䞀切ありたせん。 ただし、この項に蚘茉する条件で、お客様 の個人情報を第䞉者ず共有するこずはありたす。

個人を特定できない情報 瀟は、個人情報を匿名化しお個人を特定できないようにした䞊で、その情報を特定の提携䌁 業に提䟛し、ナヌザヌのオンラむン行動の理解に掻甚する堎合がありたす。 たた、利甚状況の集蚈情報を提携䌁業に提䟛し、提携䌁業がその情 報を基に、圓瀟サヌビスの利甚頻床や利甚方法を把握しお、より良いオンラむンサヌビスの提䟛のために掻甚するこずもありたす。ただし、利甚 状況を集蚈した情報を、お客様個人が特定されるような圢で提携䌁業に開瀺するこずは䞀切ありたせん。提携䌁業のプラむバシヌポリシヌおよび 利甚状況情報の共有を拒吊する蚭定オプトアりトに぀いお詳しくは、 https://mixpanel.com/terms/をご芧ください。 なお、オプトアりトを遞択しおいる堎合で、PCの買い替え、新しいブラりザのむンストヌル、ブラりザのCookieファむルの削陀や倉曎ずいった行為により、有効にしおいたCookiesのオプトアりト蚭定が解陀されるこずがありたすの でご泚意ください。

広告䞻 圓瀟は、広告䞻/マヌチャントパヌトナヌ以䞋「広告䞻」偎で、広告やプロモヌションを衚瀺させるナヌザ ヌの人口統蚈デヌタを遞択できるようにしおいたす。広告䞻が広告やプロモヌションを衚瀺させる察象を適切に遞択するこずができるよう、圓瀟 がお客様から収集した情報を、個人を特定できない圢で広告䞻に提䟛するこずにお客様は同意したものずみなされたす。たずえば、圓瀟はあるお 客様がサンフランシスコ圚䜏であるずいう情報を基に、そのお客様にサンフランシスコの䌁業の広告やプロモヌションを衚瀺するずいったこずを 行いたす。ただし、その䌁業に察しお、そのお客様が誰なのかを開瀺するこずはありたせん。あるいは、圓瀟は広告䞻にそのお客様ず利甚パタヌ ンが䌌た他のお客様ぞの広告衚瀺を蚱可するこずもありたす。その堎合も、集蚈された圢での情報提䟛を陀き、個人を特定できる方法で利甚状況 を広告䞻に開瀺するこずはありたせん。広告䞻が広告を特定のナヌザヌたたはナヌザヌ局に衚瀺するよう圓瀟に䟝頌しおいる堎合に、お客様がそ の広告に反応するず、広告䞻偎が想定した察象ナヌザヌ像にお客様が合臎しおいるず広告䞻に刀断されるこずがありたす。

圓瀟は、圓瀟サヌビスを介しお広告ネットワヌクからファむルを送信するこずがありたす「りェブビヌコン」ず呌ばれるものです。りェブ ビヌコンにより、圓瀟および広告䞻は、広告ネットワヌクから、匿名化された総蚈の監査・調査・報告の提䟛を受けたす。たた、りェブビヌコン により、お客様が別のりェブサむトを蚪問した時にタヌゲット広告を衚瀺させるこずもできたす。りェブブラりザは、広告ネットワヌクのサヌバ ヌに察しおこうした広告やりェブビヌコンを芁求するため、広告を出す䌁業偎は、あたかもお客様がその䌁業サむトのりェブペヌゞを芁求したか のようにCookieを衚瀺・線集・蚭定するこずができたす。第䞉者が実斜するりェブビヌコンによる远跡は、お䜿いのブラりザのDo Not Track トラッキング拒吊蚭定によっお圓瀟サヌビス経由でオプトアりトするこずができる堎合がありたす。ただし、第䞉者がDo Not Track芁求 に察応しおいるか、たたはどう察応するかに぀いおは、圓瀟は関知しおいたせん。

関連䌁業 圓瀟が提携する䌁業たたは第䞉者のりェブサむトが、圓瀟サヌビスを介しお、たたは圓瀟サヌビスず関連し お単独たたは圓瀟ず共同で補品やサヌビスの販売たたは提䟛を行う堎合がありたす。お客様は、そういった取匕たたはサヌビスを関連䌁業が 行っおいるこずを認識するこずができたす。たた、お客様の個人情報をその関連䌁業ず共有する堎合は、圓該取匕たたはサヌビスに関連する範囲 に限定しお共有したす。こうしたサヌビスには、お客様が第䞉者アカりント情報を自身のサヌビスプロフィヌルに自動送信する機胜や、サヌビス プロフィヌルの情報を第䞉者アカりントに自動送信する機胜が含たれるこずがありたす。圓瀟は、第䞉者のりェブサむトたたは䌁業によるプラむ バシヌ等に関するポリシヌおよび慣行は関知しおいないため、提携先のりェブサむトや䌁業に関連する取匕やサヌビスを受ける堎合は、その䌁業 たたはりェブサむトのポリシヌをすべおご確認ください。

代行業者 圓瀟は他の䌁業および人材に業務を代行させおいるため、補品やサヌビスを提䟛する目的でお客様の情報をそ うした䌁業等ず共有する必芁がありたす。たずえば、圓瀟ではBraintreeやBill.comずいった支払凊理サヌビスを利甚し、お客様のクレゞット カヌド取匕の受領・凊理の代行を䟝頌しおいたす。圓瀟から特に明蚀しない限り、代行業者は、圓瀟から代行業者に提䟛する個人情報を、圓瀟業 務の支揎に必芁な範囲を超えお䜿甚する暩利を有したせん。

ナヌザヌプロフィヌルず投皿 お客様の名前、䜍眮、動画や画像コンテンツなど、お客様が本サヌビスにアップロヌドし たナヌザヌプロフィヌル情報の䞀郚は、本サヌビス内におけるナヌザヌ間亀流の促進のために他のナヌザヌに察しお衚瀺され、たた圓瀟サヌビス に関するご芁望ぞの察応に掻甚されるこずがありたす。アカりントのプラむバシヌ蚭定にお、お客様はご自分のプロフィヌル内の個人情報を芋る こずができる盞手や、どの情報を他のナヌザヌに衚瀺するかを限定するこずができたす。公開されおいるお客様のナヌザヌプロフィヌルにアップ ロヌドするコンテンツ、および掲瀺板、メッセヌゞ、チャット゚リア内などで他者が閲芧できるような圢でお客様自身が自䞻的にオンラむン 䞊に開瀺する個人情報たたはコンテンツは公開状態ずなり、誰でも収集・䜿甚できる情報ずなりたすのでご泚意ください。たた、お客様が本サヌ ビスを介しおメッセヌゞやコメントを送信した時、あるいは画像や動画をアップロヌドした時は、ご自分の名前が他のナヌザヌに衚瀺されるこず があり、他のナヌザヌはメッセヌゞおよびコメント機胜を甚いおお客様に連絡をずるこずができたす。さらに、第䞉者の゜ヌシャルネットワヌキ ングサむトやサヌビス経由で本サヌビスにサむンむンした堎合は、そのサむトたたはサヌビスの「友人」リストが自動的に本サヌビスに取り蟌た れたす。たた、その「友人」が本サヌビスの登録ナヌザヌでもある堎合、その「友人」は、お客様がナヌザヌプロフィヌルに入力しおいる非公開 の情報の䞀郚にアクセスできるこずがありたす。圓瀟は、そういった第䞉者のサむトたたはサヌビスのポリシヌおよび慣行は関知しおいたせん。

事業譲枡 圓瀟は資産の売買を行うこずがありたす。そうした売買取匕においお、顧客情報は譲枡察象ずなる事業資産の 代衚的なものです。たた、圓瀟たたは圓瀟の資産が買収された堎合、たたは圓瀟が廃業し、砎産し、あるいは圓瀟に他の䜕らかの支配暩の倉 曎が生じた堎合、個人情報は、第䞉者ぞ譲枡たたは第䞉者により買収される資産の察象ずなる可胜性がありたす。

Dialpad等の保護 圓瀟は、法埋の遵守、あるいは裁刀所の呜什たたは召喚状ぞの察応、圓瀟の利甚芏玄およびその他 の契玄の匷制たたは適甚、Dialpadおよび圓瀟の埓業員やナヌザヌ等の暩利・財産・安党の保護のために、必芁であるず圓瀟が刀断するすべおの 情報ぞのアクセス、読み出し、保存、開瀺を行う暩利を有したす。


お客様のアカりントは、プラむバシヌずセキュリティのためパスワヌドで保護されおいたす。第䞉者のサむトたたはサヌビスを介しおアカりン トにアクセスする際は、そのサむトやサヌビスを介したサむンオン保護手順が別途甚意されおいる堎合がありたす。お客様偎で、パスワヌドやそ の他のサむンオンメカニズムを適切に蚭定しお保護したり、アカりントぞのアクセスを終えた埌は䜿甚しおいたPCや端末、およびブラりザぞのア クセスを制限したりするなどしお、アカりントおよび個人情報ぞの䞍正アクセスを防止しおください。

圓瀟は、お客様のアカりントのプラむバシヌ、および圓瀟が蚘録ずしお保持するその他の個人情報を保護するための努力はしおおりたすが、残 念ながら完党なセキュリティを保蚌するこずはできたせん。䞍正アクセスや䞍正利甚、ハヌドりェアや゜フトりェアの障害、その他の芁因により 、ナヌザヌ情報のセキュリティは垞に脅かされおいる状態です。



