Ai Sales

Close deals
faster with Ai-
enabled sales

Keep your outbound teams a step ahead with tools like sentiment analysis, live Ai coaching, and real-time assists.

Loved by the world’s most innovative brands

Guide sellers
right when they need it

Ai-enabled sellers

Our Ai assistant connects sellers to the right information in real time, and delivers objection handling, live recommendations, scripts, and more.

Advanced Ai coaching

Keep your sellers on the right track with QA scorecards, sentiment analysis, and in-call modes like listen-in, barge-in, and takeover.

Native CRM integrations

No more app switching needed. We’ll autolog calls, transcripts, and notes in your CRM so your team doesn’t have to.

Set up remote sales
teams in minutes


Empower your sales
team with Ai at every step

Screenshot of Dialpad’s real time assist card feature popping up helpful notes for an agent or rep when a tricky question comes up on a call

Ai-powered sales coaching

Improve sales IQ and drive more revenue with live agent assists, automatic call summaries, coaching playlists, and more.

Real-time transcriptions

Native Ai captures your full conversation transcript. Plus, it tracks action items, keywords, and sentiment, all in a summary sent right to your inbox.

All-in-one workspace

Seamlessly transition between prospect conversations, team calls, meetings, and messaging—all in one intuitive app.


Build high-impact sales
teams around the world

Screenshot of Dialpad's support analytics dashboard

Live Ai coaching

Support sellers during and after calls with advanced features like QA scorecards, sentiment analysis, and Ai transcriptions with custom moments.

Advanced analytics

Get deeper insights into sales performance with call volume tracking, leaderboards, and robust custom reporting.

Sales readiness

Set your teams up for success from the start with sales playbooks, smart responses, and built-in objection handling.


Works with all your go-to apps

Build out your Dialpad workspace with out-of-the-box integrations.

icon-80/integration/servicenowCreated with Sketch.
Logo of polly

And so much more

Built-in Ai

Transcribe calls with Speech Recognition, then analyze it all with Natural Language Processing.

Sales playlist

Create a library of successful calls to help uplevel the entire team.

Objection handling

Use Ai Agent Assist or Real Time Assist cards to populate the right response based on recognized keywords.

Coaching groups

As a manager, check sentiment during live calls, jump in and assist reps, save at-risk deals, and pinpoint growth opportunities.

Smart responses

Give your team the tools to answer tough questions as they’re asked with automated support scripts.

Voicemail Drop

Save time by recording a single voicemail to easily drop when a prospect can’t get to the phone.

Build a connected
business with Dialpad

Ai Sales Dialpad call UI

Business Communications

Call, message, and meet with the team in one Ai-powered workspace.

Ai Sales Dialpad Meetings UI

Ai Contact Center

Upgrade your customer experience with Ai tools like live agent coaching and sentiment analysis.

Ai Sales guy talking on the phone

We've been able to ramp sellers much faster, and get them on prospect calls sooner.

CEO at MarketStar

Close deals faster,
with Dialpad Ai

And connect sales teams around the world—in one beautiful workspace.