  • 名前およびパスワヌド
  • メヌルアドレス
  • 電話番号
  • 所圚地
  • タむムゟヌン
  • 勀務先
  • デバむス
  • 録音されたメッセヌゞおよび通話
  • ナヌザヌプロフィヌル情報サむトにアップロヌドした画像および動画を含む
  • 請求情報
  • 連絡先
  • サむトにリンクさせたその他の個人アカりント情報䜿甚しおいる゜ヌシャルメディアおよびデヌタストレヌゞサヌビスなど

本サヌビスの倉曎に䌎い、閲芧・曎新・削陀可胜な情報は倉曎される堎合がありたす。圓瀟が保管するお客様の情報の衚瀺や曎新に関する質問 は、https://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/ からお問い合わせください。

カリフォルニア州民法第1798.831798.84条の定めにより、カリフォルニア州にお䜏たいの方は、圓瀟に察し、圓瀟がマヌケティングを目的 ずしお、および提携䌁業たたは第䞉者に連絡先情報を提䟛するこずを目的ずしお、圓瀟がその提携䌁業たたは第䞉者に提䟛する個人情報に぀いお 、そのカテゎリヌを明瀺する通知曞を請求するこずが認められおいたす。カリフォルニアにお䜏たいの方で、この通知曞のコピヌをお求めになり たい堎合は、[email protected]たで曞面におご請求ください。


お客様には垞に、圓瀟ぞ情報を開瀺しないずいう遞択肢がありたす。ただし、䞀郚の情報は登録や䞀郚の機胜を利甚するために必芁になる堎合 があるこずにご泚意ください。

䞊述の通り、お客様は情報の远加・曎新・削陀を行うこずができたす。ただし、お客様が情報を曎新する際、圓瀟は曎新前の情報のコピヌを蚘 録ずしお保管するこずがありたす。Dialpadアカりントの削陀をご垌望の堎合は、https://www.dialpad.com/contact-us/ たでご連絡ください。 Dialpad Meetingsアカりントの削陀は、アカりントペヌゞhttps://meetings.dialpad.com/account) My Account アカりントを削陀する」リンクから行うこずができたす。この情報をアカりントから削陀した埌も、䞀郚の情報は圓瀟の蚘録に残っおいる堎 合がありたす。お客様が自身の個人情報を曎新たたは削陀した埌も、圓瀟はその個人情報から掟生したデヌタ、あるいはその情報を含んだ集蚈デ ヌタを利甚する堎合がありたす。ただし、お客様個人を特定できるような方法では利甚いたしたせん。


圓瀟のプラむバシヌポリシヌに関しおご質問やご意芋などがありたしたら、詳しい内容をお曞き添えの䞊[email protected]たでメヌルを お送りください。お客様のご懞念を解消できるよう最善を尜くしたす。

Privacy Policy

Effective date: May 15, 2015

We at Dialpad know you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

In accordance with our commitment to protect personal privacy, Dialpad adheres to the principles of the Safe Harbor Framework as developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce in consultation with the European Commission. The seven principles and fifteen Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) referred to in the policy constitute the Safe Harbor privacy framework.

The EU Safe Harbor program is due to be superseded by the EU Privacy Shield later this year.

eTrust Certified Privacy Policy : Click to Verify

By using or accessing the Services in any manner, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent that we will collect, use, and share your information in the following ways.

Remember that your use of Dialpad’s Services is at all times subject to the Terms of Use, which incorporates this Privacy Policy. Any terms we use in this Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms of Use.

What does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") that we gather when you are accessing or using our Services, but not to the practices of companies we don’t own or control, or people that we don’t manage. We gather various types of Personal Information from our users, as explained in more detail below, and we use this Personal Information internally in connection with our Services, including to personalize, provide, and improve our services, to allow you to set up a user account and profile, to contact you and allow other users to contact you, to fulfill your requests for certain products and services, and to analyze how you use the Services. In certain cases, we may also share some Personal Information with third parties, but only as described below.

As noted in the Terms of Use, we do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not attempt to register for the Services or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at [email protected]

Will Dialpad ever change this Privacy Policy?

We’re constantly trying to improve our Services, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time as well, but we will alert you to changes by placing a notice on Dialpad, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means. Please note that if you’ve opted not to receive legal notice emails from us (or you haven’t provided us with your email address), those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you are still responsible for reading and understanding them. If you use the Services after any changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted, that means you agree to all of the changes. Use of information we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is used.

What Information does Dialpad Collect?

Information You Provide to Us:

We receive and store any information you knowingly provide to us. For example, through the registration process and/or through your account settings, we may collect Personal Information such as your name, email address, phone number, and third-party account credentials (for example, your log-in credentials for LinkedIn or other third party sites). If you provide your third-party account credentials to us or otherwise sign in to the Services through a third party site or service, you understand some content and/or information in those accounts (“Third Party Account Information”) may be transmitted into your account with us if you authorize such transmissions, and that Third Party Account Information transmitted to our Services is covered by this Privacy Policy. Certain information may be required to register with us or to take advantage of some of our features.

We may communicate with you if you’ve provided us the means to do so. For example, if you’ve given us your email address, we may send you promotional email offers on behalf of other businesses, or email you about your use of the Services. Also, we may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us. This confirmation helps us make our communications with you more interesting and improve our services. If you do not want to receive communications from us, please indicate your preference by unsubscribing through the link at the bottom of our emails.

Information Collected Automatically

Whenever you interact with our Services, we automatically receive and record information on our server logs from your browser or device, which may include your IP address, device identification, “cookie” information, the type of browser and/or device you’re using to access our Services, and the page or feature you requested. “Cookies” are identifiers we transfer to your browser or device that allow us to recognize your browser or device and tell us how and when pages and features in our Services are visited and by how many people. You may be able to change the preferences on your browser or device to prevent or limit your device’s acceptance of cookies, but this may prevent you from taking advantage of some of our features. Our advertising partners may also transmit cookies to your browser or device, when you click on ads that appear on the Services. Also, if you click on a link to a third party website or service, such third party may also transmit cookies to you. Again, this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by any third parties, and we aren’t responsible for their privacy policies and practices.

We may use this data to customize content for you that we think you might like, based on your usage patterns. We may also use it to improve the Services – for example, this data can tell us how often users use a particular feature of the Services, and we can use that knowledge to make the Services interesting to as many users as possible.

Information Collected From Other Websites and Do Not Track Policy

Through cookies we place on your browser or device, we may collect information about your online activity after you leave our Services. Just like any other usage information we collect, this information allows us to improve the Services and customize your online experience, and otherwise as described in this Privacy Policy. Your browser may offer you a “Do Not Track” option, which allows you to signal to operators of websites and web applications and services (including behavioral advertising services) that you do not wish such operators to track certain of your online activities over time and/or across different websites. Our Services do not support Do Not Track requests at this time, which means that we collect information about your online activity both while you are using the Services and after you leave our Services.

Will Dialpad Share Any of the Personal Information it Receives?

We neither rent nor sell your Personal Information in personally identifiable form to anyone. However, we may share your Personal Information with third parties as described in this section:

Information that’s no longer personally identifiable. We may anonymize your Personal Information so that you are not individually identified, and provide that information to certain of our partners to help us understand our users’ online behavior. We may also provide aggregate usage information to our partners, who may use such information to understand how often and in what ways people use our Services, so that we can provide you with an optimal online experience. However, we never disclose aggregate usage information to a partner in a manner that would identify you personally, as an individual. Additional information regarding our partners’ privacy policies and the option to opt-out of sharing your usage information is available at https://mixpanel.com/terms/. If you choose to opt-out, please note that your actions, such as getting a new computer, installing a new browser, erasing or otherwise altering your browser’s cookie file, may clear any opt-out cookies that you have enabled.

Advertisers: We allow advertisers and/or merchant partners (“Advertisers”) to choose the demographic information of users who will see their advertisements and/or promotional offers and you agree that we may provide any of the information we have collected from you in non-personally identifiable form to an Advertiser, in order for that Advertiser to select the appropriate audience for those advertisements and/or offers. For example, we might use the fact you are located in San Francisco to show you ads or offers for San Francisco businesses, but we will not tell such businesses who you are. Or, we might allow Advertisers to display their ads to users with similar usage patterns to yours, but we will not disclose usage information to Advertisers except in aggregate form, and not in a manner that would identify you personally. Note that if an advertiser asks us to show an ad to a certain audience or audience segment and you respond to that ad, the advertiser may conclude that you fit the description of the audience they were trying to reach.

We may deliver a file to you through the Services (known as a “web beacon”) from an ad network. Web beacons allow ad networks to provide anonymized, aggregated auditing, research and reporting for us and for advertisers. Web beacons also enable ad networks to serve targeted advertisements to you when you visit other websites. Because your web browser must request these advertisements and web beacons from the ad network’s servers, these companies can view, edit, or set their own cookies, just as if you had requested a web page from their site. You may be able to opt-out of web beacon tracking conducted by third parties through our Services by adjusting the Do Not Track settings on your browser; please note that we don’t control whether or how these third parties comply with Do Not Track requests.

Affiliated Businesses: In certain situations, businesses or third party websites we’re affiliated with may sell or provide products or services to you through or in connection with the Services (either alone or jointly with us). You can recognize when an affiliated business is associated with such a transaction or service, and we will share your Personal Information with that affiliated business only to the extent that it is related to such transaction or service. One such service may include the ability for you to automatically transmit Third Party Account Information to your Services profile or to automatically transmit information in your Services profile to your third party account. We have no control over the policies and practices of third party websites or businesses as to privacy or anything else, so if you choose to take part in any transaction or service relating to an affiliated website or business, please review all such business’ or websites’ policies.

Agents: We employ other companies and people to perform tasks on our behalf and need to share your information with them to provide products or services to you; for example, we may use a payment processing service, such as Braintree and Bill.com, to receive and process your credit card transactions for us. Unless we tell you differently, our agents do not have any right to use the Personal Information we share with them beyond what is necessary to assist us.

User Profiles and Submissions: Certain user profile information, including your name, location, and any video or image content that such user has uploaded to the Services, may be displayed to other users to facilitate user interaction within the Services or address your request for our Services. Your account privacy settings may allow you to limit the other users who can see the Personal Information in your user profile and/or what information in your user profile is visible to others. Please remember that any content you upload to your public user profile, along with any Personal Information or content that you voluntarily disclose online in a manner other users can view (on discussion boards, in messages and chat areas, etc.) becomes publicly available, and can be collected and used by anyone. Your user name may also be displayed to other users if and when you send messages or comments or upload images or videos through the Services and other users can contact you through messages and comments. Additionally, if you sign into the Services through a third party social networking site or service, your list of “friends” from that site or service may be automatically imported to the Services, and such “friends,” if they are also registered users of the Services, may be able to access certain non-public information you have entered in your Services user profile. Again, we do not control the policies and practices of any other third party site or service.

Business Transfers: We may choose to buy or sell assets. In these types of transactions, customer information is typically one of the business assets that would be transferred. Also, if we (or our assets) are acquired, or if we go out of business, enter bankruptcy, or go through some other change of control, Personal Information could be one of the assets transferred to or acquired by a third party.

Protection of Dialpad and Others: We reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information that we believe is necessary to comply with the law, or in response to a court order or subpoena; enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Dialpad, our employees, our users, or others.

Is Personal Information about me secure?

Your account is protected by a password for your privacy and security. If you access your account via a third party site or service, you may have additional or different sign-on protections via that third party site or service. You must prevent unauthorized access to your account and Personal Information by selecting and protecting your password and/or other sign-on mechanism appropriately and limiting access to your computer or device and browser by signing off after you have finished accessing your account.

We endeavor to protect the privacy of your account and other Personal Information we hold in our records, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee complete security. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of user information at any time.

What Personal Information can I access?

Through your account settings, you may access, and, in some cases, edit or delete the following information you’ve provided to us:

  • name and password
  • email address
  • phone number(s)
  • location
  • time zone
  • place of employment
  • devices
  • recorded messages and calls
  • user profile information, including images and videos you have uploaded to the site
  • billing information
  • contacts
  • other personal account information you have linked to the site, including social media and data storage services you use

The information you can view, update, and delete may change as the Services change. If you have any questions about viewing or updating information we have on file about you, please contact us at [email protected]

Under California Civil Code Sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents are entitled to ask us for a notice identifying the categories of Personal Information, which we share with our affiliates and/or third parties for marketing purposes, and providing contact information for such affiliates and/or third parties. If you are a California resident and would like a copy of this notice, please submit a written request to: [email protected]

What choices do I have?

You can always opt not to disclose information to us, but keep in mind some information may be needed to register with us or to take advantage of some of our features.

You may be able to add, update, or delete information as explained above. When you update information, however, we may maintain a copy of the unrevised information in our records. You may request deletion of your Dialpad account by contacting [email protected] You may delete your Dialpad Meetings account by selecting the “Delete My Account” link at the bottom of the account page (https://meetings.dialpad.com/account). Some information may remain in our records after your deletion of such information from your account. We may use any aggregated data derived from or incorporating your Personal Information after you update or delete it, but not in a manner that would identify you personally.

What if I have questions about this policy?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policies, please send us a detailed message to [email protected] and we will try to resolve your concerns.



Dialpadでは、お客様の䟿宜のために、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョンの条項を提䟛したすが、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョ ンの条項は、Dialpadたたはお客様を法的に拘束するものではないこずにご留意ください。お客様ずDialpadずの間で法的に拘束力を有するバヌ ゞョンは、本ペヌゞ䞋郚に蚘茉された英語バヌゞョンの条項であるものずしたす。

デゞタルミレニアム著䜜暩法DMCAに埓い、圓瀟は著䜜暩䟵害に察しお次のような方針を採甚しおいたす。圓瀟は、1圓瀟の広告䞻、関連 䌚瀟、コンテンツ提䟛者、䌚員たたはナヌザヌのいずれかによっお、著䜜暩が保護されおいる玠材が違法に耇補され配信されおいるず圓瀟が誠意 をもっお信じる堎合、その玠材ぞのアクセスを遮断する暩利たたはその玠材を削陀する暩利、ならびに2垞習䟵害者ぞのサヌビスを取り消し、 および停止する暩利を有したす。

Dialpadのサヌビスのご利甚に圓たっおは、垞に利甚芏玄が適甚されたす。著䜜暩に関する本ポリシヌは利甚芏玄の䞀郚です。本ポリシヌ内で 定矩せずに䜿甚されおいる甚語は、利甚芏玄の甚語の定矩ず同矩ずしたす。

  1. 著䜜暩䟵害の申し立お手順。本サヌビス䞊に掲茉されおいる玠材たたはコンテンツ、たたは本サヌビスを介しおアクセスできる 玠材たたはコンテンツがお客様の著䜜暩たたはお客様が代理暩を有する第䞉者の著䜜暩を䟵害しおいるず思われた堎合は、著䜜暩䟵害通知 曞をDialpadの䟵害申し立お通知受領を行う指定代理人以䞋「指定代理人」たでお送りください連絡先詳现は埌述。通知曞には以䞋の 情報を蚘茉しおください。
    1. 䟵害を申し立おる著䜜暩者を代理する暩限を持぀者の手曞きの眲名たたは電子眲名
    2. 䟵害を受けおいる著䜜物たたは玠材を特定できる情報
    3. 著䜜暩を䟵害しおいるずされる玠材を特定できる情報。著䜜暩者が削陀を求める著䜜暩䟵害物の堎所に぀いおの情報を蚘茉し、 Dialpadがその存圚を芋぀けお怜蚌できるよう詳しく説明するこず
    4. 通知者の䜏所、電話番号、メヌルアドレスお持ちの堎合などの連絡先情報
    5. 䞊蚘1で瀺した玠材が、著䜜暩者、その代理人、たたは法埋によっお蚱可されおいないず通知者が誠意をもっお確信しおいる ずいう文蚀
    6. 虚停の申告をした堎合は停蚌眪に問われるこずを承知の䞊で、提䟛しおいる情報が正確であるこず、および通知者が著䜜暩者を代理し お申し立おを行う暩限を有しおいるこずを宣蚀する文蚀
  2. 適正な善意の䟵害通知曞が指定代理人により受領された埌の手順。 適正な著䜜暩䟵害通知を受領した堎合、圓瀟は次の暩利を 有するものずしたす。
    1. 著䜜暩䟵害物を削陀たたは著䜜暩䟵害物ぞのアクセスを遮断する暩利
    2. 著䜜暩を䟵害したずされるコンテンツ提䟛者に察し、圓該著䜜暩䟵害物を削陀したたは圓該著䜜暩䟵害物ぞのアクセスを遮断したこず を通知する暩利
    3. コンテンツ提䟛者が著䜜暩䟵害の垞習者である堎合は、圓該コンテンツ提䟛者による本サヌビスぞのアクセスを停止する暩利
  3. 指定代理人ぞの異議申し立お手順。 コンテンツ提䟛者が、削陀されたたたはアクセスが遮断された玠材は著䜜暩を䟵害し おいないず考える堎合、あるいは圓該玠材を掲茉し䜿甚する暩利を著䜜暩者たたは著䜜暩者の代理人から埗おいる、たたは法埋に基づいお埗お いるず考える堎合は、圓瀟に察し、指定代理人宛おに異議申立曞を送るこずができたす。異議申立曞には以䞋の情報を蚘茉しおください。
    1. コンテンツ提䟛者の手曞きの眲名たたは電子眲名
    2. 削陀たたはアクセスを遮断された玠材を特定できる情報、およびその玠材が削陀たたは遮断される前に掲茉されおいた堎所の情報
    3. 圓該玠材が錯誀たたは誀認により削陀たたは遮断されたこずを、コンテンツ提䟛者が誠意をもっお確信しおいるずいう文蚀
    4. コンテンツ提䟛者の名前、䜏所、電話番号、メヌルアドレスお持ちの堎合、および圓該提䟛者個人たたは法人が、コンテンツ 提䟛者の䜏所地を管蜄する連邊裁刀所コンテンツ提䟛者の䜏所地が米囜以倖の堎合は、Dialpadが所圚するいずれかの地域の裁刀所 の管蜄暩に合意するこず、および圓該提䟛者個人たたは法人が著䜜暩䟵害を申し立おた人物からの蚎状の送達を受理する旚の文蚀

異議申し立おが指定代理人により受領された堎合、Dialpadはその裁量で、元の著䜜暩䟵害を申し立おた者に異議申立曞のコピヌを送付し、10 営業日以内に、削陀した玠材の再掲茉たたはアクセス遮断の解陀を行う堎合があるこずを通知したす。著䜜暩を䟵害したずされるコンテンツ提䟛 者に察し、著䜜暩者が裁刀所呜什を求める蚎蚟を起こさない限り、Dialpadの裁量で、異議申し立おの受領埌1014営業日以降に、削陀された玠 材の再掲茉たたはアクセスの回埩を行う堎合がありたす。


Craig Walker
100 California Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94111
[email protected]
(844) 979-4824

Copyright Dispute Policy

Effective date: May 15, 2015

In accordance with the DMCA, we’ve adopted the policy below toward copyright infringement. We reserve the right to (1) block access to or remove material that we believe in good faith to be copyrighted material that has been illegally copied and distributed by any of our advertisers, affiliates, content providers, members or users and (2) remove and discontinue service to repeat offenders.

Remember that your use of Dialpad’s Services is at all times subject to the Terms of Use, which incorporates this Copyright Dispute Policy. Any terms we use in this Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the Terms of Use.

  1. Procedure for Reporting Copyright Infringements. If you believe that material or content residing on or accessible through the Services infringes your copyright (or the copyright ofsomeone whom you are authorized to act on behalf of), please send a notice of copyright infringement containing the following information to Dialpad’s Designated Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement (our “Designated Agent,” whose contact details are listed below):
    1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that has been allegedly infringed;
    2. Identification of works or materials being infringed;
    3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing including information regarding the location of the infringing materials that the copyright owner seeks to have removed, with sufficient detail so that Dialpad is capable of finding and verifying its existence;
    4. Contact information about the notifier including address, telephone number and, if available, email address;
    5. A statement that the notifier has a good faith belief that the material identified in (1)(c) is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
    6. A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information provided is accurate and the notifying party is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the copyright owner.
  2. Once Proper Bona Fide Infringement Notification is Received by the Designated Agent. Upon receipt of a proper notice of copyright infringement, we reserve the right to:
    1. remove or disable access to the infringing material;
    2. notify the content provider who is accused of infringement that we have removed or disabled access to the applicable material; and
    3. terminate such content provider's access to the Services if he or she is a repeat offender.
  3. Procedure to Supply a Counter-Notice to the Designated Agent. If the content provider believes that the material that was removed (or to which access was disabled) is not infringing, or the content provider believes that it has the right to post and use such material from the copyright owner, the copyright owner's agent, or, pursuant to the law, the content provider may send us a counter-notice containing the following information to the Designated Agent:
    1. A physical or electronic signature of the content provider;
    2. Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or disabled;
    3. A statement that the content provider has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material; and
    4. Content provider's name, address, telephone number, and, if available, email address, and a statement that such person or entity consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court for the judicial district in which the content provider’s address is located, or, if the content provider's address is located outside the United States, for any judicial district in which Dialpad is located, and that such person or entity will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of the alleged infringement.

If a counter-notice is received by the Designated Agent, Dialpad may, in its discretion, send a copy of the counter-notice to the original complaining party informing that person that Dialpad may replace the removed material or cease disabling it in 10 business days. Unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order against the content provider accused of committing infringement, the removed material may be replaced or access to it restored in 10 to 14 business days or more after receipt of the counter-notice, at Dialpad's discretion.

Please contact Dialpad's Designated Agent at the following address:

Craig Walker
100 California Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94111
[email protected]
(844) 979-4824


Dialpadでは、お客様の䟿宜のために、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョンの条項を提䟛したすが、英語以倖の蚀語に翻蚳されたバヌゞョン の条項は、Dialpadたたはお客様を法的に拘束するものではないこずにご留意ください。お客様ずDialpadずの間で法的に拘束力を有するバヌゞョ ンは、本ペヌゞ䞋郚に蚘茉された英語バヌゞョンの条項であるものずしたす。

販売代理店経由のDialpad契玄以䞋「本契玄」は、Delaware州法人であるDialpad,Inc.、東京に拠点を眮くDialpad株匏䌚瀟以䞋 「Dialpad」ず、本契玄に同意する圓事者以䞋「お客様」ずの間で締結されたす。本契玄は、お客様が䞋の「同意する」ボタンをクリック した日以䞋「発効日」から有効になりたす。お客様の代理人が同意を代行する堎合は、次の点を衚明し保蚌するものずしたす。i雇甚者 たたはその他の圓事者を本契玄の条項に察しお拘束する法的な暩限を保有する。ii本契玄を読んで内容を理解しおいるこず。iii圓事者 に代わっお本契玄に同意するこず。お客様を法的に拘束する暩限を持たない堎合は、䞋の「同意する」ボタンをクリックしないでください。本契 玄は、お客様のサヌビスぞのアクセスおよび䜿甚に぀いお芏定するものです。

  1. サヌビス
    1. 斜蚭ずデヌタの転送 お客様デヌタの保存および凊理に䜿甚するすべおの斜蚭は、Dialpadが自瀟の同様の情報を 保存および凊理する蚭備を保護するためのセキュリティ氎準ず同等以䞊の劥圓なセキュリティ氎準を有するものずしたす。

      Dialpadは、業界暙準以䞊のシステムず手順を実装しお、お客様デヌタのセキュリティず機密性を確保し、お客様デヌタをセキュリ ティたたは敎合性に察する脅嚁から保護し、お客様デヌタを䞍正アクセスや䞍正䜿甚から保護したす。サヌビス提䟛の䞀環ずしお、 Dialpadはお客様デヌタの保存ず凊理をアメリカ合衆囜およびDialpadずその代理店が斜蚭を保有しおいるその他の囜で行いたす。 お客様は、サヌビスを利甚するこずにより、お客様デヌタの移転、凊理、および保存に぀いお同意するものずしたす。

    2. 倉曎
      1. サヌビスに察する倉曎 Dialpadは商業䞊合理的な倉曎をサヌビスに随時加えるこずができるものずしたす。 Dialpadがサヌビスに察しお重芁な倉曎を加える堎合、お客様がそのような倉曎の通知を受け取るよう登録枈みであれば、 Dialpadはその遞択する方法によりお客様に通知を行うものずしたす。
      2. URLの条項に察する倉曎 Dialpadは、URLの条項に察しお商業䞊合理的な倉曎を行う堎合がありたす。 DialpadがURLの条項に察しお重芁な倉曎を加える堎合、Dialpadは、Dialpadのりェブサむトぞの通知の掲茉、お客様ぞのメヌ ルの送信、たたはその他の手段によっおお客様に通知したす。この倉曎によっおお客様に著しい悪圱響が及び、お客様がこの倉曎に 同意しない堎合、お客様は、倉曎を拒吊するこずができたすが、その堎合は、残念ながらお客様は本サヌビスを䜿甚できなくなりた す。条項ぞの倉曎が有効になった埌でお客様がサヌビスを䜿甚するこずで、お客様はすべおの倉曎に同意したものず芋なされたす。
    3. お客様ドメむン名の所有暩 本サヌビスを提䟛する前に、Dialpadたたは販売代理店は、お客様がお客様ドメむン 名を所有たたは管理しおいるこずを確認するこずがありたす。お客様がお客様ドメむン名を所有たたは管理しおいない堎合、Dialpadは お客様にサヌビスを提䟛する矩務を負いたせん。
  2. お客様の矩務
    1. 契玄ぞの準拠 お客様は、利甚芏玄及びサヌビス芏玄に埓っお本サヌビスを䜿甚するものずしたす。Dialpadは、 本サヌビス甚の远加のアプリケヌションや機胜を随時公開するこずがありたす。このようなアプリケヌションや機胜を䜿甚するには、お客 様が远加条項に同意するこずが条件ずなる堎合がありたす。
    2. お客様によるサヌビスの管理 お客様は、管理者アカりントにアクセスしお゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントを管理する 暩限を有する 1 人たたは耇数の管理者を指定できたす。お客様ず販売代理店は、aパスワヌドず管理者アカりントの機密性を保持し 、b管理者アカりントぞのアクセスを蚱可するナヌザヌを指定し、c管理者アカりントでのすべおの掻動は本契玄に埓うこずを保 蚌する責任を負うものずしたす。お客様は、お客様のサヌビスの内郚管理および運営に関しお、Dialpadの責任が及ばないこず、たた Dialpadがデヌタ凊理の委蚗を受けた者デヌタプロセッサにすぎないこずに同意するものずしたす。
    3. ゚ンドナヌザヌの同意 お客様の管理者は、゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントで゚ンドナヌザヌが入手可胜なデヌタをア クセス、監芖、䜿甚、たたは公開するこずができたす。お客様は、iこのようなデヌタをお客様がアクセス、監芖、䜿甚、たたは公開 でき、Dialpadがそのような暩限をお客様に提䟛しおいるこず、およびiiDialpadがサヌビスを提䟛するこずに぀いお、゚ンドナヌ ザヌから必芁なすべおの同意を埗おこれを維持するものずしたす。
    4. 䞍正䜿甚 お客様は、サヌビスの䞍正䜿甚を防止し、䞍正䜿甚があった堎合はやめさせるよう、商業䞊合理的な努力 をするこずずしたす。お客様たたは販売代理店は、サヌビスの䞍正䜿甚たたは䞍正なアクセスがあった堎合は盎ちにDialpadぞ通知する ものずしたす。
    5. 䜿甚に関する制限 Dialpadが曞面で同意しない限り、お客様は次のこずを行っおはならず、たた第䞉者が同様の 行為を行わないように、商業䞊合理的な努力を行うものずしたす。a本契玄で明瀺的に承認されたものを陀き、サヌビスを第䞉者に販 売、再販、賃貞、その他機胜的に同等な行為を行うこず、bサヌビスたたはその任意の郚分のリバヌス ゚ンゞニアリングを詊みるこ ず、cサヌビスの䜿甚やサヌビスぞのアクセスによっお、サヌビスの代替品たたは同様のサヌビスの䜜成を詊みるこず、d危険床 の高い掻動にサヌビスを䜿甚するこず、e茞出芏制法の茞出管理察象のお客様デヌタを保存たたは移転するためにサヌビスを䜿甚する こず。お客様は、HIPAAたたはその他の関連法芏ぞの準拠該圓する堎合に぀いお単独で責任を負うものずしたす。
    6. 第䞉者の芁求 お客様は、第䞉者の芁求に察応する責任を負うものずしたす。Dialpadは、法埋たたは本「第䞉者 の芁求」の条項によっお蚱可される範囲で、a第䞉者の芁求の受領を速やかにお客様に通知し、b第䞉者の芁求に察抗する努力に 関するお客様からの合理的な芁求に埓い、cお客様が第䞉者に察応するために必芁な情報やツヌルを提䟛するものずしたす。お客様は 、たず第䞉者の芁求に応えるために必芁な情報を独自に入手しようず努力し、それらの情報を合理的に取埗できない堎合にのみDialpad に連絡するものずしたす。
  3. ゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントの芁求、サヌビス期間 ゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントの芁求、およびサヌビスの初期期間ず曎 新期間は、お客様ず販売代理店の間で決定されるものずしたす。
  4. 支払い お客様は販売代理店に察しおサヌビスの料金を支払うものずしたす。したがっお、すべおの支払い条件は、お客 様ず販売代理店の間で決定されるものずしたす。
  5. テクニカルサポヌトサヌビス
    1. お客様によるサヌビス お客様たたは販売代理店は、゚ンドナヌザヌたたは第䞉者による、お客様たたぱンドナヌ ザヌのサヌビス利甚に関する質問や苊情に察しお、自己負担で察応するものずしたす。お客様たたは販売代理店は、サポヌトが必芁な問 題に぀きDialpadに報告する前に、商業䞊合理的な努力によっお解決に取り組むものずしたす。
    2. Dialpadによるサヌビス お客様たたは販売代理店が䞊蚘に埓っお問題を解決できない堎合、Dialpadず販売代理 店ずの間の合意に基づき、お客様たたは販売代理店は、問題をDialpadに報告するこずができたす。Dialpadは、商業的に合理的な努力 をもっおそれらのサポヌトの問題を解決したす。
  6. 停止
    1. Dialpadによる゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントの停止 Dialpadが゚ンドナヌザヌによる本契玄違反を認識した堎合、 Dialpadはそのお客様に、該圓する゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりントの停止を明瀺的に芁請するこずができるものずしたす。お客様が Dialpadの゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりント停止芁請に埓わない堎合は、Dialpadが圓該アカりントを停止できるものずしたす。Dialpad による停止期間は、圓該゚ンドナヌザヌが停止の原因ずなっおいる違反行為を改めるたで続行されたす。
    2. 緊急のセキュリティ問題 䞊蚘にかかわらず、緊急のセキュリティ䞊の問題が発生した堎合、Dialpadは問題のあ る䜿甚を自動的に停止するこずがありたす。停止の範囲ず期間は、緊急のセキュリティ問題を防止たたは解決するために必芁最䜎限のも のずなりたす。Dialpadがお客様に事前に通知せずに䜕らかの理由で゚ンド ナヌザヌ アカりントを停止する堎合、お客様の芁請に応じ お、Dialpadはできるかぎり速やかに停止の理由を回答するものずしたす。
  7. 機密情報
    1. 矩務 各圓事者は、a自身の機密情報を保護する堎合ず同等の泚意を払っお盞手方の機密情報を保護し、b 知る必芁があっお曞面で機密の保持に合意した関係者、瀟員、代理人以倖の者に察しお機密情報を開瀺しないものずしたす。各圓事者 および機密情報の開瀺を受けた関係者、瀟員、代理人は、本契玄の䞋での暩利の行䜿および矩務の履行以倖の目的で、機密情報を利 甚するこずはできず、利甚する際は情報の保護のために合理的な泚意を払うものずしたす。各圓事者は、本項に違反する関係者、瀟員、 代理人の行為に察しお責任を負うものずしたす。
    2. 䟋倖 機密情報には、a機密情報の受領者がすでに知っおいた情報、b受領者の過倱によらずに公開された 情報、c受領者が独自に開発した情報、たたはd第䞉者により正圓に提䟛された情報は含たれたせん。
    3. 芁請による開瀺 各圓事者は、法埋の芁請により機密情報の開瀺が求められおいる堎合には、法埋䞊認められおいる 限りにおいお、b開瀺に察する異議申し立おを行う機䌚を盞手方に䞎える堎合に限り、盞手方の機密情報を開瀺できたす。
  8. 知的財産暩、ブランド衚瀺
    1. 知的財産暩 本契玄に明瀺的に蚘茉される堎合を陀き、本契玄は、各圓事者のコンテンツたたはその他の知的財産に 察する䜕らかの暩利を、黙瀺的たたはそれ以倖の方法で、盞手方に䞎えるものではありたせん。䞡者の関係においお、お客様は、お客様デ ヌタに含たれるすべおの知的財産暩を所有し、Dialpadは本サヌビスに含たれるすべおの知的財産暩を所有したす。
    2. ブランド衚瀺の衚瀺 Dialpadは、サヌビス ペヌゞの指定された領域にのみ、お客様によっお承認されたお客様の ブランドのみを衚瀺するこずができたすお客様はお客様のブランドをサヌビスにアップロヌドするこずによっお承認を行いたす。お客 様は、管理コン゜ヌルを䜿甚しお、この䜿甚法を指定できたす。たた、Dialpadは、本サヌビスがDialpadによっお提䟛されおいるこず を瀺すためDialpadブランドをサヌビス ペヌゞに衚瀺するこずもできたす。いずれの圓事者も、他の圓事者から事前に曞面で同意を埗な い限り、本契玄で蚱容されおいる範囲を超えお他の圓事者のブランド衚瀺を衚瀺たたは䜿甚するこずはできたせん。
    3. ブランド衚瀺の制限事項 圓事者によるブランド衚瀺の䜿甚は、そのブランド衚瀺に関する知的財産暩を保有する圓 事者の利益に぀ながるものであるこずを条件ずしたす。圓事者は、本契玄に準じお盞手方がブランド衚瀺を䜿甚する暩利を、曞面で盞手方 に通知し、合理的な期間を経た䞊で、取り消すこずができたす。
  9. 広報掻動 お客様は、Dialpadがオンラむンたたは宣䌝資料におけるDialpadの顧客リストにお客様の名前たたはブラン ド衚瀺を衚瀺するこずに同意するものずしたす。お客様はたた、Dialpadがお客様を本契玄の察象ずなるDialpad補品たたはサヌビスの顧客 であるこずを口頭で蚀及するこずに同意するものずしたす。この項は8.3項の芏定に埓いたす。
  10. 衚明、保蚌、免責条項
    1. 衚明および保蚌 各圓事者は、本契玄を締結するための完党な暩胜および暩限を有するこずを衚明したす。各圓事者 は、サヌビスの提䟛たたは䜿甚に適甚されるあらゆる法什適甚されるセキュリティ違反通知法を含むに埓うこずを保蚌するものずし たす。
    2. 免責 本項で芏定された堎合を陀き、適甚される法埋によっお蚱可される最倧限の範囲で、いずれの圓事者も、商品 性、特定目的ぞの適合性、暩利の非䟵害を含めただし必ずしもこれに限定されない、明瀺的か黙瀺的かを問わず、いかなる皮類の担 保責任も負わないものずしたす。Dialpadは、本サヌビスによりたたは本サヌビスを通じおアクセスできるコンテンツたたは情報に関し お、䞀切の衚明を行わないものずしたす。
  11. 期間ず終了
    1. 期間 サヌビスの期間は、販売代理店ずお客様の間で取り決められるものずしたす。本契玄は期間䞭に限り有効であ るものずしたす。
    2. 違反による終了 各圓事者は、次の堎合に履行を䞀時停止する、たたは本契玄を終了するこずができたす。i盞 手方が本契玄の重倧な違反を犯し、曞面による通知の受領埌30日以内に違反を解消しない堎合、ii盞手方が事業を終了するか、砎産 管理䞋にあっお90日以内に砎産手続きが华䞋されない堎合、iii違反の解消の有無にかかわらず、盞手方が3回目の重倧な違反を犯し た堎合。
    3. 終了の効力 本契玄が終了する堎合、i䞀方の圓事者から他方の圓事者に䞎えられた暩利は盎ちに停止され本 条項に蚘茉されおいる堎合を陀く、iiDialpadはDialpadの該圓するサヌビスのその時点の料金で、商業䞊合理的な期間、お客様 たたは販売代理店がお客様デヌタにアクセスしお取り出すこずができるようにし、iii商業䞊合理的な期間の埌、Dialpadはお客様デ ヌタを削陀し、iv芁請に応じお各圓事者は盞手方のすべおの機密情報を速やかに返华たたは砎棄するものずしたす。
  12. 補償
    1. お客様による補償 お客様は、次に基づくたたはそれに起因する、第䞉者からの保蚌責任、損害賠償、および費甚 和解費甚および合理的な匁護士費甚を含むを請求する䞻匵に぀いお、Dialpadに察し補償し、保護を提䟛し、損害を䞎えないものず したす。iお客様デヌタたたはお客様ドメむン名、iiお客様のブランドによる第䞉者の特蚱、著䜜暩、営業秘密、たたは商暙の䟵 害たたは悪甚、iii利甚芏玄たたはサヌビス利甚芏玄の条項に違反する圢でのお客様による本サヌビスの䜿甚。
    2. Dialpadによる補償 Dialpadは、サヌビスを提䟛するために䜿甚されるDialpadの技術たたはDialpadブランド 衚瀺が、第䞉者の特蚱、著䜜暩、営業秘密、たたは商暙暩を䟵害たたは悪甚しおいるずの䞻匵に基づくたたはそれに起因する、第䞉者か らの保蚌責任、損害賠償、および費甚和解費甚および合理的な匁護士費甚を含むに぀いお、お客様に察し補償し、保護を提䟛し、損 害を䞎えないものずしたす。䞊蚘にかかわらず、Dialpadはいかなる堎合においおも、本条項においお、次を起因ずする矩務たたは責任 を負わないものずしたす。i修正した圢匏でのサヌビスたたはDialpadブランド衚瀺の䜿甚、たたはDialpadから提䟛されおいない 玠材ずの組み合わせによる䜿甚、iiお客様、゚ンドナヌザヌ、たたは他の第䞉者から提䟛されるコンテンツ、情報、たたはデヌタ。
    3. 䟵害の可胜性
      1. 修埩、亀換、たたは倉曎 本サヌビスが第䞉者の知的財産暩を䟵害しおいるずDialpadが合理的に刀断した堎 合、Dialpadは、aお客様が匕き続きサヌビスを利甚できるようにDialpadの負担でその暩利を取埗する、b暩利を䟵害し ない同等の機胜を提䟛する、たたはc暩利を䟵害しないようにサヌビスを倉曎するものずしたす。
      2. 停止たたは終了 䞊蚘のオプションが商業䞊合理的でないずDialpadが刀断した堎合、Dialpadは察象のサヌ ビスのお客様による䜿甚を停止たたは終了するこずができたす。察象のサヌビスを終了する堎合、Dialpadはお客様たたは販売代理 店、あるいはその䞡方に通知したす。
    4. 通則 補償を求める圓事者は、盞手方圓事者に速やかに申し立おを通知し、その申し立おからの防埡に぀いお盞手方 圓事者ず協力するものずしたす。免責圓事者は、その防埡に察する完党な支配ず暩限を有したす。ただし、a補償を求める圓事者に責 任の受容たたは金銭の支払いを芁求する和解をするには、かかる圓事者の曞面による事前の同意が必芁であり、かかる同意は䞍圓に保留 および遅延されないものずし、b盞手方圓事者は、自らの費甚負担で遞任した匁護人をもっお防埡をするこずができたす。䞊蚘の補償 が、盞手方による第䞉者の知的財産暩の䟵害に察する本契玄の䞋での圓事者の唯䞀の救枈措眮です。
  13. 責任の制限
    1. 間接責任に関する制限 いずれの圓事者も本契玄の䞋で、逞倱利益、間接的損害、特別損害、偶発的損害、結果的 損害、たたは懲眰的損害に぀いお、䞀切の責任を負わないものずしたす。圓事者がそのような損害発生の可胜性に぀いお事前に知っおい た堎合、および盎接損害の賠償だけでは救枈ずしお十分でない堎合も同様ずしたす。
    2. 責任の䞊限 各圓事者が本契玄の䞋で負う責任は、責任が生じる出来事が発生した時点からさかのがっお 12 か月 間にお客様が販売代理店に支払った金額を䞊限ずしたす。
    3. 責任制限の䟋倖 䞊蚘責任制限に぀いおの芏定は、適甚される法埋で蚱可される範囲で適甚されたすが、機密保持矩 務違反、圓事者の知的財産暩に察する盞手方の違反、たたは補償矩務に関しおは適甚されたせん。
  14. その他
    1. 通知 特に明蚘されおいない堎合、aすべおの通知は曞面で行い、盞手方の法務郚たたは䞻芁な連絡先に送付す るものずし、b通知は、iクヌリ゚䟿、翌日宅配䟿により送付される堎合は曞面で受領確認がなされた時点、受領確認のない郵䟿 の堎合は受領時、iiファクシミリやメヌルの堎合は、自動受信たたは電子ログで確認された時点で通知が到達したずみなされたす。
    2. 譲枡の制限 いずれの圓事者も、盞手方の曞面による同意なしに本契玄のいずれの郚分の暩利も譲枡たたは移転する こずはできたせん。ただし、a譲受人が本契玄の条項に拘束されるこずに曞面で同意し、b譲枡人が譲枡より前に本契玄の䞋で発 生した矩務の責任を匕き続き負う堎合は、関係者を譲枡人たたは移転先ずする堎合に限り、譲枡たたは移転するこずができたす。䞊蚘以 倖の堎合に移転たたは譲枡しようずした堎合、圓該移譲たたは譲枡は無効ずなりたす。
    3. 支配暩の倉曎 株匏取埗、買収、合䜵、その他の䌁業取匕などにより支配暩の倉曎が発生した堎合、a支配暩の 倉曎が発生した圓事者は、倉曎埌 30 日以内に盞手方に曞面で通知するものずし、b盞手方は、支配暩の倉曎からa項の曞面によ る通知の受領 30 日埌たでの間、い぀でも盎ちに本契玄を終了するこずができたす。
    4. 䞍可抗力 いずれの圓事者も、圓事者がコントロヌルできない状況自然灜害、戊争、テロ行為、暎動、劎働争議、 行政措眮、むンタヌネット障害などの結果生じる䞍十分な履行の責任を負わないものずしたす。
    5. 暩利の非攟棄 本契玄のいずれかの芏定を実行しなかった堎合でも、暩利の攟棄ずはみなされないものずしたす。
    6. 分離可胜性 本契玄のいずれかの芏定が執行䞍胜であるず認められた堎合でも、本契玄の残りの郚分は匕き続き完党 な効力を有したす。
    7. 代理暩の䞍圚 䞡圓事者は独立した契玄者であり、本契玄によっお䜕らかの代理関係、パヌトナヌシップ、たたは合 匁関係が成立するものではありたせん。
    8. 第䞉受益者の䞍圚 本契玄には第䞉受益者は存圚しないものずしたす。
    9. 衡平法䞊の救枈 本契玄のいかなる芏定も、衡平法䞊の救枈を求める各圓事者の暩利を制限しないものずしたす。
    10. 準拠法 本契玄は、州の抵觊法の芏定は陀き、カリフォルニア州法に準拠したす。本契玄から生じた玛争たたは本 契玄に関する玛争に぀いお、䞡圓事者はカリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ郡の裁刀所の察人および専属的管蜄暩に埓うこずに同意する ものずしたす
    11. 修正 本契玄の修正は曞面にお行い、本契玄を修正するこずを明瀺的に蚘茉する必芁がありたす。
    12. 効力の存続 以䞋の条項は、本契玄の満了たたは終了以降も効力が存続するものずしたす。7項、8.1項、7.3項、 8項、9項、および10項。
    13. 完党合意 本契玄、および本契玄で蚀及されおいるすべおの文曞は、本件に関わる䞡圓事者の完党な合意であり、以 前たたは珟圚のすべおの合意に優先するものずしたす。URL で特定された条項および本契玄で蚀及されおいる条項は、かかる特定たたは 蚀及により本契玄の䞀郚ずみなされたす。
    14. 矛盟する条項の解釈 本契玄を構成する文曞間に矛盟がある堎合、本契玄、URL で特定された条項の順で優先され たす。
    15. 副本 䞡圓事者は、本契玄をファクシミリ、PDF、たたはその他の電子コピヌを含む副本で締結するこずができ、䞡 方の副本で 1 ぀の文曞を構成するものずしたす。
  15. 定矩
    1. 「管理者アカりント」 ずは、サヌビスを管理する目的で、Dialpadよりお客様に提䟛するパスワヌドで保護され た管理者アカりントを意味したす。
    2. 「管理者」 ずは、お客様の代理で゚ンドナヌザヌ向けサヌビスを管理する、お客様が指定した技術担圓者を意味し たす。
    3. 「関係者」 ずは、その圓事者を盎接的たたは間接的に支配しおいるか、その圓事者によっお支配されおいるか、 その圓事者ず共通の支配䞋にある団䜓を意味したす。
    4. 「ブランド衚瀺」 ずは、各圓事者の商号、商暙、サヌビス マヌク、ロゎ、ドメむン名、およびその他の特有の衚 瀺であり、圓該圓事者が随時保護を意味したす。
    5. 「機密情報」 ずは、本契玄の圓事者間で開瀺され「機密」ず蚘された情報、たたは通垞開瀺した圓事者の機密情報 ずみなされる情報を意味したす。
    6. 「お客様デヌタ」 は、お客様の機密情報を意味し、メッセヌゞングおよび録音を含め、お客様が、たたはお客様に 代わっお販売代理店が、サヌビスを介しお提䟛、生成、送信、たたは衚瀺するデヌタを意味したす。
    7. 「お客様ドメむン名」 ずは、お客様が所有たたは管理するドメむン名のこずです。お客様ドメむン名は、サヌビス に関連しお䜿甚されたす。
    8. 「緊急のセキュリティ問題」 ずは、a利甚芏玄たたはサヌビス利甚芏玄の条項に違反する圢で゚ンドナヌザヌ が本サヌビスを䜿甚するこずのうち、䞋蚘を劚げる可胜性がある堎合iサヌビス、ii他の゚ンドナヌザヌによるサヌビスの䜿甚、 iiiサヌビスを提䟛するために䜿甚されるDialpadのネットワヌクたたはサヌバヌ、たたはb蚱可のない第䞉者によるサヌビスぞ のアクセスのいずれかを意味したす。
    9. ゚ンドナヌザヌ」 ずは、お客様が本サヌビスの䜿甚を蚱可する個人を意味したす。
    10. 「゚ンドナヌザヌ アカりント」 ずは、お客様が゚ンドナヌザヌ向けサヌビスを通じお䜜成し、Dialpadがホスト するアカりントを意味したす。
    11. 「茞出芏制法」 ずは、茞出および再茞出に぀いおの該圓するすべおの法埋および芏則を意味したす。この法埋およ び芏則には、米囜商務省が管理する茞出管理芏則EAR、米囜財務省察倖資産管理局が管理する貿易制裁および経枈制裁、米囜務省が管 理する囜際歊噚流通芏定ITARが含たれたす。
    12. 「ヘルプセンタヌ」 ずは、 http://help.dialpad.com/hc/ja たたはDialpad が提䟛する他のURLからアクセスできるDialpadのヘルプセンタヌを意味したす。
    13. 「危険床の高い掻動」 ずは、栞関連斜蚭、航空管制、生呜維持装眮の運甚など、サヌビスの障害が死亡、人身傷害 、たたは環境砎壊に぀ながる可胜性がある甚途を意味したす。
    14. 「HIPAA」 ずは、Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 19961996 幎の医 療保険の盞互運甚性ず説明責任に関する法埋ずそれ以降に発行され䞋䜍芏則を意味したす。
    15. 「知的財産暩」 ずは、特蚱法、著䜜暩法、営業秘密法、商暙法、著䜜者人栌暩法、および他の同様の法埋の䞋で、 珟圚たたは将来に䞖界的に有効ずなるすべおの暩利を意味したす。
    16. 「通知甚メヌル アドレス」 ずはDialpadからのメヌル通知を受け取るためにお客様が指定するメヌルアドレスを 意味したす。お客様は、この目的のために販売代理店のメヌルアドレスを指定するこずができたすそのように遞択した堎合。お客様 は、このメヌルアドレスをアカりント蚭定から倉曎できたす。
    17. 「販売代理店」 ずは、お客様から料金を受け取っお、本サヌビスのアクセスず䜿甚を提䟛する販売代理店を意味 したす。
    18. 「サヌビス ペヌゞ」 ずは、゚ンドナヌザヌに察しおサヌビスを衚瀺するりェブペヌゞを意味したす。
    19. 「サヌビス」 ずは、本契玄の䞋でDialpadが提䟛しお客様が䜿甚するDialpadのサヌビスを意味したす。
    20. 「停止」 ずは、本サヌビス、たたは本サヌビスの䞀郚ぞのアクセスを盎ちに無効にしお、サヌビスを䜿甚できな くするこずを意味したす。
    21. 「期間」 ずは、本契玄の期間のこずで、発効日に開始し、お客様がDialpadからサヌビスを受け続けおいる限り 継続したす。ただし、本契玄、たたはお客様ず販売代理店ずの契玄に埓っお終了するこずがありたす。
    22. 「サヌビス利甚芏玄」 ずは、本サヌビスに関するサヌビスポリシヌの条項を意味し、 dialpad.com/jp/legal たたはDialpadが 提䟛するその他の該圓するURLで確認できたす。
    23. 「利甚芏玄」 ずは、本サヌビスに関する利甚芏玄ポリシヌの条項を意味し、 dialpad.com/jp/legal たたはDialpadが 提䟛するその他の該圓するURLで確認できたす。
    24. 「第䞉者の芁求」 ずは、゚ンドナヌザヌによるサヌビスの䜿甚に関連する蚘録に察する、第䞉者からの芁求を意味 したす。第䞉者の芁求には、合法的な捜査什状、裁刀所呜什、召喚状、その他の有効な法的呜什、たたぱンドナヌザヌからの開瀺同意曞 などがありたす。
    25. 「URLの条項」 ずは、利甚芏玄、サヌビス利甚芏玄、プラむバシヌポリシヌ、著䜜暩ポリシヌを意味したす。

Dialpad via Reseller Agreement

This Dialpad via Reseller Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between Dialpad, Inc., a Delaware, United States corporation, Dialpad Japan, Inc., a Tokyo, Japan corporation (together, "Dialpad") and the entity agreeing to these terms ("Customer"). This Agreement is effective as of the date Customer clicks the "I Accept" button below (the "Effective Date"). If you are accepting on behalf of Customer, you represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to bind your employer, or the applicable entity, to these terms and conditions; (ii) you have read and understand this Agreement; and (iii) you agree, on behalf of the party that you represent, to this Agreement. If you do not have the legal authority to bind Customer, please do not click the "I Accept" button below. This Agreement governs Customer's access to and use of the Service.

  1. Services.
    1. Facilities and Data Transfer. All facilities used to store and process Customer Data will adhere to reasonable security standards no less protective than the security standards at facilities where Dialpad stores and processes its own information of a similar type. Dialpad has implemented at least industry standard systems and procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality of Customer Data, protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of Customer Data, and protect against unauthorized access to or use of Customer Data. As part of providing the Services, Dialpad may transfer, store and process Customer Data in the United States or any other country in which Dialpad or its agents maintain facilities. By using the Services, Customer consents to this transfer, processing and storage of Customer Data.
    2. Modifications.
      1. To the Services. Dialpad may make commercially reasonable changes to the Services, from time to time. If Dialpad makes a material change to the Services, Dialpad will inform Customer via such method as Dialpad may elect provided that Customer has subscribed with Dialpad to be informed about such changes.
      2. To URL Terms. Dialpad may make commercially reasonable changes to the URL Terms from time to time. If Dialpad makes a material change to the URL Terms, Dialpad will inform Customer by placing a notice on the Dialpad website, by sending Customer an email, and/or by some other means. If t he change has a material adverse impact on Customer and Customer does not agree to the change, Customer may reject them; unfortunately, that means Customer may no longer be able to use the Services. Use the Services in any way after a change to the Terms is in effect qualifies as agreement to all of the changes.
      3. Customer Domain Name Ownership. Prior to providing the Services, Dialpad or Reseller may verify that Customer owns or controls the Customer Domain Names. If Customer does not own, or control, the Customer Domain Names, then Dialpad will have no obligation to provide Customer with the Services.
  2. Customer Obligations.
    1. Compliance. Customer will use the Services in accordance with the Terms of Use and Terms of Service Policies. Dialpad may make new applications, features or functionality for the Services available from time to time, the use of which may be contingent upon Customer’s agreement to additional terms.
    2. Customer Administration of the Services. Customer may specify one or more Administrators who will have the rights to access Admin Account(s) and to administer the End User Accounts. Customer and Reseller are responsible for: (a) maintaining the confidentiality of the password and Admin Account(s); (b) designating those individuals who are authorized to access the Admin Account(s); and (c) ensuring that all activities that occur in connection with the Admin Account(s) comply with the Agreement. Customer agrees that Dialpad's responsibilities do not extend to the internal management or administration of the Services for Customer and that Dialpad is merely a data-processor.
    3. End User Consent. Customer's Administrators may have the ability to access, monitor, use, or disclose data available to End Users within the End User Accounts. Customer will obtain and maintain all required consents from End Users to allow: (i) Customer's access, monitoring, use and disclosure of this data and Dialpad providing Customer with the ability to do so, and (ii) Dialpad to provide the Services.
    4. Unauthorized Use. Customer will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized use of the Services, and to terminate any unauthorized use. Customer or Reseller will promptly notify Dialpad of any unauthorized use of, or access to, the Services of which it becomes aware.
    5. Restrictions on Use. Unless Dialpad specifically agrees in writing, Customer will not, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to make sure a third party does not: (a) sell, resell, lease, or the functional equivalent, the Services to a third party(unless expressly authorized in this Agreement); (b) attempt to reverse engineer the Services or any component; (c) attempt to create a substitute or similar service through use of, or access to, the Services; (d) use the Services for High Risk Activities; or (e) use the Services to store or transfer any Customer Data that is controlled for export under Export Control Laws. Customer is solely responsible for any applicable compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) or other such relevant law.
    6. Third Party Requests. Customer is responsible for responding to Third Party Requests. Dialpad will, to the extent allowed by law and by the terms of the Third Party Request: (a) promptly notify Customer of its receipt of a Third Party Request unless prohibited by law; (b) comply with Customer’s reasonable requests regarding its efforts to oppose a Third Party Request; and (c) provide Customer with the information or tools required for Customer to respond to the Third Party Request. Customer will first seek to obtain the information required to respond to the Third Party Request on its own, and will contact Dialpad only if it cannot reasonably obtain such information.
  3. Requesting of End User Accounts; Service Term. Requesting of End User Accounts, as well as initial and renewal terms for the Services, are to be decided upon between Customer and Reseller.
  4. Payment. Customer will pay Reseller for the Services. As a result, all payment terms are to be decided upon between Customer and Reseller.
  5. Technical Support Services.
    1. By Customer. Customer or Reseller will, at its own expense, respond to questions and complaints from End Users or third parties relating to Customer's or End Users' use of the Services. Customer or Reseller will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve support issues before escalating them to Dialpad.
    2. By Dialpad. If Customer or Reseller cannot resolve a support issue consistent with the above, then Customer or Reseller (as may be applicable based on the agreement between Dialpad and Reseller) may escalate the issue to Dialpad. Dialpad will provide commercially reasonable efforts to resolve such support issues.
  6. Suspension.
    1. Of End User Accounts by Dialpad. If Dialpad becomes aware of an End User's violation of the Agreement, then Dialpad may specifically request that Customer Suspend the applicable End User Account. If Customer fails to comply with Dialpad's request to Suspend an End User Account, then Dialpad may do so. The duration of any Suspension by Dialpad will be until the applicable End User has cured the breach which caused the Suspension.
    2. Emergency Security Issues. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is an Emergency Security Issue, then Dialpad may automatically Suspend the offending use. Suspension will be to the minimum extent and of the minimum duration required to prevent or terminate the Emergency Security Issue. If Dialpad suspends an End User Account for any reason without prior notice to Customer, at Customer's request, Dialpad will provide Customer the reason for the Suspension as soon as is reasonably possible.
  7. Confidential Information.
    1. Obligations. Each party will: (a) protect the other party's Confidential Information with the same standard of care it uses to protect its own Confidential Information; and (b) not disclose the Confidential Information, except to Affiliates, employees and agents who need to know it and who have agreed in writing to keep it confidential. Each party (and any Affiliates, employees and agents to whom it has disclosed Confidential Information) may use Confidential Information only to exercise rights and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, while using reasonable care to protect it. Each party is responsible for any actions of its Affiliates, employees and agents in violation of this Section.
    2. Exceptions. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) the recipient of the Confidential Information already knew; (b) becomes public through no fault of the recipient; (c) was independently developed by the recipient; or (d) was rightfully given to the recipient by another party.
    3. Required Disclosure. Each party may disclose the other party's Confidential Information when required by law, if legally permissible, but only after it: (a) uses commercially reasonable efforts to notify the other party; and (b) gives the other party the chance to challenge the disclosure.
  8. Intellectual Property Rights; Brand Features.
    1. Intellectual Property Rights. Except as expressly set forth herein, this Agreement does not grant either party any rights, implied or otherwise, to the other's content or any of the other's intellectual property. As between the parties, Customer owns all Intellectual Property Rights in Customer Data, and Dialpad owns all Intellectual Property Rights in the Services..
    2. Display of Brand Features. Dialpad may display only those Customer Brand Features authorized by Customer (such authorization is provided by Customer uploading its Brand Features into the Services), and only within designated areas of the Service Pages. Dialpad may also display Dialpad Brand Features on the Service Pages to indicate that the Services are provided by Dialpad. Neither party may display or use the other party's Brand Features beyond what is allowed in this Agreement without the other party's prior written consent.
    3. Brand Features Limitation. Any use of a party's Brand Features will inure to the benefit of the party holding Intellectual Property Rights in those Brand Features. A party may revoke the other party's right to use its Brand Features pursuant to this Agreement with written notice to the other and a reasonable period to stop the use.
  9. Publicity. Customer agrees that Dialpad may include Customer’s name or Brand Features in a list of Dialpad customers, online or in promotional materials. Customer also agrees that Dialpad may verbally reference Customer as a customer of the Dialpad products or services that are the subject of this Agreement. This section is subject to Section H.c.
  10. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimers.
    1. Representations and Warranties. Each party represents that it has full power and authority to enter into the Agreement. Each party warrants that it will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to its provision, or use, of the Services, as applicable (including applicable security breach notification law).
  11. Term and Termination.
    1. Term. The term for the Services will be as decided upon between Reseller and Customer. This Agreement will remain in effect for the Term.
    2. Termination for Breach. Either party may suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if: (i) the other party is in material breach of the Agreement and fails to cure that breach within thirty days after receipt of written notice; (ii) the other party ceases its business operations or becomes subject to insolvency proceedings and the proceedings are not dismissed within ninety days; or (iii) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement more than two times notwithstanding any cure of such breaches.
    3. Effects of Termination. If this Agreement terminates, then: (i) the rights granted by one party to the other will cease immediately (except as set forth in this Section); (ii) Dialpad will provide Customer or Reseller access to, and the ability to export, the Customer Data for a commercially reasonable period of time at Dialpad's then-current rates for the applicable Services; (iii) after a commercially reasonable period of time, Dialpad will delete Customer Data; and (iv) upon request each party will promptly use commercially reasonable efforts to return or destroy all other Confidential Information of the other party.
  12. Indemnification.
    1. By Customer. The term for the Services will be as decided upon between Reseller and Customer. This Agreement will remain in effect for the Term.
    2. By Dialpad. Either party may suspend performance or terminate this Agreement if: (i) the other party is in material breach of the Agreement and fails to cure that breach within thirty days after receipt of written notice; (ii) the other party ceases its business operations or becomes subject to insolvency proceedings and the proceedings are not dismissed within ninety days; or (iii) the other party is in material breach of this Agreement more than two times notwithstanding any cure of such breaches.
    3. Possible Infringement.
      1. Repair, Replace, or Modify. If Dialpad reasonably believes the Services infringe a third party's Intellectual Property Rights, then Dialpad will: (a) obtain the right for Customer, at Dialpad's expense, to continue using the Services; (b) provide a non-infringing functionally equivalent replacement; or (c) modify the Services so that they no longer infringe.
      2. Suspension or Termination. If Dialpad does not believe the foregoing options are commercially reasonable, then Dialpad may suspend or terminate Customer's use of the impacted Services. If Dialpad terminates the impacted Services, then Dialpad will notify Customer or Reseller, or both.
    4. General. The party seeking indemnification will promptly notify the other party of the claim and cooperate with the other party in defending the claim. The indemnifying party has full control and authority over the defense, except that: (a) any settlement requiring the party seeking indemnification to admit liability or to pay any money will require that party's prior written consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed; and (b) the other party may join in the defense with its own counsel at its own expense. THE INDEMNITIES ABOVE ARE A PARTY'S ONLY REMEDY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR VIOLATION BY THE OTHER PARTY OF A THIRD PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.
  13. Limitation of Liability.
    3. Exceptions to Limitations. These limitations of liability apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law but do not apply to breaches of confidentiality obligations, violations of a party's Intellectual Property Rights by the other party, or indemnification obligations.
  14. Miscellaneous.
    1. Notices. Unless specified otherwise herein, (a) all notices must be in writing and addressed to the attention of the other party's legal department and primary point of contact and (b)notice will be deemed given: (i) when verified by written receipt if sent by personal courier, overnight courier, or when received if sent by mail without verification of receipt; or (ii) when verified by automated receipt or electronic logs if sent by facsimile or email.
    2. Assignment. Neither party may assign or transfer any part of this Agreement without the written consent of the other party, except to an Affiliate, but only if: (a) the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement; and (b) the assigning party remains liable for obligations incurred under the Agreement prior to the assignment. Any other attempt to transfer or assign is void.
    3. Change of Control. Upon a change of control (for example, through a stock purchase or sale, merger, or other form of corporate transaction): (a) the party experiencing the change of control will provide written notice to the other party within thirty days after the change of control; and (b) the other party may immediately terminate this Agreement any time between the change of control and thirty days after it receives the written notice in subsection (a).
    4. Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labor condition, governmental action, and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party's reasonable control.
    5. No Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver.
    6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, the balance of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
    7. No Agency. The parties are independent contractors, and this Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.
    8. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
    9. Equitable Relief. Nothing in this Agreement will limit either party's ability to seek equitable relief.
    11. Amendments. Any amendment must be in writing and expressly state that it is amending this Agreement.
    12. Survival. The following sections will survive expiration or termination of this Agreement: Section G, H.a, L.c., M, N, and O.
    13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, and all documents referenced herein, is the parties' entire agreement relating to its subject and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements on that subject. The terms located at a URL and referenced in this Agreement are hereby incorporated by this reference.
    14. Interpretation of Conflicting Terms. If there is a conflict between the documents that make up this Agreement, the documents will control in the following order: the Agreement, and the terms located at any URL.
    15. Counterparts. The parties may enter into this Agreement in counterparts, including facsimile, PDF or other electronic copies, which taken together will constitute one instrument.
  15. Definitions.
    1. "Admin Account" means the password protected administrative account(s) provided to Customer by Dialpad, or by Reseller, for the purpose of administering the Services.
    2. "Administrators" mean the Customer-designated technical personnel who administer the Services to End Users on Customer's behalf.
    3. "Affiliate" any entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party.
    4. "Brand Features" means the trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features of each party, respectively, as secured by such party from time to time.
    5. "Confidential Information" means information disclosed by a party to the other party under this Agreement that is marked as confidential or would normally be considered confidential under the circumstances. Customer Data is Customer's Confidential Information.
    6. "Customer Data" means data, including messaging and recordings, provided, generated, transmitted or displayed via the Services by Customer, or Reseller on behalf of Customer.
    7. "Customer Domain Names" mean the domain names owned or controlled by Customer, which will be used in connection with the Services.
    8. "Emergency Security Issue" means either: (a) an End User's use of the Services in violation of the Terms of Use or Terms of Service Policies, which could disrupt: (i) the Services; (ii) other End Users' use of the Services; or (iii) the Dialpad network or servers used to provide the Services; or (b) unauthorized third party access to the Services.
    9. "End Users" means the persons that Customer permits to use the Services.
    10. "End User Account" means a Dialpad-hosted account established by Customer through the Services for an End User.
    11. "Export Control Laws" means all applicable export and reexport control laws and regulations, including the Export Administration Regulations ("EAR") maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce, trade and economic sanctions maintained by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR") maintained by the Department of State.
    12. "Help Center" means the Dialpad help center accessible at http://help.dialpad.com/hc/en-us or other such URL as Dialpad may provide.
    13. "High Risk Activities" means uses such as the operation of nuclear facilities, air traffic control, or life support systems, where the failure of the Services could lead to death, personal injury, or environmental damage.
    14. "HIPAA" means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as may be amended from time to time, and any regulations issued thereunder.
    15. "Intellectual Property Rights" means current and future worldwide rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, moral rights law, and other similar rights.
    16. "Notification Email Address" means the email address designated by Customer to receive email notifications from Dialpad. Customer may provide a Reseller email address for this purpose if it so chooses. Customer may change this email address through its account settings.
    17. "Reseller" means the reseller Customer is paying to provide access to and use of the Services.
    18. "Service Pages" mean the web pages displaying the Services to End Users.
    19. "Services" means the Dialpad Services provided by Dialpad and used by Customer under this Agreement.
    20. "Suspend" means the immediate disabling of access to the Services, or components of the Services, as applicable, to prevent further use of the Services.
    21. "Term" means the term of the Agreement, which will begin on the Effective Date and continue for as long as Customer is receiving Services from Dialpad, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the Agreement, or pursuant to Customer's agreement with Reseller.
    22. "Terms of Service" means the terms of service policy for the Services available at dialpad.com/jp/legal or such other URL as Dialpad may provide.
    23. "Terms of Use" means the terms of use policy for the Services available at dialpad.com/jp/legal or such other URL as Dialpad may provide.
    24. "Third Party Request" means a request from a third party for records relating to an End User's use of the Services. Third Party Requests can be a lawful search warrant, court order, subpoena, other valid legal order, or written consent from the End User permitting the disclosure.
    25. "URL Terms" means the Terms of Use, Terms of Service, Privacy and Copyright policies.